SoldSanson (Nicolas) - A significant composite atlas,73 double-page and folding maps, many from Sanson's C ARTES GÉNÉRALES DE T OUTES LES P ARTIES DU M ONDE, including L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, issued by Covens and Mortier. c.1710, but also iSee Sold Price
SoldSANSON, NICOLAS. Atlas Nouveau.SANSON, NICOLAS. Atlas Nouveau. Engraved additional title, allegorical table, and 79 (of 120) mostly double-page engraved maps, all with original hand-color in outline. Folio, 25x21 inches, disbound wSee Sold Price
SoldSanson, Cartes Generales, Composite Atlas, 1658Cartes Generales de Toutes les Parties du Monde. Nicholas Sanson D'Abbeville (1600-1667). Paris: The Author and Pierre Mariette, 1658 [but 1659]. Folio. (17 x 11 6/8 inches). Title-page with woodcut aSee Sold Price
Sold[ATLAS] -- Nicolas SANSON d'ABBEVILLE. Die gantze[ATLAS] -- Nicolas SANSON d'ABBEVILLE. Die gantze Erd-Kugel.Frankfurt: Johann David Zunner, 1679. 4to (230 x 180 mm). 4 parts in 1. Engraved titled and 62 (of 63 maps). Contemporary velum. ConSee Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy- Nicolas Sanson. Atlas portatile.Robert de Vaugondy - Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville. Atlas portatile. Raccolta di quattordici Carte geografiche. Italia. Seconda meta' XVIII secolo 8vo oblungo; Cartonato muto; 14 Carte geografiche inciseSee Sold Price
SoldSanson d'Abbeville, Nicolas (Atlas)-Fragment mitSanson d'Abbeville, Nicolas (Atlas)-Fragment mit starken Gebr.-Spuren. Mit 26 (meist doppelblattgr.) grenzkol. Kupferkarten, 29 gest. Ortsverzeichnisse, 13 gest. Tafeln mit Grundrissen und kleineren ASee Sold Price
Sanson Map of the AmericasSANSON, Nicolas (1600-1667). Atlantis Insula. Atlas Antiquus Sacer Ecclesiasticus et Profanus. Engraving with original hand color. Amsterdam: Convens & Mortier, 1669. 21" x 25" sheet. Sanson's Map ofSee Sold Price
Sanson (Nicolas) - La Russie Blanche ou Moscovie,large map for Hubert Jaillot's Atlas Nouveau, with decorative title and scale cartouches upper left and right corners, respectively, engraved map with hand-colouring, on 2 sheets, joined, 590 x 890mm.See Sold Price
Sanson (Nicolas) & Jaillot (Hubert) Partie OccidentaleSanson (Nicolas) & Jaillot (Hubert) Partie Occidentale du temporel de l'Archevesché et Eslectorat de Treves, from Jaillot’s 'Atlas Nouveau', trimmed, wormholing, 560 x 430 mm, Paris, 1696; Neue undSee Sold Price
SoldSANSON, NICOLAS. Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c.SANSON, NICOLAS. Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c. Double-page engraved map of eastern North America and Canada as far west as the Great Lakes. 18¼x23¾ inches sheet size, wide margins; origSee Sold Price
SoldJAILLOT, ALEXIS-HUBERT; and SANSON, NICOLAS.JAILLOT, ALEXIS-HUBERT; and SANSON, NICOLAS. Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre. Large double-page double-hemispheric map of the world with fine decorative elemSee Sold Price
SoldAfrica.- Morocco.- Sanson (Nicolas) & Pierre Marriette.Africa.- Morocco.- Sanson (Nicolas) & Pierre Marriette. Estats et Royaumes de Fez et Maroc; Darha et Segelmesse; tires de Sanuto de Marmol &c., map of Morocco and most of Algeria, including the southeSee Sold Price
SoldSANSON, NICOLAS. Amerique Septentrionale.SANSON, NICOLAS. Amerique Septentrionale. Double-page engraved map of North America featuring the Great Lakes and California as a large island. 16x22½ inches sheet size, ample margins; original hSee Sold Price
SoldSANSON, NICOLAS. Asie.SANSON, NICOLAS. Asie. Double-page engraved map of Asia showing a portion of western North America. 17x23½ inches sheet size, ample margins; original hand-color in outline; faint stain at upper lSee Sold Price
