10 Arrowheads On Display Board Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Group of Very Nice Fine Arrow Points Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(466)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Mask Collection from All Over the World - 31 in TotalKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceDec 29, 2024
Native American Archaic / Woodland Projectile PointsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Fine Old Kwere Medicine Gourd Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Carved & Decorated Animal Horn Ex Endicott CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldSepik Papua New Guinea 26" Basket Hook Wood FigureVintage New Guinea Sepik basket hook. Features a figural form with polychrome decoration. Basket or suspension hooks are used to hang net bags or baskets containing food or clothing and would be suspeSee Sold Price
SoldSepik Papua New Guinea Basket Hook 47" Wood FigureVintage New Guinea Sepik basket hook. Features a figural form with extensive polychrome decoration. Embellished with natural fur at the ear as well as leather in the other ear and grass too. Basket orSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea Sepik Basket Hook 46" Wood FigureVintage New Guinea Sepik basket hook. Features a figural form with extensive polychrome decoration. Basket or suspension hooks are used to hang net bags or baskets containing food or clothing and woulSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea Sepik 17" Basket Hook Wood FigureVintage New Guinea Sepik basket hook. Features a figural form with polychrome decoration. Basket or suspension hooks are used to hang net bags or baskets containing food or clothing and would be suspeSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea Sepik 17" Basket Hook Wood FigureVintage New Guinea Sepik basket hook. Features a figural form with polychrome decoration. Basket or suspension hooks are used to hang net bags or baskets containing food or clothing and would be suspeSee Sold Price
SoldFigural basket hook, Papua New Guinea, 55"hBasket hook, Kamanibit, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, suspended from rafters in order to hang objects for safekeeping, the carved wood male figure with applied cowrie shell and hair decoration, surroSee Sold Price
55"h basket hook, Papua New GuineaBasket hook, Kamanibit, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, suspended from rafters in order to hang objects for safekeeping, the carved wood male figure with applied cowrie shell and hair decoration, surroSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. PNG Iatmul Wood Basket Hook - FiguralOceania, Papua New Guinea, Middle Sepik River, Iatmul people, ca. late 19th to early 20th century CE. A hand carved female ancestral figure basket hook with an anchor form at the base for suspending bSee Sold Price
SoldKanga Papua New Guinea Sepik 28" Wood Basket HookKanga peoples basket hook from the Sepik region of New Guinea. Features a figural form with extensive polychrome decoration. Basket or suspension hooks are used to hang net bags or baskets containingSee Sold Price
SoldSix Oceanic Wood CarvingsSix Oceanic Wood Carvings, Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, incl. figural basket hook, h. 50 1/2 in.; shield or gope board, h. 58 in.; architectural fragment, h. 59 1/4 in.; and 3 garra/gra hooks, h.See Sold Price
SoldOceanic Carved Wood Basket HookOceanic Cowrie Shell Embellished, Polychrome Painted Carved Wood Basket Hook, Chambri Lake people, Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, pronged based carved with flat upright surface supporting a human hSee Sold Price
20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Hook Figure (Yipwon)Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province, Korwewori River, Yimam people, early 20th century. A hand-carved wooden hook figure known as a yipwon, skillfully carved with opposed hooks surrounding a centralSee Sold Price
SoldThree Oceanic Wood CarvingsThree Oceanic Wood Carvings, Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, incl. figural basket hook, h. 50 1/2 in.; shield or gope board, h. 58 in.; and architectural fragment, h. 59 1/4 in. Provenance: PropertySee Sold Price
20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Hook Figure (Yipwon)Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province, Korwewori River, Yimam people, early 20th century. A hand-carved wooden hook figure known as a yipwon, skillfully carved with opposed hooks surrounding a centralSee Sold Price
20th C. Papua New Guinea Wood Hook Figure (Yipwon)**Originally Listed At $250** Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province, Korwewori River, Yimam people, early 20th century. A hand-carved wooden hook figure known as a yipwon, skillfully carved with opposSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Papua New Guinea Sepik figural hooksTwo Middle SEPIK river figural suspension hook figures. Wood with black, traces of white, rose, brown pigments, shell eyes. Height of largest 45 1/2 inches. In good condition, one eye missing.See Sold Price
SoldBASKET HOOK, PAPUA NEW GUINEABASKET HOOK, SEPIK RIVER, PAPUA NEW GUINEA Carved wood in figural form, mid-20th c. (Provenance: De-accessioned from the San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts). 22'' x 6 1/2''See Sold Price
SoldNew Guinea carved wood suspension hookSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved wood suspension hook having a standing male figure with defined natural and physical characteristics, 36". Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (SacrameSee Sold Price
CARVED WOOD PAPUA NEW GUINEA FIGURAL HOOKOceania, 20th century. Carved Papua New Guinea figural basket hook with cowrie shell eyes, decorative feathers and figure skirt / covering. Apparently unmarked. Approx. h. 30.25", w. 18.5". ProvenanceSee Sold Price
SoldOceanic Painted Carved Wood Basket HookOceanic Painted Carved Wood Basket Hook, Sepki Province, Papua New Guinea, carved as a standing male figure, h. 50 1/2 in. Provenance: Property of the New Orleans Museum of Art, Sold to Benefit the AcSee Sold Price
SoldOceanic Painted Carved Wood Basket HookOceanic Painted Carved Wood Basket Hook, Sepki Province, Papua New Guinea, carved as a standing male figure, h. 50 1/2 in. Provenance: Property of the New Orleans Museum of Art, Sold to Benefit the AcSee Sold Price
SoldOceanic Painted and Carved Wood Kamanggabi FigureOceanic Painted and Carved Wood Kamanggabi (Yipwon) Figure/Korewori Aripa "Cult" Hook, Korewori River region, Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, one leg figure carved with a series of hooks, h. 84 1/2See Sold Price
SoldOceanic Painted and Carved Wood Kamanggabi FigureOceanic Painted and Carved Wood Kamanggabi (Yipwon) Figure/Korewori Aripa "Cult" Hook, Korewori River region, Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, one leg figure carved with a series of hooks, h. 84 1/2See Sold Price
SoldLarge New Guinea Sepik Cult hookWashkuk cult hook wood carving, Papua New Guinea. Yipwon figure. Yipwon is a powerful character called before hunting or going to war. Includes custom steel base. 46" tall. May require third party shiSee Sold Price
Oceanic Iatmul Carved Wood Figural Group SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Papua New Guinea Middle Sepik Area Ceremonial Carving 42 inchesSuccetti Gallery4.6(84)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Kamanggabi Hook Figure, Upper Korewori River, PNG, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Early Papua New Guinea Wood Finial (Abstract Face)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early 20th C. Papua New Guinea Boiken Wood Food BowlArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
An Iatmul War Trumpet, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea - A war trumpet (?Kul?) carved in wood, IatmulHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024