1952 MAY, J.F.K. HANDWRITTEN LETTER & ENVELOPEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
WARNER BECKMAN'S TIGER MAPLE CELLO / SEABROOK NHJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Victor Skrebneski Lingerie Fashion PhotographsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(210)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
[DOUGLASS, Frederick (1818-1895)]. ROBERTS, J.B., photographer. CDV of Frederick Douglass.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1952 J.F.K. for SENATE TEAS & RECEPTION MATERIALJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HUGH D. AUCHINCLOSS' 70th BIRTHDAY with FAMILYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
CAROLINE KENNEDY at BAILEYS BEACH, NEWPORT, RIJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
WILLIAM LINSMAN PHOTO SIGNED by JACKIE KENNEDYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SPACE: Small selection of autographs comprising YSPACE: Small selection of autographs comprising Yuri Gagarin (signed colour postcard photograph, the signature faded and barely legible), Valentina Tereshkova (signed colour 10 x 8 photograph of the eSee Sold Price
SoldSPACE: Small selection of signed and unsigned First DaySPACE: Small selection of signed and unsigned First Day Covers and other commemorative items relating to various missions including Apollo-Soyuz, comprising a set of six unsigned covers issued to commSee Sold Price
SPACE SHUTTLE: Small selection of signed First DaySPACE SHUTTLE: Small selection of signed First Day Covers by various American astronauts, all associated with the Space Shuttle and various missions, comprising Fred Haise (2), Richard Truly (2), GordSee Sold Price
SoldASTRONAUTS: Small selection of multiple signed colourASTRONAUTS: Small selection of multiple signed colour 10 x 8 photographs and slightly smaller (1) by the crews of various space shuttle missions comprising Orbiter 51-A (Dale Gardner, David Walker, AnSee Sold Price
SoldACADEMY AWARD WINNERS: Small selection of autographs byACADEMY AWARD WINNERS: Small selection of autographs by various Oscar winning actresses comprising Claudette Colbert (signed 8 x 10 photograph), Bette Davis (signed Playbill theatre programme for MissSee Sold Price
SoldMcANDREW NELL: (1973- ) English Glamour Model. AMcANDREW NELL: (1973- ) English Glamour Model. A small selection of autographs and memorabilia relating to McAndrew, comprising a black sheer Versace sleeveless top apparently previously belonging toSee Sold Price
SoldMcANDREW NELL: (1973- ) English Glamour Model. AMcANDREW NELL: (1973- ) English Glamour Model. A small selection of autographs and memorabilia relating to McAndrew, comprising a black sheer Versace sleeveless top apparently previously belonging toSee Sold Price
SoldCARPENTER SCOTT: (1925-2013) American Astronaut, one ofCARPENTER SCOTT: (1925-2013) American Astronaut, one of the original NASA Mercury Seven. Carpenter was the second American to orbit the earth and the fourth American in space. Small selection of threeSee Sold Price
SoldCARPENTER SCOTT: (1925-2013) American Astronaut, one ofCARPENTER SCOTT: (1925-2013) American Astronaut, one of the original NASA Mercury Seven. Carpenter was the second American to orbit the earth and the fourth American in space. Small selection of threeSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD WAR II: Small selection of autographs and prWORLD WAR II: Small selection of autographs and printed ephemera by various military and political leaders associated with World War II comprising B. L. Montgomery (fountain pen ink signature, MontgomSee Sold Price
FILM DIRECTORS: Small selection of individual inkFILM DIRECTORS: Small selection of individual ink signatures and inscriptions by various Film Directors, each on small printed restaurant slips or pages removed from an autograph album, comprising SamSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE III: (1738-1820) King of the United KingdomGEORGE III: (1738-1820) King of the United Kingdom 1760-1820. A small selection of autograph lists in the hand of the King, being programmes for musical events. Comprising one 12mo and two smaller insSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPHS: Small miscellaneous selection of signed 8 xAUTOGRAPHS: Small miscellaneous selection of signed 8 x 10 photographs and slightly larger (1) by various famous individuals comprising Roger Daltrey (performing at Live Aid), Peter O’Toole (in costSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPHS: Small, miscellaneous selection of signAUTOGRAPHS: Small, miscellaneous selection of signed items by various famous individuals comprising Jerome K. Jerome (A.Q.S., 'That all the greatest fun in life is giving', on a page removed from an aSee Sold Price
SoldVIOLINISTS: Small selection of individually signed 12moVIOLINISTS: Small selection of individually signed 12mo cards and a page removed from an autograph album by various violinists comprising Jascha Heifetz (dated New York, 1924 in his hand), Fritz KreisSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD WAR I:WORLD WAR I: Small selection of signed oblong 4to autograph album pages by various French military leaders of World War One, comprising Philippe Pétain, Ferdinand Foch and Joseph Joffre. Each signeSee Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPHS: A small, miscellaneous selection of T.AUTOGRAPHS: A small, miscellaneous selection of T.Ls.S. etc., by a variety of famous individuals comprising Louis Mountbatten (T.L.S., in part, 'I am writing to say how very much I enjoyed the Tattoo.See Sold Price
SoldAUTOGRAPHS: A small, miscellaneous selection of sAUTOGRAPHS: A small, miscellaneous selection of signed colour 8 x 10 photographs, signed cards (2) etc., by various famous men and women comprising golfer Abe Mitchell, astronauts Ron Evans, Charlie DSee Sold Price
AUTOGRAPHS: A small, miscellaneous selection of signedAUTOGRAPHS: A small, miscellaneous selection of signed items comprising Hattie Jacques (bold dark ink signature on an album page, matted in black and white beneath a photograph and framed and glazed),See Sold Price
SoldWORLD LEADERS: Small selection of four vintage signedWORLD LEADERS: Small selection of four vintage signed sepia postcard photographs by various political leaders comprising Wilfrid Laurier (1841-1919, Canadian Prime Minister 1896-1911), Leander Starr JSee Sold Price
SoldBULLFIGHTING: Small selection of vintage signed anBULLFIGHTING: Small selection of vintage signed and inscribed 6.5 x 9 photographs and smaller by various famous bullfighters comprising Luis Miguel Dominguin (1926-1996, the brother-in-law of AntonioSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN PRESIDENTS: Small selection of signed piecesAMERICAN PRESIDENTS: Small selection of signed pieces and cards by various American Presidents comprising Herbert Hoover, Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge (signed White House card accompanied by anSee Sold Price
SoldBRITISH POLITICS: Small selection of signed postcard phBRITISH POLITICS: Small selection of signed postcard photographs and slightly larger, A.L.S. (1), T.L.S. (1) by various British Prime Ministers and politicians comprising Margaret Thatcher (a good sigSee Sold Price
SoldARTISTS: Small selection of A.Ls.S. and T.Ls.S. byARTISTS: Small selection of A.Ls.S. and T.Ls.S. by various artists, painters, architects etc., comprising Waldo Peirce (referring to a copy of Unser Kent), Moses Soyer, James Johnston Sweeney (T.L.S.See Sold Price
LINDBERG CHARLES W. (1920-2007)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024