SoldSefat Emet (Gur) Four Sections / Beit Ya'akov (Izbica)Beit Ya'akov on the Torah, second section on Shmot, by the Rebbe rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbica. Lublin, 1904. First edition. 252 leaves. 30 cm. Condition: Good. Detached binding an dleaves.SeSee Sold Price
Sold"A Kotzker Kvittel" - First Print. Kvittel Given to the"Maamar Daat Torah" - The "Kotzker Kvittel" - note written by one of the elderly chassidim of Kotzk, Gur, Alexander and the Sefat Emet [Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Karo of Wloclawek] to Maran Admor shlit"aSee Sold Price
"Shu"t Shev Yaakov." Frankfurt A.M., 1742. Nice copy.Halachic responsa on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yaakov Poppers Katz, Av Beit Din Frankfurt A.M. Specifications: [1], 109: [1] 139 leaves. 32.5 cm. Section one: Orech Chaim, YoSee Sold Price
SoldFour Important Hassidic BooksA. Sefat Emet, first section, by the Rebbe of Gur, Piotrkow 1905, first edition. Inscription on the title page in golden ink, rare title page. No binding, moth holes.B. Sefat Emet, Likutim, on BereshiSee Sold Price
Manuscript. Writings of Kabalist Rabbi Yaakov Munsa.Four letters related to rabbi- kabalist, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Munsa (Damascus 1880-Jersualem 1954). He was the head of the Emet V'Shalom kabalist yeshiva in the Bukharim section of Jerusalem. * Letter sSee Sold Price
SoldFour Booklets for the Students of Beit Ya'akov inA. Biet Ya'akov Booklet, collection of essays and discussions about the subjects learnt in the schools of Beit Ya'akov in Poland, 1935. Yiddish.A review of the establishment of Beit Ya'kov in Tel AvivSee Sold Price
Beit Yisrael “Ein Ya’akov”, Venice, 1625Sefer Beit Yisrael, section two – “Ein Ya’akov”, collection of Aggadot on the Shas from tractates Yevamot-Niddah. By Rabbi Ya’akov ben Chaviv. Venice, 1625. Bragadin printing press. SignaturSee Sold Price
SoldFour Items - Important Inscriptions and SignaturesA. The title page of the book Beit Ya'akov by Rabbi Ya'akov Greenwald, Slavita 1909. Inscription on the title page: Chaim Yehuda … Ehrenreich…". B. Envelope with an inscription of the addrSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of [2] Biography and Polemic Books of the* Sefat Emet V'Leshon Zehorit. An especially forceful composition written by Rabbi Ya'akov Emden against Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz. Includes copies of amulets attributed to Rabbi Yehonatan EybeschSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of 4 Interesting printed ItemsA leaf of the newspaper "Das Kleine Tagblat" with a special section dedicated to Sarah Schenirer, the founder of "Beit Ya'akov", on the seventh day after her death. A leaf printed on both its sides. ASee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Oriental Mizrachs and autographs [6]* Autograph. Draft or notes for Beit Elokei Yaakov by Rabbi Yaakov Ibn Atar. Includes notes for the Degel Machaneh Yehudah section, beginning with Parashat Beshalach. Start of the 20th cenSee Sold Price
Sefer Mor U’Ktziah – Revisions in Handwriting ofSefer Mor U’Ktziah, section two, Seder Zemanim (on Tur Beit Yosef, section Orach Chaim, chapters 242-697), by Ga’on Rabbi Ya’akov Emden – Ya’avetz. Altona, [1768]. Printed in home of author.See Sold Price
SoldShulchan Aruch Ha'rav with Likutei Rabbi Gur Aryeh -Shulchan Aruch Ha'rav with Likutei Rabbi Gur Aryeh Ha'Levi. Two sections in two volumes. Mantova [1721]. Printed by Yitzchak Yareh and Ya'akov Chaver Tov. Proofread by the rabbis of Italy, Rabbi AvrahSee Sold Price
Shevut Ya'akov Responsa – Two Sections – RabbinicalTwo sections of the "Shevut Ya'akov" books, responsa on the four parts of Shulchan Aruch, with the booklet 'Pe'er ya'akov', novellae on the Talmud (at the end of section A) and the booklet 'Torat Ha'SSee Sold Price
