Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
SoldStone Age Scraper and Blade GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millenium BC. Group comprising: three knapped scrapers with convex working edges, formed on flakes; a slightly asymmetric arrowhead of triangular form; two awl implements tapering tSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Scraper and Blade GroupNeolithic Period, 7000-2000 BP. Group comprising: knapped flint scrapers with convex working edges (5) and blades (2) formed on flakes; with grey-white to white patination. 63 grams total, 22-44mm (1See Sold Price
Stone Age Neolithic Scraper and Blade GroupNeolithic, 5th-2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of stone implements comprising: three leaf-shaped arrowheads; six narrow knife blades or scrapers; a small blade with well-worked serrated edge; thirty-See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Scraper and Bronze Axe Blade Group3000-500 BC. A mixed group of artefacts comprising: two Neolithic knapped flint scrapers; a fragment of Bronze Age axe blade with curved cutting edge. 75 grams total, 42-62mm (1 3/4 - 2 1/2"). PropertSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Implement CollectionNeolithic Period, 6th-4th millennium B.C. and later. Mixed group including: small blade core, small scrapers (3) and two small implements; with two replica bifacially knapped lance points of AmericanSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age English Flint Implement GroupMesolithic to Neolithic, 12th-4th millennium BC. A mixed group of flint implements including: scrapers, blades, awls and small choppers; three awls marked 'Runkenborg 1971'. 690 grams total, 40-90mm (See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Historic British Flint Blade and ScraperMainly Mesolithic, 12,000-5,000 BC. A mixed group of knapped flint scrapers, burins and other tools, some with pencilled annotations or collector's stickers. 278 grams total, 24-62mm (1 - 2 1/2"). ProSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Aterian Tanged Implement GroupLater Palaeolithic, 50,000-10,000 years BP. A mixed group of four stone tanged implements, including a Magdalenian scraper blade from Laugerie Haute, Les Eyzies, Dordogne, France. 37 grams total, 36-4See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Saharan Flint Implement and Blade GroupNeolithic, 5000-3000 BC. A mixed group of knapped blades comprising: one discoid scraper; two triangular projectile points; seven triangular-section blades. Ex Hiller collection, Essex, UK; acquired iSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Blade and Tool Group10th-2nd millennium BC. A mixed group of knapped flint blades, arrowheads and scrapers. 90 grams total, 13-66mm (1/2 - 2 3/4"). Property of an American collector; acquired 1980-2000. [55, No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldStone Age German Scraper and Tool GroupNeolithic, 4th-2nd millennium BC. A large group of mixed stone implements comprising blades, nodules and scrapers, two with collector's stickers describing findspots 'NE BRADERUP' and 'BAIERSDORF/ALTMSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Mesolithic Blade GroupMesolithic, 30000-15000 BP. A mixed group of knapped flint microliths, burins and scrapers. 338 grams, total, 52-75mm (2 - 3"). Dr Brian Poole Collection, Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK; found by the vendorSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Neolithic Sahara Arrowhead and Blade GroupCirca 5,000 to 3,000 BC. A mixed group of stone blades and arrowheads comprising: eight long lanceolate bifacial scrapers in reddish-grey fabric; nine lanceolate arrowheads in grey-cream fabric. StoneSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age English Flint Implement GroupNeolithic, 7,000-4,000 BC. A mixed group of fifteen flint implements from various sites including: scrapers, blades, awls and small choppers. 690 grams total, 40-90 mm (1 1/2-3 1/2"). Ex David WinterSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Implement GroupNeolithic, circa 4th millennium B.C. Composed of scrapers, blades and other implements. 542 grams total, 36-80 mm (1 3/8 - 3 1/8 in.). Acquired on the UK art market. Property of a Ruislip, UK, gentlemSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Group of Neolithic Flint ImplementsCirca 5,000-3,000 BC Group of knapped flint implements, including eight large convex-edged scrapers, five blade based scrapers or knives and one slender part polished axe (large fragment"). See Evans,See Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Flint Artefacts GroupNeolithic, 5,000-2,000 BC. A group of mixed small flint artefacts comprising: scrapers, awls, blades and flakes; some marked with findspot or collection reference information. Private collection, CambSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Neolithic Tool GroupNeolithic, 8th-4th millennium BC. A group of flint tools from a Neolithic site at Rudston, East Riding of Yorkshire including burins, end scrapers, side scrapers, various blades. 137 grams total, 34-4See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Flint Tool GroupMesolithic, 17,000-10,000 BP. A mixed group of knapped flint handtools, scrapers, microlith blades and a core from which microliths were taken, some inked with the findspot 'Vedbæk', 'Vellerup', 'StoSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Tool GroupNeolithic, 3500-2500 BC. A group of thirteen flint tools including a borer scrapers and blades. 227 grams total, 29-61mm (1 - 2 1/2"). Ex Arthur Halcrow Versage collection, Reigate, Surrey; found BurwSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Implement CollectionNeolithic Period, 8th-5th millennium B.C. Comprising a group of mixed stone implements, mostly in flint or chert and knapped, including blades, scrapers and points; some broken and probably from the SSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Implement GroupNeolithic, 6000-4000 BC. A group of twenty-four flint knapped and retouched flake implements, including scrapers and blades. 174 grams total, 20-57mm (3/4 - 2 1/4"). Found near Fakenham, Norfolk, UK.See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Implement CollectionNeolithic Period, 8th-5th millennium B.C. Comprising a group of mixed stone implements, mostly in flint or chert and knapped, including blades, scrapers and points; some broken and probably from the SSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Flint Implement CollectionNeolithic Period, 8th-5th millennium B.C. Comprising a group of mixed stone implements, mostly in flint or chert and knapped, including blades, scrapers and points; some broken and probably from the SSee Sold Price
Large Stone Age Twydall Knapped Flint Scraper ToolTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scrapers with Reproduction Axes and SpearheadsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scraper and Other Implement GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Large Stone Age Twydall Knapped Flint Scraper ToolTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scrapers with Reproduction Axes and SpearheadsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Large Stone Age Twydall Knapped Flint Scraper ToolTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Rare Russian Neolithic Stone Age Volosovo Flint ScraperArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024