Southern star quilt, North Carolinaearly 20th century. L77 W69 1/2" bearing label from North Carolina Quilt Project, 1985-86 at the North Carolina Museum of History."See Sold Price
Southern lily quilt, North Carolinaearly 20th century. L76 1/4 W80 1/2" bearing label from North Carolina Quilt Project 1985-86 at the North Carolina Museum of History."See Sold Price
SoldSouthern Applique Quilt, ca. 1900,Southern Applique Quilt, ca. 1900, North Carolina, nine panel with diamond border hand stitched cream field with dark burgundy, green and orange floral design. 77" x 77"See Sold Price
SoldNORTH CAROLINA "LEMOYNE STAR" PIECED QUILTNORTH CAROLINA "LEMOYNE STAR" PIECED QUILT, green, brown, cheddar, and white, blocks with cheddar square on point in center surrounded by brown triangles and white squares and triangles, four blocks aSee Sold Price
SoldNORTH CAROLINA PIECED "EIGHT POINTED STAR" QUILTNORTH CAROLINA PIECED "EIGHT POINTED STAR" QUILT, gray, orange, and white, cotton, with a total of nine single eight-pointed star blocks of alternating gray and orange diamonds, separated by sashing,See Sold Price
SoldGroup of 4 Southern quiltsGroup of four quilts, likely Southern. 1st item: North Carolina Lily pattern quilt, green, red and pink on white background, 76" x 93". 2nd item: Pieced and embroidered quilt with trapunto stitching fSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Southern Pieced & Applique QuiltsLot of 3 Southern applique quilts. 1ST ITEM: Pieced and appliqued quilt, North Carolina Lily pattern variant with green, red and yellow flowers on red background with green binding. Flowers are piecedSee Sold Price
Southern Applique Quilt, 19th c.Pieced and appliqued quilt, North Carolina Lily pattern variant with green, red and yellow flowers on red background with green binding. Flowers are pieced and stems appliqued. Overall good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldCONFEDERATE BUTTON NC UCV VA GA SOUTHERN CROSSCollection of Civil War Confederate buttons and UCV items consisting of one small letters in star North Carolina button, no shank, one piece, other wise very good dug condition 22mm , large letters NoSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Southern Star Quilt19th century, probably Midlands of South Carolina. with floral border encompassing nine brilliant orange, red and green stars at center. W79” H83” Note: Discovered in Columbia South Carolina by thSee Sold Price
SoldNorth Carolina Star of Bethlehem quilt, app. 75" X 91".North Carolina Star of Bethlehem quilt, app. 75" X 91". C. 1880-90.See Sold Price
SoldPieced star pattern quilt,hand stitched, 30 blocks with printed fabrics, pale blue sashing, American, 80 x 66 in. Slight fading. Provenance: Bob Timberlake Collection. North Carolina Quilt Project label No. DJ13.See Sold Price
SoldSouthern Dresden Plate Quilt, early 20th c.,Southern Dresden Plate Quilt, early 20th c., with linen label "1985 / 1986 North Carolina Quilt Project North Carolina Museum of History # EF23", hand stitched, predominately red and green colors. 96"See Sold Price
Southern Victorian Applique Quiltlast quarter of 19th century, Piedmont, North Carolina. made at The Oaks Plantation, Anson County North Carolina. L95 1/4" W88 1/4" Note: This piece is being sold directly from the family. Some scatteSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Attributed Pieced Cotton QuiltAmerican, possibly Southern, early 20th, center with 20 pieced squares with printed patterned border, modern metal frame, overall 45 x 52 in. - Provenance: Private Collection, Tryon, North CarolinaSee Sold Price
SoldPiedmont North Carolina Signed and Dated Quilt,Piedmont North Carolina Signed and Dated Quilt w/Two Matching Pillows; multi-colored pastel pierced quilt w/central star of Bethlehem on cream field, encased in star points repeating color pattern ofSee Sold Price
SoldSOUTHERN FURNITURE AND DECORATIVE ARTS REFERENCESOUTHERN FURNITURE AND DECORATIVE ARTS REFERENCE VOLUMES, LOT OF TEN, including Burton, "Charleston Furniture, 1700-1825"; Winters (ed.), "North Carolina Furniture, 170-1900"; Locklair, "Quilts, CoverSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Applique QuiltAntique Applique Quiltearly 20th century, white field with dark blue star pattern, light blue border. 70 x 70 in. Collection of a Gentleman, Raleigh, North Carolina Additional high-resolution photos aSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Pie Safea fantastic large southern pie safe. Tulip Poplar and Yellow Pine with squar nail construction. Outstanding pin wheel star and heart tins. Small taperd legs all original Found in North Carolina. L 49.See Sold Price
SoldVintage Applique Quilt TopperVintage Applique Quilt Topperearly 20th century, vibrant orange and maroon star pattern topper. 74 x 93 in. Collection of a Gentleman, Raleigh, North Carolina Additional high-resolution photos are avaSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Eagle Inlaid Walnut Corner Cupboardprobably Piedmont, North Carolina, 19th century, inlaid with bellflower, star, and eagle decoration, original feet and scrolled pediment, yellow pine secondary, 87 x 37 x 17-1/2 in., Provenance: BrunkSee Sold Price
[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Letter from a southern slave trader describing the transportation ofFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Irvin Morris (NC, 1904-1985), Published Clothespin SnipeLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Lambert Alexandre Leonard (French, 1821-1877), Bronze Group of Fox with PreyLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
after Émile Louis Truffot (1843-1896), Fox with PheasantLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Bernard de Claviere (French, 1934-2016), Racehorse Portrait StudyLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Set of Eight Victorian Silver-Plated Hunt Themed Napkin RingsLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Mary O'Malley (American, 20th Century), To God be the Glory Resting After the HuntLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024