Sefer Emarot Tahorot, Chidushei Halachot on BavaSefer Emarot Tahorot, Chidushei Halachot on Bava Metzirah, Lotbashin, Tarne.See Sold Price
SoldSefer Chidushei Halachot by the Maharsha - Frankfurt,Sefer Chidushei Halachot on the tractates of the Talmud by the Maharsha, Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Ha'Levi Eidels. Frankfurt, 1689. Third edition. Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Ha'Levi Eidels (1555-1631) was a renoSee Sold Price
SoldMaharsha. Chidushei Halachot Mehadurei Batra. Brunn,Maharsha. Chiddushei Halachot Mehadurei Batra. On tractates Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Shabbos, Yevamot, Gittin and Chullin. By Rabbi Shmuel Eidels. With Halachic novellae by Rabbi Moshe Bonems. Brunn, 1See Sold Price
Chidushei Galanti / Tzemach Tzedek Responsa –Sefer Chidushei Galanti (by Rabbi Yedidya Galanti), with Chidushei Haran Shvu’ot, Chidushei HaRitba Bava Metzia and Tosfot Gornish. Sudilkov, 1834. Both books contain signatures “Avraham David HaKSee Sold Price
SoldLikutei Halachot - WithCorrections by the AuthorSefer Likutei Halachot, a collection and compilation of halachic conclusions of Talmudic treatises. Volume 2. Parts 4-8. Pesachim, Chagiga, Rabbi Chanina Sgan HaCohanim, Bava Kama, Rosh Hashana, Yoma,See Sold Price
SoldChidushei Halachot L'Maharsah - Furth, 1757 -At the beginning of the book, approbations by the greatest rabbis written for this edition. On the title page, an ancient, handwritten inscription by the son of the well-known printed Rabbi David KatzSee Sold Price
SoldJUDAICA NACHMANIDES, MOSES. Chidushei Bava BaNACHMANIDES, MOSES. Chidushei Bava Batra. 116 leaves. 4to, modern 1/2 morocco with 19th-century worn gilt leather backstrip laid down; worming in gutters through most of volume not affecting text, worSee Sold Price
Sold"Sefer Halachot Gedolot," Paris Manuscript, 1402.Sefer Halachot Gedolot, facsimile edition of 140 copies. Foreword by Shraga Abramson, Mekor Publishing, Jerusalem 1971. Magnificent binding with gilt embossing. Spine slightly peeling. Original slipcaSee Sold Price
SoldSefer Halachot Gedolot, the copy of Rabbi Meir Heller,Sefer Halachot Gedolot, a foundational halachic work organized according to the Talmud Bavli. The work is quoted frequently in the works of the Rishonim. [1], 83 pages. Moth holes, stains, leather spiSee Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot of Maharam Schiff, Warsaw, 1860,Chidushei Halachot of Maharam Schiff, Warsaw, 1860, 1840, stamp of Mordechai Bari.See Sold Price
SoldChidushei Halachot Maharsha – Berlin, 1755 – SignaturesChidushei Halachot Maharsha. Berlin, [1755]. Folio edition [in the same year the printers also prepared a two-volume pocket edition, see Bibliography Institute CD record no. 0170845]. Title page contaSee Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot' Maharsh"a. Berlin, 1755. Plenty ofFor further information see Hebrew text.See Sold Price
Sefer Chidushei Hilchot Nidah Tiferet Yisrael By Rabbisize: 7.8 x 6.8 in 20 x 17 cm Will do in house shipping, we ship worldwide, for Additional Photos or Condition please Email or Call 917-578-8700 Phone or absenteeSee Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot Maharsha. Furth [1742].Large format, 33 cm. Blemishes to the title page margins. The title page was reinforced with old paper that covers the approbations. Otherwise, very fine condition.See Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot by Maharam Barby. Dyhrenfurth, 1786“Chidushei Halachot†of Maharam Barby on methodology and tractates Beitza, Psachim, Kidushin, and Ketuvot, by the Av Beit Din and Rabbi of Pressburg [1725-1789]. Dyhrenfurth, [1786]. 101 leaSee Sold Price
SoldTzror HaChaim, Chidushei Sugyot and Chidushei Halachot[10], 94, [3] leaves, 35 cm.Novellae on sugyot and halacha by Rabbi Shmuel Shmelka Klein [1805-1875], a prominent Hungarian rabbi. He was a rabbi in Chust and Salaj.Many notes and signatures from HungSee Sold Price
Sefer Halachot Olam. First and Single Edition.Sefer Halachot Olam. By Rabbi Meir Meisels, one of the great sages of Zamosc and the in-law of Rabbi Yoel Ba’al Shem of Zamosc. With approbations from the great leaders of his generation. At the begSee Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot Maharsha Mahadura Batra ? Brunn 1796Halachic novellae Mahadura Batra by Rabbi Shmuel Eidels. Printed in Brunn by the printing press of Joseph Carl Neiman 1796. Several handwritten signatures on the Forsazt leaf and the title page. a lonSee Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot, 160 pages, bound in new semiChidushei Halachot, 160 pages, bound in new semi parchment binding, damaged title page, moth holes, signature of owners R' Shmuel IdleshSee Sold Price
Chidushei Halachot Mahar"i HaLevi. Neuwied, [1736] withChiddusei Hilchot Mahar"i Halevi on tractates Beitza, Shabbos, Sanhedrin, Avoda Zara, Chullin, Kedushin, Yevamot, Ketubot, and more in addition to novellae on Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi Yitzchak HaLeviSee Sold Price
SoldSefer Halacha Odom B'yisroel,by Rabbi A YisÌrael ben Yaakov with commentary at the end of the sefer by Avraham Abel ben Binyomin Bunim Later cloth cover, taped spine, tattered corners, water-stained, last page reconnected at inSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Collection [235] of Sacred Books, Including ManyAmong the books: Chidushei Halachot Maharsh"a, Fürth (1757).Divrei NV"A. Amsterdam, 1688. With owner's signature.Ye'arot Dvash. Karlsruhe, 1779.Ma'amar Ptil Tchelet. Warsaw, 1888.Kinyan Guf V'KinyaSee Sold Price
SoldHalachot Gedolot, Venice 1548Sefer Halachot Gedolot. Venice, 1548. First edition. Printing press of Marco Antonio Justinian. Sefer Halachot Gedolot was composed during period of the Ge’onim and is considered one of the first boSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of [6] Holy Books with Owners' Signatures* Chidushei Halachot by the Rashba"tz z"l on tractates Ketubot and Gittin. Furth, [1779]. Owner's stamp of the gaon Rabbi Baruch Kunstat, adjudicator of Fulda. Large, deluxe edition. * Tana DveSee Sold Price
Cabinet Photo Picture - Rabbi Zemach Zadik - ViznitzLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1887 MORMON 1ed Book of Jasher Sefer Ha-Yashar Lost Hebrew Bible RARE LDS ApocryphaSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
A SMALL SEFER TORAH. Poland, c.1920. Ashkenaz Beis Yosef. Many letters with cracks. Nice Ksav. NotJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
A SILVER TORAH SHIELD. London, 1898. Hand cut with engraved lattice work. Decorated with a crown andJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
A SILVER LATTICE WORK BINDING. Vienna, c.1880. Hand cut with baroque lattice work. Housing the seferJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
A WOODEN TORAH ARK. American, c.1920. Hand crafted and carved for a small sefer torah.17.5”J. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024