Skelton (R.) Pithy, pleasaunt and profitable workeSkelton (R.) Pithy, pleasaunt and profitable workesfrontispiece(added), with the final leaf of ads., a slightly soiled copy, half calf, worn, covers off, 1736 Malory (T.)The birth, life andSee Sold Price
SoldSkelton (John) Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes ofNO RESERVE Skelton (John) Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate to King Henry the VIIIth, with initial blank and final advertisement ff., woodcut initials, head- andSee Sold Price
SoldSKELTON, JOHN. Pithy pleasaunt and profitableSKELTON, JOHN. Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton, Poete Laureate. [74] (of [192]) leaves only. Black letter. Small 8vo, 130x88 mm, disbound; margins trimmed affecting some headlSee Sold Price
SoldSkelton, John (1460?-1529) Pithy Pleasaunt and ProSkelton, John (1460?-1529) Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate. Nowe Collected and Newly Published. London: Thomas Marshe, [1568]. Octavo, 342 of 384 leaves, lackiSee Sold Price
SoldSkelton, John (1460?-1529), Pithy Pleasaunt and PrSkelton, John (1460?-1529), Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes..., London, 1736, calf, with heavy ink marginalia, slipcased, 8vo, (bumped, hinge wear, endpapers with browning, pencil notations to eSee Sold Price
SoldSkelton, John (1460?-1529), Pithy Pleasaunt and PrSkelton, John (1460?-1529), Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes of Maister Skelton. Poete Laureate to King Henry the VIIIth, London: Printed for C. Davis, 1736, old tooled calf, with portrait frontiSee Sold Price
SoldSkelton, John (1460-1529), Two copies; Pithy PleasSkelton, John (1460-1529), Two copies; Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate to King Henry the VIIIth, London: printed for C. Davis, 1736, later dice morocco with giSee Sold Price
SoldSkelton, R. A128. Skelton, R. A.James Cook Surveyor of Newfoundland...Illustrated. 2 volumes, including facsimile charts. 4to, wrappers or loose as issued in wrappers (back wrapper margin frayed), cloth clamshellSee Sold Price
SoldMore (T.) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt WorkeGill (Eric).- More (Sir Thomas, Saint) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Newe Yle called Utopia,one of 100 copies, printed in red & black, initiSee Sold Price
SoldMore (T.) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke...More (Sir Thomas, Saint) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Newe Yle called Utopia,one of 100 copies, printed in red & black, initials designed bSee Sold Price
Skelton, R. A. Decorative Printed Maps of the 15tSkelton, R. A. Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries. Spring Books. London. 1965. 4to, hard cover with dust jacket, viii, 80 pp. with 84 plates, many in color. Some wear to the dust jaSee Sold Price
Skelton, R. A. et al. The Vinland Map and the TarSkelton, R. A. et al. The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. New Haven, Conn. 1965. large 4to, hard cover with dust jacket, xii, 291 pp. with many illustrations. News paper clipping about the authenSee Sold Price
SoldJames Cook, Surveyor of Newfoundland 1965 1/365Heading: (Cook, James) Author: Skelton, R.A., intro. Title: James Cook, Surveyor of Newfoundland: Being a Collection of Charts of the Coasts of Newfoundland and Labradore, &c. Drawn from Original SurvSee Sold Price
SoldSKELTON. James Cook, Surveyor of Newfoundland9. [BIBLIOGRAPHY & SUPPORTING MATERIAL]. SKELTON, R[aleigh] A[shlin] (editor). James Cook, Surveyor of Newfoundland: Being a Collection of Charts of the Coast of Newfoundland and Labradore, &See Sold Price
Sold4 vols. Cartography: Skelton R.A: Decorative Pri4 vols. Cartography: Skelton R.A: Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries. London: Spring Books, (1966) 4to, orig. cloth; light wear, d/j (some creasing & repairs). Color & b/w plates.See Sold Price
SoldAshendene Press.- More (Sir Thomas) A Fruteful andAshendene Press.- More (Sir Thomas, Saint) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Newe Yle called Utopia, one of 100 copies on handmade Batchelor paper, prinSee Sold Price
SoldMore.Utopia,1/100,Ashendene Pr,1906More (Sir Thomas, Saint) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Newe Yle called Utopia,one of 100 copies, printed in red and black, initials designedSee Sold Price
SoldKhandalavala.Miniatures..Coll..C.JehangirKhandalavala (Karl) and M.Chandra.. Miniatures and Sculptures from the Collection of the late Sir Cowasji Jehangir,Bombay, 1965 § Skelton (R.) and others, editors. Facets of Indian Art, 1986 §See Sold Price
SoldSKELTON. James Cook, Surveyor of Newfoundland73. SKELTON, R[aleigh] A[shlin] (editor). James Cook, Surveyor of Newfoundland: Being a Collection of Charts of the Coast of Newfoundland and Labradore, & Drawn from Original Surveys Taken by JameSee Sold Price
SoldMore.Utopia,1/100,Ashendene,b'ing,1906More (Sir Thomas, Saint) A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Newe Yle called Utopia,one of 100 copies on handmade Batchelor paper, printed in redSee Sold Price
SoldCarter.Printing &Mind of Man,2 ed.,1983 +Carter (John) and Percy H. Muir. Printing and the Mind of Man,second edition, 1983 § Skelton (R.A.) Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th 'Centuries, 1952 § Wood (Casey A.) An IntroductiSee Sold Price
BARBARIAN PRESS. Group of four titles.BARBARIAN PRESS. Group of four titles.1) SKELTON, R. (translator). Rufinus: The Complete Poems. 8vo, 1997. Sewn on vellum slips woven through watercolor-washed and block-printed paper. ContainSee Sold Price
SoldHazlitt (W.Carew) Hand-BookHazlitt (W.Carew) Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, small library stamp on title and another p., some ff. detached, later cloth, 1867 ? Skelton (R.ASee Sold Price
SoldRICHARD "RED" SKELTON (American, 1913-1997) ColorRICHARD "RED" SKELTON (American, 1913-1997) Color lithograph on canvas. "The Philosopher", depicting Skelton as a clown. 14 in. by 18 in. In limited edition. Signed Red Skelton r.c. In gilt wood and wSee Sold Price
Pare (Ambroise) The Workes...Translated out of Latine and compared with the French by Th. Johnson,Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
DANISH WORK Pair of armchairs inspired by the mod. 133 by Finn JuhlCapitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
ARCHIZOOM ASSOCIATI One module of the sofa Safari for Poltronova, Florence.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
PAOLA NAVONE Pair of FOR540 storage units for Studio Alchimia, Italy.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
ANGELO MANGIAROTTI Centerpiece tray for Cleto Munari, Italy.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
MELCHIORRE BEGA attributed. Two gueridon coffee tables.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
VICO MAGISTRETTI Pair of Carimate armchairs for Cassina, Meda.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
OSVALDO BORSANI Height-adjustable swivel telescopic coat hanger mod. AT16 for Tecno, Varedo.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
ALBANO POLI Pair of ceiling lamps for Poliarte, Verona.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
AFRA (1937-2011) & TOBIA (n. 1935) SCARPA Abatina table lamp for Flos, Milan.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
GIO PONTI attributed. Floor lamp Luigi Zortea manufacturing, Bassano del Grappa.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
VITTORIO INTROINI Two modules of the Pellicano bookcase for Saporiti, Italy.Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
LIVIO CASTIGLIONI (1911-1979) & GIANFRANCO FRATTINI (1926-2004) Boalum table lamp for Artemide,Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024