Sheilot V'Teshuvot Torat Chessed. Rabbi Shneur ZalmanSheilot V'Teshuot Torat Chessed. Rabbi Shneur Zalman [Fradkin]. Warsaw, [1883]. Only edition. 316 pages, 33.5 cm. The author was a prominent disciple of the Admor of Lubavitch, the "Tzemach Tzedek". ISee Sold Price
SoldThree Lacking Books, First Editions - The Rabbis ofA. Torat Chessed Responsa, second section, on Even Ha'Ezer, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Fredkin of Lublin.Jerusalem 1909. First edition. Missing title page. Condition: Good. B. Peirush Ha'Milot, called MahSee Sold Price
SoldSheilot V'Teshuvot HaRashba. Venice, 1545Sheilot V'Teshuvot Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet – Rashba. Venice, 1545. 192 leaves, 25 cm. Owner signatures and writing in an Oriental hand. Second edition of 1255 responsa of the Rashba. One of theSee Sold Price
SoldShu"t Mabi"t. Venice, [1629]. Rabbi Yitzchak Ardit'sSheilot V'Teshuvot by Rabbi Moshe di Trani - Mabit. [Section one]. Venice, [1629]. First edition. Handwritten glosses. Specifications: [2], 169,[7] leaves. 27 cm. First edition of responsa from a promSee Sold Price
SoldShu"t Alshich. Forged EditionSheilot V'Teshuvot by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. Slanic, 1781, though actually Berlin, c. 1770]. 60 leaves, 35 cm. This is a reprint of Berlin edition of 1766, with a new title page and without the approbatSee Sold Price
Signature of Rabbi Naftali Hirsch HaKohen ofSheilot V'Teshuvot Shearit Yosef by Rabbi Yosef Katz of Krakow, brother-in-law of the Rema. Unique features: Signature of Rabbi Naftali Hirsh son of Yisrael HaKohen of Satanow, Rav in BerditchovSee Sold Price
Halachot Ketanot – Korban Chagiga. Venice, 1704.Sheilot V'Teshuvot Halachot Ketanot by Rabbi Yaakov Chagiz, with supplements by Rabbi Moshe Chagiz. Venice, [1704]. First edition. [4], 71, [9] leaves, 26 cm. Bound with: Korban Chagiga by Rabbi MosheSee Sold Price
SoldShu"t Pri Megadim. Kleinwardein. 1935.Sheilot V'Teshuvot Pri Megadim by Rabbi Yosef Teumim. Kleinwardein, [1935]. Only, very rare edition. [6], 67 leaves. 33 cm. Approbations from Hungarian and Galician rabbis. Original, half-leather bindSee Sold Price
Four Important Chabad Books, 1800s*Â Seder Birkat HaNehenin V'Netilat Yadayim by the Admor Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lubavitch. Warsaw, 1844. 22 leaves, 19 cm. *Â Machzor HaShalem L'Rosh HaShanah V'Yom HaKippurim ... Nusach RabbeinuSee Sold Price
SoldTorat Chesed Responsa - Self-Dedication and ScholarlyTorat Chesed responsa, Orach Chaim. By the Gaon of Lublin Rabbi Shneur Zalman Ladier. Warsaw, 1883. First edition printed by the author. On Leaf 2 is a self-dedication: "Given to me by the author. RacSee Sold Price
SoldTorat Chaim (the Alter Rebbe) – Warsaw, 1866 – aTorat Chaim, commentary on the Parashot of Bereshit. By the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady.Warsaw, 1866. Second edition published by Rabbi Menachem Nachum Schneersohn at the request of theSee Sold Price
HaGahot Rabbi Moshe Fardo on Shu"t MaharikSheilot VTeshuvot L'Rabbeinu Yosef Colon [Maharik]. Cremona, 1558. Many glosses in the hand of Rabbi Moshe Fardo. Only leaves 1-101, no title page The leaves of the book bear about fifteen lengthy gloSee Sold Price
"Shu"t Mahari"k." Cremona, [1557]Sheilot V'Teshuvot Mahr"r Yosef Kolon [Mahari"k]. Cremona, 1557. [12], 173 [should say 172] leaves, 30 cm. Printed on thick paper with wide margins. Second edition of the Shu"t of Rabbi Yosef Kolon, aSee Sold Price
