SoldStatuette d’immortel debout en bambou sculpté Chine -Statuette d’immortel debout en bambou sculpté Chine - Vers 1900 Tenant une pêche de longévité dans sa main droite. (Incrustation de cabochon postérieure, petits manques au chapeau). H. : 35 cm.See Sold Price
SoldStatuette d’immortel CHINE - Début XXe siècleStatuette d’immortel CHINE - Début XXe siècle Représenté assis sur le dos d’un éléphant, bois incrusté de ¸ls d’argent. (Manques). H. 45 cm. A wood figure of an immortal, China, early 20See Sold Price
SoldStatuette d’immortelStatuette d’immortel Chine, e?poque de la Re?publique - Minguo (1912 - 1949) En porcelaine e?maille?e blanche, il est repre?sente? assis, tenant un bol e?maille? or. Marque Chen Guofu. H. 11 cm. A pSee Sold Price
SoldStatuette d’immortel debout Chine - Fin ÉStatuette d’immortel debout Chine - Fin Époque Ming (1368 - 1644) Ivoire à patine jaune, tenant dans sa main droite le pan de sa robe. (Accidents, gerces, chapeau en os rapportéSee Sold Price
SoldBronze Art Deco Female in Moon Sculpture StatuetteArt5 Deco, Art Nouveau, Sculpture, Art, Hand Formed, Crafts, Bronze Nude Female Sculpture, Bronze Art Deco Female Statuette. Possibly bronze metal statuette of nude female reclining inside of a cresceSee Sold Price
SoldCockatoo Statuette from GracelandFrom the Collection of Greg Page. This white cockatoo statuette was located in the dining room at Graceland. The statuette is accompanied by a letter of authenticity from Scott Velvet stating that theSee Sold Price
Signed LALIQUE Dove Pair StatuetteSigned LALIQUE , France Dove Statuette. Genuine Lalique Ariane Crystal Sculpture w Two Doves. Satin finish crystal sculpture with etched details. Signed on pedestal as LALIQUE France. Measures approxSee Sold Price
SoldMetal Rabbit Figural Garden StatuetteMetal Rabbit Figural with bluish green colored distressed look. Rabbit is posed in a sitting position and is looking up to the sky. Rabbit home decor. Tabletop accessories. Metal Animal Garden Decor.See Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Bronze Harpokrates StatuetteEgyptian Bronze Harpokrates StatuetteLate Period, after 600 B.C., seated nude figure of the youthful god wearing the Hem-Hem crown, his forefinger pointing towards his mouth, both feet resting on a moSee Sold Price
SoldGandhara Carved Stone Seated Buddha StatuetteDate: 200 - 400 AD Material: Scyst Stone Provenance: Obtained from an old British collection; Acquired at L.C.F. (London) Dimensions: 180x115mm: 782grams Gandhara Carved Stone Seated Buddha Statuette,See Sold Price
SoldSigned Bronze Sculpture of Boy on Rock StatuetteBronze Sculpture Statuette, boy with hammer and chisel with marble base. Marked on statue as Peralta, marked on back as 0044/2000. Measures approx 7 in tall by 4 in long by 3 in wide. VIntage SculpturSee Sold Price
SoldLALIQUE French Crystal Bird StatuetteLALIQUE French Art Glass Crystal Bird Statuette. Bird statue with upturned open beak pose, pedestal base. Signed on base, features clear and frosted parts, good condition minor surface wear. MeasuresSee Sold Price
BRONZE STATUETTE OF A HORSE, ROMAN ART, 2ND CENTURYBronze statuette representing a horse on its pedestal. His right front leg is raised in the piaffe position, its mane and tail are finely incised . The pedestal rests on four small legs, one of whichSee Sold Price
SoldDoulton Lambeth Rhinoceros Statuette 1891-1900Doulton Lambeth Rhinoceros statuette circa 1891-1900, Stoneware, height 6 1/4 inches x 9.5 inches longSee Sold Price
SoldBronze female figural statuette. Signed "Math.ThoreBronze female figural statuette. Signed "Math.Thoreau Horsconcours" w/Medaille Honneur seal, form of seated woman w/bird & harp, marble plinth signed "Fizel Aine Depose", 26.75"H.See Sold Price
SoldChinese Han Statuette of a NoblemanLate Han Dynasty, 206 BC-220 AD. A hollow-formed painted ceramic statuette of a nobleman standing wearing a robe, hands held together at chest, hair tied in bun; some surviving green and black pigmentSee Sold Price
SoldLalique "Reve" StatuetteLalique Crystal Statuette of a Nude entitled "Reve" and it's Original Lalique Paris Box style #11928 in excellent condition measuring 2.5"T.See Sold Price
SoldRene Lalique Opalescent "Suzanne" StatuetteOpalescent statuette by Rene Lalique of a nude with a sheer draped curtain behind her, arms outstretched. Strong blue/white opalescent glass. R. Lalique etched signature on rear of base. 9"H x 7 3/8"WSee Sold Price
SoldAn Egyptian Ibis StatuetteIbis-Darstellung Ägyptisch Mit Sockel / with base Bronze. H 7 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Madeleine und Jean-Jacques Keller (bis 1980 Abidjan, danach Rheinfelden). CHF 600 / 1 000 EUR 516 / 860See Sold Price
SoldSterling Silver Cartier Don Quixote Statuette 1980Sterling silver Cartier statuette of Don Quixote of La Mancha on a pedestal, Spain, 1980s collection; marked. Dimensions: 5"L x 2-1/2"WSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian Bastet Statuette19th century AD. A bronze Grand Tour statuette of a seated cat, tail curved around legs, detailing to the face; mounted on a custom-made base. 251 grams, 11cm (4 1/4"). Property of a London gentleman;See Sold Price
SoldSigned 24 K GP Carriage Statuette24 K Gold Plate Carriage Statuette. Tuk Tuk, Cart with Pulls, Asian Arts and Crafts, Orientalism, Orientalia, Asian Decor, Ornate two wheeled carriage figural with texture geometric and floral designSee Sold Price
SoldBronze And Marble Dog Statuette TrayThe dog Statuette is cast from bronze and fastened to a marble base. The piece measures approx 7.5 inches H, the base is approx 8.25 inches in diameter. The base is signed as having been made in FrancSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Silenus Statuette Casket FittingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Archaic Greek Terracotta Horse and Rider StatuetteTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Iron Age Celtic Bronze Deity Votive StatuetteTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
New Zealand - Maori wooden carved "Tiki" statuette.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
General Douglas MacArthur Bronze Statuette by Robert Dean on tall baseGCB Estate Sales4.5(86)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Chinese carved stone lion statuette, Ming dynasty or earlierOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
13 pcs Vintage Decorative Assortment. 5x De Simone Italian Pottery, 2 Bells & 3 Kings Statuettes.Crawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024