"Emet LeYa’akov" Manuscript – Rabbi Ya’akov of Lisa –Manuscript of Chidushei Aggadot on Shas, commentaries on Bible and sermons. By Rabbi Ya’akov Av Beit Din of Lisa author of Netivot HaMishpat and Chavat Da’at (1770-1832). Written in handwriting ofSee Sold Price
SoldShev Ya’akov Responsa – Frankfurt Am Main, 1742 –Shev Ya’akov Responsa, two sections. Rabbi Ya’akov Poprosh [Av Beit Din of Frankfurt]. Frankfurt am Main, [1742]. On title page; “Gift from G-d, Mordechai Benet” – holy signature of Ga’onSee Sold Price
SoldMarriage Certificate of the Admo"r, the Author of 'BeitOfficial Edah Charedit of Jerusalem marriage certificate for the second marriage of the Admo"r Rabbi Yisrael Alter of Gur. The witnesses were Gur's legendary composer R' Ya'akov Talmud, and R' YehoshuSee Sold Price
SoldFour Rare Books by the Rabbis of MoroccoA. Ruach Ya'akov by Rabbi Ya'akov Ben Shabbat. Livorno 1881. Single edition. Missing title page. Bound with: B. Kuntras Chessed Ve'Emet by Rabbi Eliezer De Avila. The booklet was added to hi sbook MilSee Sold Price
SoldFour Hassidic BooksA. Ohev Yisrael, Munkatch.B. Pri Tzaddik, first esection, Lublin 1901. First edition. Two title pages, ownership signatures.C. Sefat Emet, third section, Warsaw. Ownership stamp.D. Em la'Binah, LemberSee Sold Price
SoldTosafot HaRosh on Masechet Gitin, Warsaw 1927—firstFirst edition, printed from the manuscript found at the treasure trove of books of the Admor of Gur. With stamp of “Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky,” rosh yeshiva of Beit Yosef in Bnei Brak. There are twSee Sold Price
SoldBeit Ya'akov. Jerusalem, 1884. Only Edition. With anBeit Ya'akov, divided into two parts. The first part is called "Tosafot Ma'aseh Rav," which is a supplement to what was printed in Ma'aseh Rav - conduct of the Vilna Gaon. The second part contains a cSee Sold Price
SoldNotebook of the Beit Ya'akov Synagogue of the BeitOn the inner binding, a stamp of the synagogue: Beit ha'Midrash Beit Ya'akov Be'Chevrat Bnei Yisrael. Chevrat Beit Yisrael was the society that had founded and managed the Beit Yisrael neighborhood ofSee Sold Price
SoldBeit Ya'akov in Europe - 1929-1935 - Three PamphletsThree pamphlets published by Beit Ya'akov Center in Vienna: * Beth Jakob 1928, 1929, Frankfurt, 1929. Essays and photographs concerning Beit Ya'akov operation in Europe. German. * History of Beth JacoSee Sold Price
SoldShu"t Beit Ya'akov [Dyhrenfurth], 1696. Only Edition.Beit Ya'akov - responsa and halachic novellae by the gaon Rabbi Ya'akov ben Shmuel, Av Beit Din of Tzoizmir. [Dyhrenfurth], 1696. Only edition. Title page with copperplate etching. Without printerSee Sold Price
HARBIN, Robert (Ned Williams, 1908 – 78). Harbin’s Jig-Saw ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Victorian William Comyns & Sons England Sterling Silver Mounted Glass DecanterTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1881 Edgar Allan POE 1st ed The Bells Esoteric Occult Horror Literature PoetrySchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
Chinese Export White Cloisonne Enamel Brass Cigarette Box & Four Section Ashtray w/ Handle, Circa 19Neo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
45-PIECE DINNERWARE SET BY BORDALLO PINHEIROLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
TWO WOODEN SPICE CANISTERS.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A MAGNIFICENT 18K GOLD PASSOVER GOBLET BY YAAKOV DAVIDOFF. Israel, c.2000. Handcrafted from 1553J. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
Paolo Deganello for Cassina Metal and Fabric "AEO" Lounge Seating Group Late 20th centuryDOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(169)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
PAIR CHINESE QING DYNASTY HUANGHUALI BARREL STOOLSWestport Auction4.6(1.3k)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024