Group of Steiff Cats - Tabby, Lizzy, Susi and MoreAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of Monkeys including Schuco, Steiff and Steiff Collector BooksAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of Small Steiff Animals and Margarete Steiff Museum Collection BearAmanda Auction Gallery, LLC4.3(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
SoldSTEIFF dog Charly, with button, long stretched F, redSTEIFF dog Charly, with button, long stretched F, red cloth tag label, No. 13140, c. 1930, 14 cm, mohair at the ears and also at the tail is flamed, strong colouring, swivel head, very nice conditionSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF music-Charly, dog, 25 cm tall, 35 cm long,STEIFF music-Charly, dog, 25 cm tall, 35 cm long, button with long stretched f, red cloth tag label, No. 1325,03, chest label with red writing "Charly", original paper banderole with instrucSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF Charly, dog, c. 1930, with button, longSTEIFF Charly, dog, c. 1930, with button, long stretched F, swivel head, ears and tail with orange fiery mohair, long mohair, height: 10 cm, lenght: 19 cm, nice strong colors German Description STEIFFSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF, Charly, pre-war era, with button, long stretcheSTEIFF, Charly, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, long-haired mohair plush, light brown/white, standing, softly stuffed, "K" for Kapok filling, swSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF dog setter, with button, long stretched F,STEIFF dog setter, with button, long stretched F, probably prototype, sitting, with swivel head, seat height: 23 cm, gold red/white mohair, back of the head and snout partially with slightly mohairSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF Scotty, dog, pre-war era, with button, longSTEIFF Scotty, dog, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, with breast sign, produced between 1931-1933, height 18 cm, glass eyes, collar with bell, fuSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF dog, 24 cm, pre-war era, swivel head, withSTEIFF dog, 24 cm, pre-war era, swivel head, with button, long stretched F, rests of the red cloth tag label, slightly used German Description STEIFF Hund, 24 cm, Vorkrieg, Drehkopf, mit Knopf, langgeSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF Snip, dog, '30s, height: 18 cm, with chestSTEIFF Snip, dog, '30s, height: 18 cm, with chest label, pre-war button, long stretched f., rests of the red cloth tag label, swivel head, brown fiery mohair, very nice original condition German DescrSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF 3 dogs, Laika, 28 cm, with chest label, withoutSTEIFF 3 dogs, Laika, 28 cm, with chest label, without button, good, "Waldi", 36 cm, with chest label, chest label worn, red writing, with button, cloth tag label, long stretched F, number oSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF 2 pieces, 1 Charly, standing height: 18 cm,STEIFF 2 pieces, 1 Charly, standing height: 18 cm, lenght: 24 cm, used condition, 1 dog, height: 23 cm, lenght: 23 cm, with button, block letters, long stretched F, brown reddish mohair, partially sliSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF foxterrier, dog, with button, long stretched F,STEIFF foxterrier, dog, with button, long stretched F, standing, unusual size, full mohair, 32 cm tall, 39 cm long, good condition German Description STEIFF Fox Terrier, Hund, mit Knopf, lang gezogeneSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF dog, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F,STEIFF dog, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, mohair plush, partially a bit used, felt except of small places in good condition, height: 28 cm, embroidering is worn German Description STEIFFSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF dog, pre-war era, with button, long stretched f,STEIFF dog, pre-war era, with button, long stretched f, without chest label and cloth tag label, 23 cm, back with small places with mohair loss, otherwise good German Description STEIFF Wolfspitz, VorSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF dog Pip, mohair plush, with button, longSTEIFF dog Pip, mohair plush, with button, long stretched F, corn colored, standing, caricatured, head svivel, cross-eyed, 17 cm, c. 1930, good condition German Description STEIFF Hund Pip, Mohairpl&uSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF, dog King Charles, standing, with button, long sSTEIFF, dog King Charles, standing, with button, long stretched F, white/brown, mohair is a some places a little bit faded, mohair loss at snout, brown silk ribbon, 23 cm long, 16 cm tall, partially aSee Sold Price
STEIFF dog, pinscher, with button in ear, longSTEIFF dog, pinscher, with button in ear, long stretched F, c. 1925, 21 cm, the long mohair is strongly faded, worned places in face and body German Description STEIFF Hund, Pinscher, mit Knopf im OhrSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF bear, c. 1930, yellow with button, longSTEIFF bear, c. 1930, yellow with button, long stretched F, red cloth tag label, number is slightly worn, long snaped off arms with voice, felt paws in very good condition, at the back of the arSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF St. Bernard dog, with button in ear, longSTEIFF St. Bernard dog, with button in ear, long stretched " f ", on cast spoke wheels, original leather collar, 28 cm long, 24 cm tall, a bit covered in dust German Description STEIFSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF dog, Rattler, pre-war era, with button, longSTEIFF dog, Rattler, pre-war era, with button, long stretched " f ", head turning mechanism, sitting, 26 cm, covered in dust, used German Description STEIFF Hund, Rattler, Vorkrieg, mSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF music Charly, produced 1928-1931, intact, withSTEIFF music Charly, produced 1928-1931, intact, with button, long stretched F, standing height 21 cm, lenght: 24 cm, faded, the long mohair is except of minimally places in good condition German DescSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF Molly, produced between 1929-1935, with button,STEIFF Molly, produced between 1929-1935, with button, long stretched F, red cloth tag label, item number: 1328.2, on wooden wheels, 28 cm, long mohair, brown tipped, standing, button svivel, small moSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF Scotty, 1930 - 34, 8 cm, with button, longSTEIFF Scotty, 1930 - 34, 8 cm, with button, long stretched f, red flag, No. 1308,0, Scotty with chest label and bell at leather collar, grey/black mohair, perfect unused original condition German DesSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF pre-war era, Sealyham, dog, pink, with button,STEIFF pre-war era, Sealyham, dog, pink, with button, long stretched F, collar and bell, slightly used, rare sitting version German Description STEIFF Vorkrieg, Sealyham, Hund, rosa, mit Knopf, langgeSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF hand puppet, pre-war era, dog with button, longSTEIFF hand puppet, pre-war era, dog with button, long stretched F, mohair loss, used German Description STEIFF Handspielpuppe, Vorkrieg, Hund mit Knopf, langgezogenes f, Mohair-Verlust, bespieltSee Sold Price
SOLON FRANCIS MONTECELLO BADGER (Massachusetts, 1873-1919), Portrait of the schooner Fred A. Small.,Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Atchison, Topeka, And Santa Fe Railroad China Ancient Mimbreno Footed Salad BowlRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Hollywood Regency Mid Century Italy Terracotta DogHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Original Fred Harvey Navaho Rug With The Original TagRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot: Fishing Lures, Marttiini Fishing Knife.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
5PC Antique German Mohair Teddy Bear Rabbit GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Japanese Celadon Glazed Porcelain Vase with Dog by Heian YozanNeue Auctions4.6(356)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Jean Francois Raffaelli. "Paysage de l'Isle-de-France," oilAlex Cooper4.5(497)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHANEL France Tweed Spring 2006 Evening JacketThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024