SoldTekno No.413 VW Transptr Mobeltransport DanmarkTekno No.413 VW Transporter Van "Mobeltransport Danmark" - green, yellow lower body - generally Excellent unboxed although there are some paint chips.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transptr Type1 Danske FarveTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Danske Farve Lakfabrikker" - two tone green - Excellent Plus unboxed. Nice example.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transptr Type1 Sonderborg GarnTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Sonderborg Garn" - powder blue, VW cast wheel hubs - Excellent unboxed (some decal loss).See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transptr Type1 Steinway FlyglerTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Steinway Flygler" - dark blue, white lower body - Good to Good Plus unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transptr Type1 Berkingske TidendTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Berkingske Tidende" - green, deep cream lower body - Good unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van (1st type) "Pfaff"Tekno - No.413 VW Van (1st type) - "Pfaff" - orangey red, grey, spun hubs - Near Mint in Good correct issue all carded picture box.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van "Bosch"Tekno No.413 VW Van (1st type) "Bosch" - yellow, red, cast hubs - Excellent (although does have chips around front bumper edges) in Good carded box.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Tekno"Tekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Tekno" - deep cream, dark orange lower body - Excellent unboxed (some decal loss).See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van "ADI SKO"Tekno No.413 VW Van "ADI SKO" - dark blue lower panels with light blue roof and front, logos to both sides, roof, front and back - overall condition Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van "LVZ"Tekno No.413 VW Van "LVZ" - blue body, decals to both sides and front - Good to Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Philips"Tekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Philips" - dark blue, ivory upper body, tinplate hubs with VW emblem - Excellent Plus (some tarnishing to wheel hubs) - nice example.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Thule BussenTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Thule Bussen" - deep cream, maroon lower body - generally Good Plus but much decal loss.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 VanTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Skandinavisk Motor Co" - RAF blue - Fair - decals are Good in Good Plus incorrect box for No.416 Pick-up version of this model.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van "Phillips"Tekno No.413 VW Van "Phillips" - light grey upper body, dark blue lower body, split screen, "Phillips" to sides and "Philishave" to rear, chrome smooth hubs - Near Mint in Good Plus box, very scarce mSee Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Fona RadioTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Fona Radio" - dark blue, red lower body - Excellent Plus unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van "PFAFF"Tekno No.413 VW Van "PFAFF" - light grey lower body, red upper body, split screen, "PFAFF" to sides and back and "PFAFF" sewing machine logo to roof - Excellent Plus in Fair No.416 Vacuum Oil CompanySee Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Van "Adi"Tekno No.413 VW Transporter Van "Adi" - duck egg blue, dark blue lower body - Excellent Plus unboxed. Nice example.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Pfaff"Tekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Pfaff" - burnt orange, pale grey lower body - Good unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Evers MaltTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Evers Malt" - white, maroon lower body - Good Plus unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 VanTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Steinway Flygler" - dark blue, white lower body - Good to Good Plus unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Philips"Tekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Philips" - ivory, dark blue lower body, tinplate VW wheel hubs - Near Mint in Good correct issue all card box.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type1 Den Robe LoberTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Den Robe Lober" - ivory, maroon lower body - Excellent to Excellent Plus unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Van "Hafnia Skinker"Tekno No.413 VW Van "Hafnia Skinker" type 1 with split screen - white upper body, dark blue lower body - Good to Good Plus.See Sold Price
SoldTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 VanTekno No.413 VW Transporter Type 1 Van "Johnnie Walker Scotch Whisky " & "Otard Cognac" - RAF blue - Good unboxed.See Sold Price
Tippco, VW Bus Werbemodell Berliner LandeszeitungAntico Mondo Auktionen4.6(361)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024