Sold19th C. Russian Silver Purse19th Century Russian silver purse. Silver Mark 84. Width: 5 1/4 inches (13cm)See Sold Price
SoldA RUSSIAN NIELLO SILVER PURSE, MOSCOW, LATE 19THA RUSSIAN NIELLO SILVER PURSE, MOSCOW, LATE 19TH CENTURY rectangular, the hinged cover with view of the Moscow Kremlin, silk lining, 7cm wide, together with a niello silver snuff box, the hinged lid wSee Sold Price
Sold19th Century Russian Silver and Niello Coin Purse,marked, of rounded rectangular form, with central medallion engraved with monogram, with magenta silk lining, with small paper portrait of Nicholas II to interior, total weight 87gm, 7.5cm x 5cm ProveSee Sold Price
SoldA Russian Samodorok Silver Purse, Maker's Mark EK in aA Russian Samodorok Silver Purse Maker's Mark EK in a Triangle, Moscow, Late 19th/Early 20th Century the rectangular case with applied signature charms. marked with '84' standard on case exterior 13 oSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Gilt Silver Enamel Coin Purselate 19th/early 20th century, rectangular with blue, white, turquoise and red enamel scroll and flower enamel decoration, interior fabric dividers, partial mark "GK"?, .875 fine, no monogram, 4.61 oz.See Sold Price
SoldA Russian Silver-Gilt and Enamel Change PurseA Russian Silver-Gilt and Enamel Change Purse Mark of Gustav Klingert, Moscow, Late 19th Century marked with '84' standard on case exterior 4 ozt 8 dwt gross Width 3 1/2 inches. Property from the CollSee Sold Price
Sold13 Silver cases19th/20th century, includingÿone Russian, maker "M?", .875 fine; one Austrian with applied lion and red stones, .900 fine; six sterling including one purse with chain; two match cases; three cigarettSee Sold Price
SoldA Russian Silver-Gilt and Shaded Enamel Change PurseA Russian Silver-Gilt and Shaded Enamel Change Purse Mark of Pavel Ovchinnikov with an Imperial Warrant, Moscow, Late 19th/Early 20th Century one side of the case bearing an enamel monogram. marked wiSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Russian Silver Boxes19th century, one oval with scroll and foliate decoration, niello highlights, gilt interior, partial marks, .875 fine, 3-1/4 in.; one purse-form with spring latch, gilt interior, crosshatch niello desSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Gilt Silver Champleve EnamelPurse With Chain Moscow, late 19th century, rounded rectangular form with scroll and floral enamel top, blue and white bead border, double-loop chain, satin and leather interior, marked "AC", no monogSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF FOUR SILVER BEAKERS. Russian, 19th century.A GROUP OF FOUR SILVER BEAKERS. Russian, 19th century. Three decorated with houses and flowers and one in niello. 1.7” tall each.See Sold Price
SoldFINE PAIR OF SILVER CANDLESTICKS, RUSSIAN 19TH CENTURYProperty of Audrey Colflesh FINE PAIR OF SILVER CANDLESTICKS, RUSSIAN 19TH CENTURYEach on rounded base on three flower feet, Moscow marks 33.6cm., 13 1/4 in high Weighing approximately 1,321. gr, 42ozSee Sold Price
SoldFEINE IKONE MIT CHRISTUS PANTOKRATOR MIT SILBERRIZAA FINELY PAINTED ICON SHOWING CHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER BASMA Russian, 19th century (icon), Kalinin, Dmitry Serebrennikov, 1829 (basma) Tempera on wood panel. Portrayed half-length, blessing andSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Antique Silver Russian Crosses, 19th CLot of 3 Antique Silver Russian Crosses, 19th Century. Larger measures 1 5/5 inches. Please note that this lot has a confidential reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your mSee Sold Price
SoldGUSTAV KLINGERT & OTHER SILVER OF RUSSIAN INTERESTGUSTAV KLINGERT AND OTHER SILVER OF RUSSIAN INTEREST, 19th Century. Champleve enameled honeycomb pattern vesta case by G. Klingert, Moscow, ca. 1890; Niello snuff box depicts mounted soldiers and harbSee Sold Price
Virgin of Smolensk Silver Oklad Russian Icon, 19th CVirgin of Smolensk SIlver Oklad Russian Icon, 19th Century. 11.5in x 10in Please note that this lot has a confidential reserve. When you leave a bid in advance of the auction, submit your maximum. JasSee Sold Price
SoldA PAIR OF SILVER COVERED RUSSIAN ICONS, 19TH CENTA PAIR OF SILVER COVERED RUSSIAN ICONS, 19TH CENTURY. Comprising an icon of the O All-Hymned Mother of God (O VSEPYETAYA MATI), finely painted and overlaid with a repoussé and chased gilded silver oSee Sold Price
SoldST. NICHOLAS THE MIRACLE-WORKER WITH SILVER OKLADST. NICHOLAS THE MIRACLE-WORKER WITH SILVER OKLAD Russian, late 19th century (icon), Moscow, 1896-1908 (oklad) Oil on wood panel with velvet backing. Realistically painted. Overlaid with a silver parcSee Sold Price
SoldAN ICON SHOWING CHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER-GILTAN ICON SHOWING CHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER-GILT OKLAD Russian, 19th century (icon), Russian, Moscow, Pavel Nikitin, 1841 (oklad) Oil on wood panel. Overlaid with a finely chased and embossed silveSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Ajoure Silver Cigarette BoxRussian Ajoure Silver Cigarette Box Russian, 19th century. An ajouré silver cigarette box with wood interior, the silver overlay top depicting four putti in a landscape surrounded by decorative scrSee Sold Price
SoldGROSSFORMATIGE IKONE MIT DEM ENTSCHLAFEN DERA LARGE ICON SHOWING THE DORMITION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD WITH A SILVER OKLAD Russian, mid 19th century (icon), Russian, St. Petersburg, Petr Saveljev Petrov, 1870 (oklad) Tempera on wood panel. The halSee Sold Price
SoldCHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER OKLAD Russian, late 19thCHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER OKLAD Russian, late 19th century (icon), Moscow, 1853 (oklad) Oil on wood panel. Overlaid with a chased and embossed silver oklad. Marked with city hallmark, assayer's mSee Sold Price
SoldAN ICON SHOWING CHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER OKLADAN ICON SHOWING CHRIST PANTOKRATOR WITH SILVER OKLAD Russian, mid 19th century (icon), Russian, Moscow, 1862 (oklad) / 1892 (halo) Oil on wood panel with velvet backing. Overlaid with a finely engraveSee Sold Price
SoldAN ICON SHOWING THE TIKHVINSKAYA MOTHER OF GOD WITHAN ICON SHOWING THE TIKHVINSKAYA MOTHER OF GOD WITH SILVER-GILT OKLAD Russian, 19th century (icon), Russian, Moscow, 1792 (oklad) Tempera on wood panel with velvet backing. Overlaid with a chased andSee Sold Price
18th-19th Century Russian Silver Icon and PaintingNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ANTIQUE 19C RUSSIAN ENGRAVED SILVER TEA GLASS HOLDERAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19C PAIR OF LARGE RUSSIAN SILVER LIDDED CUPS 1856Antique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique 19th Century Russian 84 Silver IconWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
A SET OF SIX 19TH CENTURY RUSSIAN SILVER AND NIELLO SPOONSElstob Auctioneers4.3(56)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique 19th century Russian gilt silver clad wooden hand painted Orthodox Christian religious IconJoshua Kodner4.2(387)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024