SoldSchuco, Yes/No Orang UtanSchuco, Yes/No Orang Utan, paws damaged, otherwise good conditionSee Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO YES/NO ORANGUTANThis rust colored mohair Schuco orangutan is 20" with a felt face and expressive air brushed features- a true gem. The orangutan is part of Schucos Tricky design bears and animals introduced in 1950.See Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO, kl. Yes/No Orang-Utan, bespielt, Sitzhöhe ca.SCHUCO, kl. Yes/No Orang-Utan, bespielt, Sitzhöhe ca. 17 cm, dazu kl. STEIFF Teddy Baby ohne Knopf, Schild u. Fahne, stark abgeliebt, ca. 9 cm German Description SCHUCO, kl. Yes/No Orang-Utan, bespieSee Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO 7187/25 TRICKY YES/NO BABY ORANGUTANMade in Germany by Schuco. Original, vintage 1950's Rust Mohair 7185/25 Tricky Yes/No Baby Orangutan Monkey with original bib (usually missing), bow on chest, Schuco tricky badge, working yes no actioSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco, Tricky Orang-Utan 50er JahreSchuco, Tricky Orang-Utan 50er Jahre, Germany, 44 cm, Mechanik etwas locker, Pfoten repariert, Z 2See Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO Tricky, orang-utang baby with original bib andSCHUCO Tricky, orang-utang baby with original bib and original badge, '50s and '60s, press voice is faulty, otherwise very good condition, 25 cm German Description SCHUCO Tricky, Orang-Utan-Baby mit OSee Sold Price
SoldMonkey Prototype from Schuco Product Development, c.Monkey Prototype from Schuco Product Development, c. 1935 Orang-utan with shaggy red-brown, fur, mohair and felt, no. 835/14 on tag, pressed metal face, sparkling eyes, articulated arms and legs, heigSee Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO YES/NO AND PERFUME ANIMAL BOTTLESc. 1950's, two yes/no(panda & cat), three are perfume bottles(gold bear, monkey, rabbit). 4" h. Rabbit ear loose.See Sold Price
SoldSMALL SCHUCO YES-NO BELLHOP1233. SMALL SCHUCO YES-NO BELLHOP | Nice early gold mohair head and hands and tail, sewn-on red and black felt costume, jointed at neck, shoulders and hips (legs loose), shoe button eyes, stitched nosSee Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO 'YES-NO' FOX473. SCHUCO 'YES-NO' FOX | Seldom found and quite appealing mohair covered fox with glasses, when tail is moved, head goes from side to side and up and down. | 13". | Paw pad on left hand appears replSee Sold Price
SoldRIDING TOY - Schuco Yes/No Bear on wheels, circa 1930,RIDING TOY - Schuco Yes/No Bear on wheels, circa 1930, in caramel mohair with glass eyes, wooden wheels stamped 'Schuco Patent', nodding head and wagging tail, pull-stem growler. 24" long, 16 1/2" talSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Chad Valley Bonzo & Schuco Yes/No Bear.A fully jointed velvet Bonzo with a great expression upon his face! Remarkably he still has his small identification button upon his neck indicating his name, Bonzo, as well as the manufacturer, ChadSee Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF SCHUCO YES/NO MONKEYSGermany, all in red and black felt outfit and depicted as bell hops, tin bodies contain gear allowing heads to shake in yes or no poses, one features guide wires. 4" - 13" h.See Sold Price
SoldRare Schuco Yes/No Fox.German. Great face with red inset eyes and metal inset glasses, stitched nose and mouth, black lined ears; long tail moves head to yes and no positions, jointed shoulders and hips, nonworking voice boSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE SCHUCO YES-NO BELLHOP MONKEY WITH ORIG TAGThe fully jointed figure with felt face, mohair beard and hair, felt outfit, unusual white hands, glass eyes, the tail can be used to turn the head, an original paper hang tag. Measures 8.5 x 3.5 inchSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco Yes/No Teddy Bear.Lovely long mohair (some loss on front torso, piece off nose), large brown eyes, stitched mouth and claws (paw pad repaired), tails moves head to indicate “No” but he doesn’t want to say “Yes.See Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO Yes/No, elephant, 12.5 cm, 1 Mickey Mouse pair,SCHUCO Yes/No, elephant, 12.5 cm, 1 Mickey Mouse pair, small Schuco monkey, page, 8.5 cm, 1 dog, good condition German Description SCHUCO Yes/No, Elefant, 12,5 cm, 1 Mickey Mouse Paar, kl. Schuco-AffeSee Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO, Yes/No bear, pre-war era, 28 cm, used, functionSCHUCO, Yes/No bear, pre-war era, 28 cm, used, function is intact German Description SCHUCO Yes/No Bär, Vorkrieg, 28 cm, bespielt, Funktion intaktSee Sold Price
SoldTeddy Bear. 11'' antique German Schuco ''Yes-No'' mechaTeddy Bear. 11'' antique German Schuco ''Yes-No'' mechanical bear, ca 1930. German gold mohair jointed bear with cloth pads right pads on feet and hands are missing [hole in left hand], original eyes,See Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO YES/NO BEAR & MONKEY334. SHUCO YES/NO BEAR & MONKEY| Both depicted as bell hops.| 9" - 10"| (VG Cond.)| $150 - $300See Sold Price
SoldVINTAGE 1920's SCHUCO YES/NO BELLHOP MONKEYVintage 1920'S Schuco Yes/No Bellhop Monkey. He is 8 inches, he has mohair & his cloths are felt. He has glass eyes. He is also jointed. Moving his tail back and forth makes him say yes and no. very gSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Chad Valley Bonzo & Schuco Yes/No Bear.A fully jointed velvet Bonzo with a great expression upon his face! Remarkably he still has his small identification button upon his neck indicating his name, Bonzo, as well as the manufacturer, ChadSee Sold Price
SoldSCHUCO Yes/No, fox, 15 cm, small places with mohairSCHUCO Yes/No, fox, 15 cm, small places with mohair loss, good condition, very expressive German Description SCHUCO Yes/No, Fuchs, 15 cm, kl. Stellen Mohair-Verlust, guter Zust., ausdrucksstarkSee Sold Price
Vintage Steiff King Louie Orangutan (Disney’s Jungle Book) Plushes with Monkey PlushPasadena Auction House4.3(6)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Vintage Steiff King Louie Orangutan (Disney’s Jungle Book) Plushes with Monkey PlushPasadena Auction House4.3(6)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Schuco "Yes/No" Mechanical Bellhop MonkeyMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Schuco No. 967 Mister Atom Juggling ToyMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Schuco Disneyland Alweg-Monorail 6333G SetMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Schuco 6333S Disneyland Alweg-MonorailMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(316)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Andy Warhol Orangutan Serigraph Silkscreen 1983 The Endangered SpeciesArt Legacy Auctions4.5(219)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Donovan - Pair: Rufous Orang Outang (Orangutan): Wild Man of the Woods & Two Studes of the HeadTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Donovan - Mermaid, Merman, & Rufous Orang Outang (Orangutan). 59Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Andy Warhol Orangutan Serigraph Silkscreen 1983 The Endangered SpeciesArt Legacy Auctions4.5(219)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024