SoldPlaited shield - D. R. Congo, Azanderattan, wood (frame and grip board), H: 114 cm, H: 44,9 inchLit.: Baur, Ivan & Jan Elsen, Guba, Brussels 2002, p. 160, ill. 159Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldPlaited shield - D. R. Congo, Azande, Bandarattan, wood (frame and grip board), H: 95 cm, H: 37,4 inchLit.: Baur, Ivan & Jan Elsen, Guba, Brussels 2002, p. 74Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Shield - D. R. Congo, Azandebasketry with wooden frame and grip board backside, light brown ground with patterns in dark brown, min. dam., missing parts, traces of usage and abrasion H: 94 cm, H: 37,0 inch Lit.: Barbier, Jean PaSee Sold Price
Shield - D. R. Congo, Azandebasketry with wooden frame and grip board backside, dark brown ground with patterns in light brown, min. dam., small missing parts, traces of usage and abrasion H: 86,5 cm, H: 34,1 inch Lit.: ZirngiblSee Sold Price
Shield - D. R. Congo, Azanderattan, wood, H: 96 cm, H: 37,8 inch Provenance: French Collection Lit.: Zirngibl, Manfred A. & Dieter Plaschke, Afrikanische Schilde, München 1992, p. 112 Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldAnthropomorphic figure "yanda" - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, slightly encrusted brown patina, rising from short legs, arms and facial features just indicated, min. dam., cracks, minor missing parts through insect caused damage, metal base H: 29,5 cm ContiSee Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, encrusted dark brown patina, short legs, cylindrical elongated torso with the arms worked close to the body, prominent navel, simplified facial features, dam., cracks (back), traces of abrasion,See Sold Price
Friction oracle "iwa" - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, dark brown patina, knob-shaped upper part, remains of an old collection label, min. dam., traces of abrasion; the upper part, which is said to be "male", is rubbed to and fro over the lower "femSee Sold Price
SoldStanding male figure - D. R. Congo, Azande, Chefferiewood, bicolored, A figure of the same artist, from the Barbier-Mueller collection shown at Schmalenbach (1988), p. 294, fig. 191. Comparable figures from the British Museum London (AHDRC 0033661 and 0See Sold Price
Sabre-knife - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, iron, the wooden handle partly covered with metal sheet, old collection number and label: "L. 1/27 Haumesser Kongo A. Krämer", min. dam., small missing part at the handle; it is overly long forSee Sold Price
Throwing knife - D. R. Congo, Azandemetal, partly open worked blade with four appendages and punched decorations, handle wrapped in reptile skin and copper wire, min. dam., slight traces of corrosion and abrasion; the throwing knives ofSee Sold Price
SoldBig trumpet, before 1920 - D. R. Congo, Azandeivory, rhomb-shaped mouthpiece, rep. (breakage lower rim), slight traces of usage; such trumpets are typical for the whole of northeastern Zaire. They were played in the court and represented royal poSee Sold Price
Trumpet - D. R. Congo, Azandeivory, honey brown patina, oval mouth piece, surmounted by a human head, min. dam., small missing parts, slight traces of abrasion L: 41 cm, L: 16,1 inch Provenance: Roswitha von Bergmann, Germany NeuSee Sold Price
Anthropomorphic figure "yanda" - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, base The best known sculpture of the Zande are the "yanda" cult figures of the "mani" secret society. These spirits protect against disease, infertility, and sorcery, as well as provide luck inSee Sold Price
SoldThree trumpets "mpungi" - D. R. Congo, Azandeivory, a) matt reddish brown patina, remains of a leather cuff at the rim of the bellmouth, rectangular hole for blowing the horn, valve opening on top, traces of old age and usage (abrasion), missingSee Sold Price
SoldSlit drum - D. R. Congo, Azandelight brown wood, white and black pigments, in form of a stylized quadruped, geometrical pattern in pokerwork, min. dam., cracks, small missing parts, traces of abrasion H: 15 cm; L: 47 cm, H: 5,9 incSee Sold Price
SoldTwo throwing clubs - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, middle brown patina, a) hook-shaped corpus, handle round in cross-section, metal ring, min. dam., fine crack; b) staff-like corpus, l: 84,5 cm; both with slight traces of usage Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Big trumpet - D. R. Congo, Azandeivory, oval mouth piece, min. dam., small missing parts (rim), fine cracks through age, slight traces of abrasion; such trumpets are typical for the whole of northeastern Zaire. They were played in thSee Sold Price
Bow harp "kundi" - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, brown patina, the corpus stretched with leather, two resonance holes, the top of the harp carved with a human head, (new) strings affixed by five wooden pegs, min. dam., fine cracks, slight tracSee Sold Price
Small female half figure "yanda" - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, dark brown patina, reduced facial features, remains of a coiffure made from real hair, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion, base; the abstract "yanda" figures belonged to the "mani" society. ThSee Sold Price
SoldRare mask - D. R. Congo, Azandewood, dark brown patina, pierced almond-shaped eyes, open mouth with separately worked teeth, raised headband, min. dam., small missing parts, traces of insect caused damage and abrasion; the Azande mSee Sold Price
SoldTrumpet - D. R. Congo, Azandeivory, polished, round mouthpiece, surmounted by a stylized human head, grooved decor, min. dam., fine cracks H: 56,5 cm, H: 22,2 inch Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldBracelet - D. R. Congo, Azandeivory, shiny whitish-yellow patina, brown in some areas, oval form, circle ornaments with central drilling, h: 10 cm, b: 8,5 cm (external dimension), central opening inside d: 7 cm/5,8 cm), b : 4 cm CSee Sold Price
Ceremonial Axe - Metal, Copper, Wood - Kilonda - Songye - DR CongoJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024