Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished AxeNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A finely-knapped large flint handaxe of slightly asymmetric form with rounded butt and polished to a straight cutting edge; in a banded, light brown flint. From an olSee Sold Price
Stone Age Knapped and Polished AxeNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A finely-knapped large flint handaxe of slightly asymmetric form with rounded butt and polished to a straight cutting edge; in a banded, light brown flint. 463 grams,See Sold Price
Stone Age British Knapped and Polished AxeNeolithic, 3rd-2nd millennium BC. A knapped axe with rounded butt and polished to a slightly convex cutting edge; in grey/brown banded 'table' flint with typical green-tinged cortex showing both sidesSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Knapped and Polished AxeNeolithic, 3rd-2nd millennium BC. A knapped axe with rounded butt and polished to a slightly convex cutting edge; in grey/brown banded 'table' flint with typical green-tinged cortex showing both sidesSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Part Polished Knapped Flint AxeNeolithic Period, 4th-3rd millennium B.C. Wedge-shaped in plan with convex cutting edge and butt, ridge to one cheek; handwritten collector's identification notes to one face reading 'Bardouville SeinSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished Axehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-2nd millennium BC. A group of three large Scandinavian trapezoidal knapped and part polished axes with sheer sides, narrow butt and curved edge. 664 grams total, 10-11.5cm (4 - 4 1/2").See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished Axehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-2nd millennium BC. A group of three Scandinavian trapezoidal knapped and part polished axes. 425 grams total, 94-95mm (4"). Property of an English gentleman; formerly part of a collectiSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished Axehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-2nd millennium BC. A group of three Scandinavian trapezoidal knapped and part polished axes. 601 grams total, 10.7-11.5cm (4 - 4 1/2"). Property of an English gentleman; formerly part oSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished AxeheadNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. A very fine and large axe of slightly asymmetric form with tapered sides and butt, convex and polished cutting edge; in a variegated light grey/ochre flint, showing wSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished AxeheadNeolithic, 6000-4000 BC. A knapped flint axe of triangular section with slightly convex cutting edge tapering to a rounded butt; the cutting edge showing some polish. 340 grams, 14.5cm (5 3/4"). PropeSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Knapped and Polished AxeheadNeolithic, 6000-4000 BC. A knapped flint axe of triangular section with slightly convex cutting edge tapering to a pointed butt; the cutting edge showing some polish. 190 grams, 13cm (5"). Property ofSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Polished Flint AxeNeolithic, 6000-3000 BC. A knapped and polished axe in variegated brown flint with convex cutting edge, narrow rounded butt; inked collector's notation 'River Thames below Maidenhead Court, Berks, 197See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Scandinavian Axe Head and Chisel GroupNeolithic, 5th-3rd millennium BC. Group comprising: a knapped and polished axe with squared sides and butt, tapering to a convex cutting edge, in a pale, fine grained stone, with ochre patination; witSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Thick-Butted AxeNeoltihic, 7,000-4,000 BC. A substantial knapped and polished axe with characteristic squared sides in a pale grey chert. 438 grams, 15 cm (6"). See Glob, P. V., Danish Antiquities II - Late Stone AgeSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Flint Axe GroupNeolithic, 5000-2000 BC Two knapped and polished flint axes, rectangular in section, each with a flared cutting edge. 482 grams total, 11-14 cm (4 1/4 - 5 1/2"). Acquired on the London art market in tSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Hand AxeNordic Passage Grave Culture, Lower Neolithic, 5th-4th millennium BC. A substantial knapped and polished chert axe blade with rounded butt, curved edge; mounted on a custom-made stand. 972 grams totalSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Hand AxeNeolithic, 4th-3rd millennium BC. A knapped and polished stone axe blade with usage-polished edge and thickened butt. 230 grams, 17cm (6 3/4"). Property of a Derbyshire collector; formerly part of a pSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Flint Axe GroupNeolithic, 5000-2000 BC. Two knapped and polished flint axes, rectangular in section, one with a flared cutting edge. 392 grams total, 12-13 cm (5"). Acquired on the London art market in the 1980s. [2See Sold Price
SoldStone Age Danish Flint Axe GroupNeolithic, 5000-2000 BC. Two knapped and polished flint axes, rectangular in section, each with a flared cutting edge. 482 grams total, 11-14 cm (4 1/4 - 5 1/2"). Acquired on the London art market inSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Scandinavian Axehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-2nd millennium BC. Two trapezoidal knapped and part polished axes, the smaller with straight cutting edge and the larger with convex cutting edge; both in a banded brown flint; both shoSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Scandinavian Axehead GroupNeolithic, 5th-2nd millennium BC. A group of five trapezoidal knapped and part polished axes with sheer sides, narrow butt and curved edge. 756 grams total, 10-11cm (4 - 4 1/4"). Property of an EssexSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Polished Flint AxeNeolithic, 6000-3000 BC. A knapped and polished grey flint axe with narrow square butt and slightly convex cutting edge, minor loss to butt. 244 grams, 13cm (5"). Ex Sir Richard Ground (1949-2014) ColSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age British Polished AxeNeolithic, 6th-4th millennium BC. A knapped and polished grey flint axe with narrow square butt and slightly convex cutting edge. Cf. Evans, J. The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of GSee Sold Price
SoldStone Age Axe and Adze CollectionNeolithic, 6th-3rd millennium BC. A group comprising: a knapped axe with polished cutting edge in fine-grained stone; together with a small, finely knapped flint trimmer implement or adze with light pSee Sold Price
Stone Age 'Salisbury' Grey with Cortex Knapped Flint AxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Exceptionally Large Stone Age Knapped Flint AxeheadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age 'Cissbury Ring' Polished Speckled Stone AxeheadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scraper and Other Implement GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Stone Age Twydall Knapped Flint Proto-HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024