SoldMeorei Esh - work on Torah and the megillahs by theMeorei Esh - work on Torah and the megillahs by the Mahara"m A"sh, Rabbi Meir Eisenstadt. First edition. Copy which belonged to Rabbi Shneur Zalman Fredkin, Av Beit Din of Lublin, author of Torat ChesSee Sold Price
Anthology of Books of Responsa [6]. Most First Editions* Sheilot V'Teshuvot HaGeonim Basrai, by the Tosfot Yom Tov, Bayit HaChadash, Turei Zahav and more. Prague, [1816].* Teshuvot Geonim Kadmonim. By early geonim. Arranged by Rabbi Yosef Tov Elem. BerlinSee Sold Price
SoldLikutei Amarim Tanya - Slavita, 1796 - First EditionLikutei Amarim [Tanya], Sefer shel Benonim - Sha'ar HaYichud V'HaEmuna, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Slavita, [1796. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira]. Approbation by Rabbi Meshulam Zusha of AnnopolSee Sold Price
SoldLikutei Torah, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady -Likutei Torah, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady. Two sections in one volume: Vayikra (and Shemot) and Shelosha Regalim (Passover); Bamidbar (and Shavu'ot). Zhitomir, 1848. The Brothers Shapira PrintingSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Important Books by Rabbi Shneur Zalman ofCollection of Important Books by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi A. Likutei Torah, Vayikra-Bamidbar-Devarim-Shir Ha'Shirim. Vilnius, 1885. Four sections in one volume.B. Likutei Torah, Shir Ha'Shirim. ViSee Sold Price
"Micrography" Portrait Admor Rabbi Shneur Zalman ofPortrait of the Admor Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi Baal HaTanya. Micrographic crafting in lithographic print made by Nethanel Hazan, Washington, 1924. The text: excerpts from HaTanya book. Hebrew insSee Sold Price
SoldCantorship and Song. Sheilot? V'Teshuvot! Jewish"Sheilot? V'Teshuvot!" Jewish folksongs. Music notes for voice and piano. By Chief Cantor Emanuel Frankel. Printed and published in Vienna. 10 pages. Styled title page with artistic letters. Hebrew tiSee Sold Price
The Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady - 1914 BookThe Rabbi, Cultural - Historical Narratives (Der Raw, Kulturhistorische Erzahlung), a German book written by Dr. Naftali Ehrmann Herz (Judaeus) about Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady, first Rabbi of CahabSee Sold Price
SoldShulchan Aruch  by Rabbi Shneur Zalman [SchneersonShulchan Aruch by Rabbi Shneur Zalman [Schneerson of Lubavitch]. [Sadilkov] 1826. Parts of Yoreh De'ah, and Choshen Mishpat. Pedigreed copy. SpecificationsSee Sold Price
The Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady - 1914 BookThe Rabbi, Cultural - Historical Narratives (Der Raw, Kulturhistorische Erzählung), a German book written by Dr. Naftali Ehrmann Herz (Judaeus) about Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady, first Rabbi of CaSee Sold Price
SoldTorah Ohr, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi - KapustTorah Ohr, chassidic articles on Bereishit-Shemot, Chanukah and Purim, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi - the Baal HaTanya. Kapust, 1836. First edition. The Baal HaTanya's teachings, written by his broSee Sold Price
Postcard by Rabbi Shimon Yisrael Shein - Chabad, 1881Levy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
RUSSIAN MILITARY CIGARETTE CASE, ULAN REGIMENT, 1896V.N. Collectible4.4(240)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A FRAMED GROUP OF NINE IMPORTANT RABBINICAL PAINTINGS. Probably Vienna, c.1900. The portraitsJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024