SoldSigned Pink Flopyd Dark Sode of The MoonSigned by Roger Waters, David Gilmore, Nick Mason, and Richard WrightSee Sold Price
SoldVintage Kern's Bread Thermometer & B-1 Sode SignThermometer is working with minor wear, 16 x 6 B-1 Lemon-Lime Soda bottle sign, embossed, minor rust, 28 x 7.25See Sold Price
SoldA RARE JAPANESE SODE GARAMI POLEARMEdo Period, the barbed iron head finely handwrought, the haft set with iron spikes and a robust guard. The original hardwood cut in half. Late 18th-early 19th century. Well worn. Original overall lengSee Sold Price
SoldSodeSamurai Sode iron shoulder armor for Dou. Size: 7 5/8” wide - 10” in length - 5 plate solid construction with older ita (ito) silk lace in good condition. Old horn tassets to attach to dou in placSee Sold Price
Rare Japanese Edo Period Sode Sleeve TanglerRare Japanese sode sleeve tangler from the Edo period (1700s) was used by high ranking Samuri in battle. The sode is made up of small metal scales on a single plate. The top is a piece of metal with bSee Sold Price
JAPANESE SAMURAI ARMOR FIVE PLATE IRON SODEFive iron plated with rolled edge brow lacquer surface and yellow lacing. Lacquer about 50% intact, two plates damaged, lace very good.See Sold Price
JAPANESE SAMURAI ARMOR SIX PLATE SODEVery similar of six iron plates with applied composition corrugations. The upper plate with broad flared edge. The bottom plate with fine silk cabled and knotted decoration. Blackened doe skin lacingSee Sold Price
Keika Hasegawa Nishiki no Sode, 'A Brocaded Sleeve'Artist: Keika Hasegawa (Active 1892-1905) Title: Nishiki no Sode, 'A Brocaded Sleeve' Series: Album Series: 'A Hundred Chrysanthemums' Publisher: Japan Date: 1893 Medium: Woodblock Print Size/Format:See Sold Price
JAPANESE SAMURAI ARMOR RIGHT SODEBlack lacquered iron plates (minor damage only), the top with broad flare and the second finely ribbed. Original canvas liner intact with the remaining three plates missing.See Sold Price
JAPANESE SAMURAI ARMOR EARLY EXAMPLE SODEUpper three plates only. The top edge with copper encasement and fabric applied to the underside. Iron plated with gold border black lacquer. About 50% lacquer remaining and the lace about half brokenSee Sold Price
A sodeDating: 19th Century Provenence: Japan In ferro a lacca bruna, allacciate KON-ITO SUGAKE ODOSHI. Condition Report: mediocreSee Sold Price
SoldEin Paar Ko Sode,Japan, Ende Edo-Periode. Siebenfach geschobene, eiserne Sode mit Goldlack und Kibiki-Bindung. Bindung teils defekt, Geschübe lose, Lackschäden mit größeren Fehlstellen. Breite je 18 cm.See Sold Price
Sold(2) Vintage sode spritzers(2) Vintage soda spritzers. "La Piedad 322, Soda Buenos Aires Ano 1906" and "Sparkeeta Club Soda". Approx. 11" and 11 3/4" tall.See Sold Price
Edmund Sode, Kreuzschnabel, 1919Auf einem Baumstumpf an einem Tannenzapfen pickend; Achtecksockel. H. 19,5 cm. Ausführung: Schwarzburger Werkstätten, Unterweißbach. Weißer Porzellanscherben, glasiert; Unterglasurbemalung in OckeSee Sold Price
A Pair of Iron Sode Shoulder Armour Pads and a ShinLot 187 A Pair of Iron Sode Shoulder Armour Pads and a Shin Gunki Tsuka, Edo Period and Later 日本 江戶時期或更晚 武士服護See Sold Price
SoldEisvogel, Entw. Edumund Sode, RudolstadtEntwurf für Schwarzburger Werkstätten, Neuausformung Aelteste Volkstedter Porzellanmanufaktur Rudolstadt. Unter der Glasur naturalistisch staffiert. Auf rechteckigem Sockel mit abgeschrägten EckenSee Sold Price
SoldCandle Holders Blue Spode The Judaica CollectionSize: 8" X 3 3/4" The Judaica collection by SodeSee Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE EDO PERIOD SAMURAI YOROI ARMOR SUITJAPANESE EDO PERIOD SAMURAI YOROI ARMOR SUIT Japanese Samurai's complete suit of armor. Late Edo - Meiji period. Includes : Zunari Kabuto with 3-piece shikoro laced with blue hemp lacing. Sode shouldeSee Sold Price
SoldA SUIT OF JAPANESE SAMURAI ARMOREdo era, comprising a ten-plate steel kabuto helmet and three-pate shikoro in dark brown lacquer. The do is steel, the sode combined of mail and plates, the kusazuri likewise of steel. The haidate areSee Sold Price
SoldEDO PERIOD SAMURAI ARMOREDO PERIOD SAMURAI ARMOR Samurai body armor from the Edo period (1603-1868), consisting of the front and rear upper body armor ("Do") and the shoulder plates ""Sode"). The armor has been identified toSee Sold Price
SoldA SUIT OF JAPANSE SAMURAI ARMOREdo era, comprising a six-plate steel kabuto helmet and shikoro in dark brown lacquer. The do is steel, the sode combined of mail and plates, the kusazuri likewise of steel. The haidate are composed oSee Sold Price
SoldA PART SUIT OF JAPANSE SAMURAI ARMOREdo era, comprising a do of steel plates lacquered black. The sode, composed of mail and plates and lacquered black, the kusazuri lacquered with gilt samurai mon. On stand as shown. C. 1700. Losses anSee Sold Price
SoldA samurai armourdating: 20th Century provenance: Japan, Leather kabuto lacquered in red, complete with maedate and light blue lacing. Do decorated en suite, red lacquered leather as well. Complete with metallic sodeSee Sold Price