Schliemann,Trojanische AlterthSchliemann, Heinrich Trojanische AlterthŸmer. Bericht Ÿber die Ausgrabungen in Troja. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1874. LVII, 1 Bl., 319 S., 2 Bll., 1 w. Bl. 8¡. HLdr. d. Z. mit goldgepr. RTitel auf RSchilSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: Trojanische Alterthümer- Trojanische Alterthümer. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja. LVII S., 1 Bl., 319 S., 2 Bll. 23,5 x 15,5 cm. Roter Halbmaroquinband auf 5 Zierbünden mit vergold. RTitel. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 18See Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: Trojanische AlterthuemerSchliemann, Heinrich. Trojanische Alterthümer. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja. LVII S., 1 Bl., 319 S., 2 Bll. 22,5 x 15 cm. Halblederband d. Z. (Kanten etwas beschabt) mit beigebundeSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: Trojanische Alterthümer, 187Schliemann, Heinrich. Trojanische Alterthümer. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja. LVII S., 1 Bl., 319 S., 2 Bl. 24,5 x 16 cm. Moderner marmorierter Halbmaroquinband (illustrierte OUmschSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: Trojanische Alterthümer, 187Schliemann, Heinrich. Trojanische Alterthümer. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Troja. LVII S., 1 Bl., 319 S., 2 Bl. 22,5 x 15 cm. Halbleinen d. Z. (berieben, beschabt und bestoßen, BucSee Sold Price
SoldHenry Schliemann ILIOS THE CITY AND COUNTRY OF THEHenry Schliemann ILIOS THE CITY AND COUNTRY OF THE TROJANS 1881 Rare Decorative Antique Gilt Illustrated Maps Plans Fold-Outs Archaeology Ancient Troy Hisarlik History Tumuli Vessels Jewelry Vases TooSee Sold Price
SoldBook, Mycenae by Schliemann"Mycenae, a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns", Scribner, Armstrong and Company, 1878. Dimensions: 10 1/2" x 8" x 2".See Sold Price
SoldSchliemann Mycenae Tiryns 1878Schliemann, Henry, Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns, Scribner, Armstrong and Co., New York, 1878, First American edition, hardcover, 4to., original maroon clothSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann Troy Its Remains 1875 FirstSchliemann, Henry, Troy and Its Remains: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries Made on the Site of Ilium, And in the Trojan Plain, John Murray, London, 1875, First Edition, Hardcover, original cloSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann Mycenae Tiryns 1878 First American edSchliemann, Henry, Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns, 1878, First American edition, Scribner, Armstrong and Co., hardcover, 4to., original green cloth, 384 pp.,See Sold Price
SoldHenry Schliemann Discoveries at Mycenae & TirynsHeading: Author: Schliemann, Henry Title: Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns Place Published: London Publisher:John Murray Date Published: 1878 DeSee Sold Price
SoldHeinrich Schliemann and the Discovery of TroyHeading: Author: Schliemann, Henrich Title: Ithaka der Peloponnes und Troja Place Published: Leipzig Publisher:Commissions-Verlag von Giesecke & Devrient Date Published: 1869 DescriptiSee Sold Price
Sold219 SCHLIEMANN HEINRICH: (1822-1890) German219 SCHLIEMANN HEINRICH: (1822-1890) German Archeologist. He was the excavator of Hissarlik (Troy) and the Mycenaean sites. A.L.S., H. Schliemann, one page, 8vo, Charing Cross Hotel, London, 1st JulySee Sold Price
SoldGreece.- Archaeology.- Schliemann (Dr. Heinrich)Greece.- Archaeology.- Schliemann (Dr. Heinrich) Tiryns. Der prähistorische Palast der Könige von Tiryns, Ergebnisse der neuesten Ausgrabungen, first edition, half-title, folding tinted lithSee Sold Price
SoldHenry Schliemann Discoveries at Mycenae & TirynsHeading: Author: Schliemann, Henry Title: Mycenæ; A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenæ and Tiryns Place Published: New York Publisher:Scribner, Armstrong & Co. Date Published:See Sold Price
Sold9 Vols incl: Schliemann. TYRINS... 1885.[Mideast/Ancient Israel] 6 Titles (9 Vols). 12mo-8vo. ++ Henry Schliemann. TYRINS: THE PREHISTORIC PALACE OF THE KINGS OF TIRYNS: THE RESULTS OF THE LATEST EXCAVATIONS. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1885See Sold Price
Sold[Archaeology] Schliemann, Henry & Layard, Austen H[Archaeology]. 2 Titles. 8vo. ++ Schliemann, Henry. Troy And Its Remains; a Narrative of Researches and Discoveries Made on the Site of Ilium, and in the Trojan Plain....Translated with the author's sSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann MYCENAE & TIRYNS Archaeology Tombs 187Title: Mycenae; a Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns Author: Henry Schliemann Publisher: John Murray Printing Year: 1878 Condition/Details: Original binding in brown cloSee Sold Price
Sold3V Tiryns GREEK HISTORY Mycanae Schliemann IliosThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Ilios by Schliemann - Dated 1881 by F. A. Brockhaus - Illustrated, Gilt embossing - Maycenae by Schliemann - Dated 1967 by Benjamin BlomSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: Brief 1883 an BrugschSchliemann, Heinrich, Archäologe (1822-1890). Eigh. Brief m. U. "Ihr treuer Freund H Schliemann". 1 S. gr. 8vo. Athen 15.V.1883. An den Ägyptologen Heinrich Brugsch-Pascha. "... BitteSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: Brief 1882Schliemann, Heinrich, Archäologe (1822-1890). Eigh. Brief m. U. 2 ½ S. Gr. 8vo. Marienbad 21.VIII.1882. Umfangreicher Brief an den Ägyptologen Heinrich Brugsch Pascha, dem Schliemann eine ProfessurSee Sold Price
SoldAmateur Archaeologist Schliemann Boasts of DiscoveringAmateur Archaeologist Schliemann Boasts of Discovering Trojan Treasure In this response to an inquiry, Heinrich Schliemann references books he has published on Troy in French and English as well as aSee Sold Price
SoldSchliemann, Heinrich: MykenaeSchliemann, Heinrich. Mykenae. Bericht über meine Forschungen und Entdeckungen in Mykenae und Tiryns. Mit einer Vorrede von W. E. Gladstone. LXVI, 447 S. Mit 33 (4 farbigen) teils mehrfach gefalt. KlSee Sold Price
Archaeological Books - Schliemann - Troy and its Remains; A Narrative of Researches and DiscoveriesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024