Lucien Henri Weil " WEILUC" Le Frou Frou French Vintage Poster, Wall Art 1990sMarnie Collection Auction4.5(70)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Antique Sterling Art Nouveau Embossed Match SafeThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Art Nouveau Patinated Metal Ashtray Match DisplayAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Art Nouveau silver cigarette case, early 20th centuryTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #21.1.25". Three less than .25" scratches at center that are visible only in reflected light otherwise extremely clean. Exc. displaying Mint. Ron Koot Collection.See Sold Price
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #21.TAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #21. 1.25". 1908. Tiny 1/8" separation along collet at 8 o'clock that occurred during manufacturing. Otherwise only minor surface wear. Exc. displaying MintSee Sold Price
TAFT & SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #21.1.25" w/Bastian Bros. back paper. Light wear in reflected light. Exc. displaying Mint. Attractive metallic gold accents and uncommon.See Sold Price
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU EAGLE JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #29.TAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU EAGLE JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #29. 1.25". 1908. Five faint vertical hairline scratches seen in reflected light. Otherwise only light surface wear. Exc. displaying Mint. Ron Koot CoSee Sold Price
SoldLOVELY TAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU EAGLE JUGATE BUTTON HAK1.25" w/Bastian Bros. back paper. A less than .25" hairline scratch affecting Sherman portrait visible in reflected light. Exc. displaying Mint. A really beautiful design that stands out even among thSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF TAFT/SHERMAN ART NOUVEAU STYLE JUGATE BUTTONS.Each is 1.25 without back paper. Red rim is Hake #19. Tiny dent on collet. Cello has all over but light surface wear in reflected light. Still displays cleanly and without stain. Blue rim is Hake #21.See Sold Price
BRYAN & KERN RARE ART NOUVEAU JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #96.1.25" w/"W. F. Miller New York" back paper. The 1908 Democratic candidates are featured in diamond frames on this elegant and rarely offered design from the height of the golden age of cello buttons.See Sold Price
SoldSTRIKING BRYAN/KERN ART NOUVEAU JUGATE BUTTON HAKE UNLIMate to Taft in item #207. 1.25" with Bastian paper. Very high gloss and super clean. Only the most trivial surface wear in reflected light. NM displaying Mint.See Sold Price
SoldBRYAN/KERN ART NOUVEAU STYLED JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #105.1.25". 1908. A tiny 'z' shaped hairline scratch on Kern portrait seen only in reflected light otherwise almost no surface wear. NM displaying Mint. A very attractive and scarce button.See Sold Price
SoldBRYAN/KERN ART NOUVEAU EAGLE JUGATE BUTTON UNLISTED INBRYAN/KERN ART NOUVEAU EAGLE JUGATE BUTTON UNLISTED IN HAKE. 1.25" w/Bastian Bros. back paper. A choice specimen w/only traces of wear under magnification. NM. Ron Koot Collection.See Sold Price
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN ORNATE SEPIA TONED REAL PHOTO JUGATETAFT/SHERMAN ORNATE SEPIA TONED REAL PHOTO JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #27. 1.25" w/concave metal back and horizontal bar pin. A tiny streak of air under the cello just right of Taft, otherwise a clean and gloSee Sold Price
SoldREMARKABLE 1912 DEBS/SEIDEL LOCKET MOTIF JUGATE BUTTON 1.25". Beautiful art nouveau design w/heart shaped frames housing diminutive portraits of the candidates. Minor surface wear seen only in reflected light. NM displaying Mint. This design was utilizedSee Sold Price
SoldEXCEPTIONAL TAFT & SHERMAN STATUE OF LIBERTY JUGATEEXCEPTIONAL TAFT & SHERMAN STATUE OF LIBERTY JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #1. 1.75". Light wear only visible in reflected light. Perfect centering and strong color. NM displaying Mint. A highly coveted Taft jugSee Sold Price
SoldORNATE TAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #3.ORNATE TAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #3. 1.75". 1908. Missing back paper but known to be produced by Bastian Bros. Design features an American shield w/torch at top center flanked by two images of LSee Sold Price
