M. Crocker Folk Art Stoneware JugSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
PR SILVER MOUNTED CHINESE PORCELAIN MILK JUGSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rookwood Cook Art Pottery PitcherSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Early M.G, Mansfield Wines and Liquors Stoneware Jug, Louisville KY 9.5"T x 5.5"DiaSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Pitcher Cut Crystal glass with Silver Plated TopBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 Pichet Tetes 1953 PitcherHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ROYAL WORCESTER Thirteen piecesROYAL WORCESTER Thirteen pieces includes six Toby jugs, figurals, candle snuffers and a lizard-decorated jar. Largest: 4 1/2''See Sold Price
SoldSix Glazed Porcelain Toby JugsIncluding, American, English and Japanese example. Wear, cracks, and chips. From: 4"h to 5-1/2"hSee Sold Price
SoldSIX ROYAL DOULTON TOBY JUGS & ONE FIGURINEFour large Toby jugs- Old Charley, Toby Philpots, Dick Whittington, Sairey Camp. Two small Toby jugs- Rat Boy and Sam Weller. Royal Doulton figurine is Forty Winks HN 1974.See Sold Price
SoldSix (6) Miniature Toby Jugs Character Jugs 3 ArtoSix (6) Miniature Toby Jugs Character Jugs 3 Artone, 2 Sylvac, and 1 Pascoe. The Sylvac Ones are Titled Welch Lady and Anne Hathaway. Size Varies The Tallest 3 Inches Tall The Smallest 1-1/2 Inches. OSee Sold Price
SoldSix (6) Assorted Toby Jugs Various Makers. ConditSix (6) Assorted Toby Jugs Various Makers. Condition Varies, Overall in Very Good Condition all with Flaws. (please examine this lot carefully before bidding) The Stein and the Handled Mug are in verySee Sold Price
Sold6 PCS, ROYAL DOULTON, SANTA CLAUS TOBY JUGS, CHRISRoyal Doulton (British, founded 1815). Collection of six Christmas toby character jugs depicting Santa Claus. All marked appropriately and titled underneath. Approx. h. 7" (tallest).See Sold Price
SoldSix Large Royal Doulton Toby JugsSix Royal Doulton Toby jugs ranging from 6.5" to 7.5"H, Appy, Mr. Pickwick D6959, Dick Whittington D6846, King Charles I D6917, Captain Henry Morgan D6467, Captain Hook D6947See Sold Price
Sold6 PCS, ROYAL DOULTON, WINSTON CHURCHILL & OTHERSRoyal Doulton (British, founded 1815). Collection of six ceramic toby character jugs comprising three different size seated "Winston Churchill", "Winston Churchill (bust)", "Viscount Montgomery of AlaSee Sold Price
Lot of 6 Small Vintage Toby JugsLot of Six Small Vintage Toby Jugs. Largest is 5" H x 3" W. Smallest is 1" W x 2 3/4" H.See Sold Price
SoldStaffordshire Figures, Toby Jugs, Tulip VasesEarly English Staffordshire pottery figures and toby jug, six (6) pieces total, tallest figure 9 1/2" H; group of five (5) Toby jugs, 8" H; group of six Rockingham/Bennington Toby pitchers, largest 10See Sold Price
Early Staffordshire Figures and Toby JugEarly English Staffordshire pottery figures and toby jug, six (6) pieces total, tallest figure 9 1/2" H.See Sold Price
SoldSix Royal Doulton Large Toby JugsSix Large Royal Doulton Toby jugs ranging from 7" to 8.5"H, Sam Johnson, The Guardsman D6755, The Yeoman Of The Guard D6884, Izaak Walton D6404, Mr. Quaker D6738, Simple Simon D6374See Sold Price
SoldSIX ROYAL DOULTON PORCELAIN TOBY JUGSLot of six Royal Doulton porcelain Toby jugs. Includes "Merlin" D6536, "Night Watchman" D6569, "Capt Henry Morgan" D6467, "George Armstrong Custer/Sitting Bull" D6712, "Jockey" D6625, and "Gunsmith" DSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Six (6) English Miniature Toby Jugs.Collection of Six (6) English Miniature Toby Jugs. Shipping $28.00See Sold Price
SoldSix Royal Doulton Large Toby JugsSix large Royal Doulton Toby jugs ranging from 6" to 6.5"H, Sam Johnson , Uncle Tom Cobbleigh D6337, Old Charles, Jarge, Farmer John, ArrietSee Sold Price
SoldSix Royal Doulton Large Toby JugsSix Royal Doulton large Toby jugs ranging from 5.5" to 6.75"H, Tony Weller, Vicar, Sam Weller, Parson, Toby Philpots, Old King ColeSee Sold Price
SoldSIX LARGE ROYAL DOULTON TOBY JUGSLot of six Royal Doulton toby mugs. 1) The Lord Mayor of London measures 7.5 inches tall. 2) Scaramouche measures 7 inches tall. 3) Old Charley measures 6 inches tall. 4) Sir Henry Doultonmeasures 7 iSee Sold Price
SoldSIX ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTER TOBY JUGS CHURCHILLSix Royal Doulton character toby jugs including: Churchill, The Highwayman, Captain Morgan, and Sam Johnson. Largest is 3 1/4" tall by 4 1/2" wide. Total weight: 2.0 lbs. Condition: good.See Sold Price
SoldSIX ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTER TOBY JUGS, consistingSIX ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTER TOBY JUGS, consisting of "North American Indian", "The Guardsman", "Mark Twain", "Mr. Pickwick", "Winston Churchill" and "Monty". Height 5.75 inches to 9 inches .See Sold Price
SoldSix Ceramic Toby and Figural Jugs, including a GerSix Ceramic Toby and Figural Jugs, including a German jug of an orange lady drinking tea, a marbleware jug, a Staffordshire jug, a Copeland seated Asian man, etc.See Sold Price
SoldSIX ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTER TOBY JUGS, consistingSIX ROYAL DOULTON CHARACTER TOBY JUGS, consisting of "Bacchus", "Pied Piper", "Long John Silver", "Granny", "Fallstaff" and "The Cardinal". Height 6.5 inches.See Sold Price
Sold7 Royal Doulton "Henry VII & His Six Wives" Charac7 Royal Doulton "Henry VII & His Six Wives" Character Mugs/Toby Jugs: Henry VII D. 6642, H.6-3/4"; Cathrine Howard, D. 6645, H.7"; Cathrine Parr, D. 6664, H.6-1/2"; Catherine of Aragon, D. 6643, H.7-1See Sold Price
Sold6 FRENCH AND AUSTRIAN TOBY JUGSSIX FRENCH AND AUSTRIAN TOBY JUGS, 19TH/20TH CENTURY. Comprising an Austrian woman with basket, a Majolica friar with pewter lid, a French Majolica face jug, a Majolica man with scroll behind back, aSee Sold Price
SoldSix ROYAL DOULTON Doultonville Collection Toby JugSix ROYAL DOULTON Doultonville Collection Toby Jugs: Includes Madame Crystal the Clairvoyant, Rev Cassock the Clergyman, Mr. Furrow the Farmer, Mr. Tonsil the Town Cryer, Alderman Mace the Mayor, Mr.See Sold Price
Doulton Lambeth Stoneware Toby JugBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Collection of Miniature Toby JugsBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Two Early Staffordshire Toby Jug PitchersBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Vintage Royal Doulton Figurine The Fakconer D6540 Toby Jug 1959 Limited EnglandJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Rare Pair of Antique Minton Majolica Toby JugWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024