SoldRussia.- Sanson (Nicolas) Description de la TartarieNO RESERVE Russia.- Sanson (Nicolas) and Pierre Mariette. Description de la Tartarie Tiree en Partie de Plusieurs Cartes, map of Tartary, showing central and northern Asia, with Korea illustrated as aSee Sold Price
SoldIndia.- Sanson (Nicolas) L'Inde deca et dela le Gange,India.- Sanson (Nicolas) L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., map of northern India and Pakistan, by Jan van Somer, engraving with outline hand-colouring on laid paper witSee Sold Price
Caribbean.- Sanson (Nicolas) Isle de la GuadeloupeCaribbean.- Sanson (Nicolas) Isle de la Guadeloupe Scitueé a 16 Degree de Lat. Septentrionale, map of Guadeloupe, including parts of the Isle de la Desirade and Marie-Galante, engraving with outlSee Sold Price
SoldSANSON, NICOLAS. Le Nouveau Mexique et la Floride.SANSON, NICOLAS. Le Nouveau Mexique et la Floride. Double-page engraved map of North America showing California as an island. 16½x22¾ inches sheet size, wide margins; original hand-color inSee Sold Price
Sold[MAP - GERMANY]. SANSON, Nicolas (1600-1667).[MAP - GERMANY]. SANSON, Nicolas (1600-1667). Â L'Empire D'Allemagne Divisee en tous ses Estats. Amsterdam: Pierre Schenk, n.d. Engraved map of Germany, hand-colored in outline, visible area 515 x 6See Sold Price
SoldAfrica - Madagascar.- Sanson (Nicolas) Isle d'Auphine,NO RESERVE Africa - Madagascar.- Sanson (Nicolas, publisher) Isle d'Auphine, Communement Nommee par les Europeens Madagascar, et St. Laurens, et par les Habitans du Pays Madecase..., large-scale map oSee Sold Price
SoldBalkans.- Sanson (Nicolas) and Pierre Mariette.Balkans.- Sanson (Nicolas) and Pierre Mariette. Illyricum Orientis in quo Partes II Moesia et Thracia ..., historical map of the area west of the Black Sea, based on the cartography of Nicolas SansonSee Sold Price
Russia.- Sanson (Nicolas) Description de la TartarieRussia.- Sanson (Nicolas) and Pierre Mariette. Description de la Tartarie Tiree en Partie de Plusieurs Cartes, map of Tartary, showing central and northern Asia, with Korea illustrated as an island anSee Sold Price
SoldAsia.- Sanson (Nicolas) Partie Meridionale de l'Inde enAsia.- Sanson (Nicolas) Partie Meridionale de l'Inde en Deux Presqu'Isles, l'une deca et l'autre dela le Gange..., map of southern Asia extending from India in the west to Sumatra and Borneo in the eaSee Sold Price
SoldCaribbean.- Sanson (Nicolas) Isle de la GuadeloupeCaribbean.- Sanson (Nicolas) Isle de la Guadeloupe Scitueé a 16 Degree de Lat. Septentrionale, map of Guadeloupe, including parts of the Isle de la Desirade and Marie-Galante, engraving with outlSee Sold Price
LATE 17TH C. FRENCH MAP OF THE NEW WORLD BY ALEXIS-HUBERT JAILLOT (1632-1712)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Duval - Pair: Map of Georgia & Map of Moscow, RussiaTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Duval - Pair: Map of India & Map of MaldivesTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of Luxembourg (Lutzenburgii montuosissimi ac saltuosissimi ducatusTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of the British Isles [England, Scotland, Ireland] (Angliae Scotiae etTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of Italy (Italiae Totius Orbis olim Domatricis Nova ExactissTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of the Czech Republic or Kingdom of Bohemia (Chorographia insignisTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of the Middle East, Eastern Asia (Primae Partis Asiae accurataTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of Africa (Africae Vera Forma, et Situs)Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024