SoldSTRIKING 1908 TAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #12.1.25" w/"Quimby" back paper. Outstanding design w/bold profusion of colors. Perfect centering and almost no surface wear. NM displaying Mint. Scarce especially in this high grade. See lot #127 for BrySee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL TAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #26.1.25". This design was also used during the 1928 and 1932 campaigns. Five tiny vertical hairline scratches in cello at even intervals between 7 and 9 o'clock that are not visible when viewed from fronSee Sold Price
SoldROOSEVELT/FAIRBANKS JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #21.1.25" w/graphic of eagle at top and American shield between portraits of the 1904 Republican candidates. Trivial surface wear in reflected light. NM displaying Mint. Fred Noye Collection.See Sold Price
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #45 AND SINGLE PICTURE 7/8" each w/union back stamp. c. 1912. Jugate is essentially Mint as made. This example of Hake #112 has the eagle border upside down. Light surface wear in reflected light. NM displaying Mint.See Sold Price
SoldATTRACTIVE TAFT/SHERMAN 1908 JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #25.1.25" w/"Copyright Moffet Studio, Chicago" on curl. Oval portraits w/offices above and names below. At top center is an eagle and shield and the background has a stars and stripes design. NM displayinSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE TAFT/SHERMAN 1908 JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #3121.LARGE TAFT/SHERMAN 1908 JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #3121. 1.75". Design features interlocking oval portraits. Moderate surface wear in reflected light. Exc. displaying Mint. See matching Bryan item #188. RonSee Sold Price
SoldTAFT ART NOUVEAU TRUMPETER PORTRAIT BUTTON HAKE #49.1.75". 1908. The striking design, a classic of the golden-age of cello., evokes the iconic art of Maxfield Parrish. Scattered throughout are very faint light brown dots of toning. Fine. Structurally sSee Sold Price
SoldGORGEOUS TAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON UNLISTED IN HAKE.GORGEOUS TAFT/SHERMAN JUGATE BUTTON UNLISTED IN HAKE. 1.75". 1908. American shield at top w/filigree encompassing candidate's portraits and a fasces at center. Moderate surface wear visible in reflectSee Sold Price
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN LOCKET MOTIF JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #33.1.25". A classic design w/candidates portraits framed in balanced hearts and used in both 1908 and 1912. Trio of tiny 1/16" scratches along the extreme edge at 11 o'clock. NM. Scarce. Ron Koot CollectSee Sold Price
SoldTAFT/SHERMAN GOLDEN SHIELD JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #19.TAFT/SHERMAN GOLDEN SHIELD JUGATE BUTTON HAKE #19. 1.25" w/Bastian Bros. back paper. About 1/8" off center to the right and showing moderate surface wear in reflected light. Exc. Ron Koot Collection.See Sold Price
An art nouveau Bohemian Royal Dux figural porcelain jardiniereOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
WMF Silver Plate Art Nouveau Woman Holding Glass Dish Over Her Head Circa 1900Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Italian Art Nouveau Credenza, early 20th c., H.- 39 in., W.- 97 1/4 in., D.- 21 1/2 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Three silver buttons with Art Nouveau floral detail, hallmarked Birmingham 1904, maker Adie LovekinClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Dore Bronze and Alabaster Art Nouveau Period Lamps PairMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
French Art Nouveau Carved Burled Walnut Buffet a Deux Corps, early 20th c., H.- 82 1/2 in., W.- 59Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
AN ART NOUVEAU WMF PEWTER BOTTLE HOLDER. 21 cm x 18 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Robert Pringle & Sons, Chester (1903) Set of 3 Sterling Silver Art Nouveau ButtonsGaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Levi & Salaman, Birmingham (1900) Set of 3 Sterling Silver Art Nouveau Button'sGaia Auctions4.4(65)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
AN AUSTRIAN ART NOUVEAU GILT BRONZE AND GLASS TABLE LAMP, CIRCA 1900Los Angeles Antiques 4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024