SoldSENUFO FEMALE FIGURE IVORY COASTSenufo Female Figure Ivory Coast Geometric facial features and concave ears. Conical breasts poinSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Female FigureSmall Senufo carving of a female figure, possibly an ancestor figure. The figure has crested coiffure, facial scarification, prominent breasts, long arms ending in hoof-like hands. An amulet bundle isSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Female Figure from Cote d'IvoireHeight: 31" Width: 5.5" Depth: 6" Weight: 11 lbs A beautiful Senufo female figure with elongated legs. She has a large belly and is shown cupping her breasts.See Sold Price
IMPORTANT SENUFO FEMALE FIGUREIMPORTANT SENUFO FEMALE FIGURE, IVORY COAST Carved and patinated wood debli, or rhythm-pounder, used in ritual dance, with facial scarification and traditional features, early 20th c. (Provenance: HawSee Sold Price
A FINE SENUFO FEMALE FIGURE (Tribal Art)Sitzende weibliche Figur Senufo, Côte d’Ivoire (Korhogo-Region) Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 43,5 cm. Provenienz: - Patrice Hayaux du Tilly, Abidjan. - Galerie Walu, Zürich (1998). Eine sehrSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Senufo Female Figure, Ivory CoastAfrican Senufo Female Figure, Ivory Coast. Size: 18'' x 8.5'' x 7'' (46 x 22 x 18 cm). Note: There Are No Hidden or Confidential Reserves in this Auction; All Acceptable Bidding Commences at the OnlinSee Sold Price
SoldA Superb Modest Size Senufo Female FigureClassical example. Very finely carved. An antique piece with custom stand piece. 17.25" without base.See Sold Price
Senufo Rhythm Pounder Ex John YoungImportant Senufo Female Figure, Ivory Coast Carved and patinated wood deble, or rhythm-pounder, used in ritual dance, with facial scarification and traditional features, early 20th century. (ProvenancSee Sold Price
A Very rare Old Senufo Rhythm Pounder - Ex John YoungIMPORTANT SENUFO FEMALE FIGURE, IVORY COAST Carved and patinated wood deble, or rhythm-pounder, used in ritual dance, with facial scarification and traditional features, early 20th c. (Provenance: HawSee Sold Price
Important Senufo Rhythm Pounder - JOHN YOUNG collectionIMPORTANT SENUFO FEMALE FIGURE, IVORY COAST Carved and patinated wood deble, or rhythm-pounder, used in ritual dance, with facial scarification and traditional features, early 20th c. (Provenance: HawSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Standing Female Figure, Ivory CoastLikely a Tugubele figure, with crested coiffure, incised scarification, wire and bead earrings. Mounted to custom gallery stand. Figure approx. 12 1/8" H. With stand, approx. 14 3/4" H. Provenance: EsSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Style Female Figure. 20th c.A Senufo style seated female figure. Burkina Faso/Ivory Coast. 20th century. 38" x 9" x 11 1/4".See Sold Price
SoldGreat Senufo Seated Female Figure with Large breastsArtist: Senufo Peoples of the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Southern Mali and Burkina Faso. Title: Senufo Seated Female Figure with Large breasts and Triple Ridged Coiffure and Highly Stylized Facial TreatmentSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Male & Female FiguresSenufo male and female figures from the Ivory Coast. Standing male figure holding an adze or other implement it its right hand and other hand resting on the hip, 11.5"h. Standing female figure with iSee Sold Price
SoldA Senufo female standing figure, Ivory Coast, withA Senufo female standing figure, Ivory Coast, with crested coiffure, pointed breasts, the body with incised scarification marks, the arms with carved bangles, the hands resting just proud of the hips,See Sold Price
SoldSenufo Bronze Female Figure +Small bronze figure of a young woman with typical Senufo crested coiffure, a large amulet around her neck, her hands cupping her breasts, her back with elaborate scarification. Offered together with aSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Standing Female FigureFinely carved figure with unusual coiffure, headdress, or bundle carried on the head, the heart shaped facial plane with large half closed eyes, long slender nose, steeply angled jaw. The body with prSee Sold Price
Sold140) African SENUFO STANDING FEMALE FIGURE, rhythm140) African SENUFO STANDING FEMALE FIGURE, rhythm pounder style. Blackened hardwood. Height 46 inches. Fair condition, insect erosion all over right arm, right arm repaired. Mounted to a base. From ISee Sold Price
African Senufo Style Female FigureAfrican Senufo Style Female Figure. Carved wood. Provenance: Collection of Allan Stone, New York. Size: 63'' x 16'' x 11'' (160 x 41 x 28 cm).See Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN SENUFO CARVED FEMALE FIGURE IVORY COASTAFRICAN SENUFO CARVED FEMALE FIGURE, H 42", IVORY COAST:Carved female figure in a crouched position, with squared shoulders; having an elongated neck and midsection. Features geometric and linear scarSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo standing female figure. c.20th centuryA Senufo standing female figure with metal embellishments. Ivory Coast, Senufo. c.20th century Inventory and Collection from the Estate of Merton D. Simpson.See Sold Price
SoldSenufo, Seated Female Figure, West Africa, early 20thWood Senufo people, West Africa, early 20th century Seated female figure with pendant breasts and bowl above head Dark, authentic patina Mounted on a rectangular modern base Dimensions: 40.5 x 11.5 xSee Sold Price
SoldHighly Important Senufo Female Ancestor Figure, BamanaHighly important Senufo female ancestor figure, carved wood, unidentified Bamana artist, typically utilized during ritualistic ceremonies to communicated with the divine spirit, carved in a geometricSee Sold Price
SoldSENUFO MALE & FEMALE FIGURES, IVORY COASTSENUFO MALE & FEMALE FIGURES, IVORY COAST. Comprising a pair of standing male and female Poro figures, carved front facing on both sides, the elongated legs terminating in circular carved wood base. TSee Sold Price
Fang Tribal Carved Wood Female Figure African Gabon BetsiArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
African Guro Standing Female Figure, Ivory Coast, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Lobi Female Figure, Burkina Faso, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
South African Tsonga Female Figure, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Baule Standing Female Figure, Ivory Coast, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANTIQUE BRONZE BAS RELIEF PLAQUE WITH A FEMALE FIGUREAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
decorative Senufo standing figure wooden african sculptureJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Mattis-Teutsch, H. Female figure. - Europe, 20th cent. - 35 cm (54 with pedestal).ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Ming Dynasty Terracotta Glazed Female Figure.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024