SoldSanderus CAULIET Flandria Illustrata Belgicana[Sanderus] CAULIET, G. - De gegraveerde, onuitgegeven en verloren geraakte teekeningen voor Sanderus' «Flandria Illustrata». Antwerpen, J.-E. Buschmann, 1908. In-8, broché. [6], 99 pages [6], 99 pSee Sold Price
SoldAntoine SANDERUS - Flandria illustrata sive ProvinAntoine SANDERUS - Flandria illustrata sive Provinciae ac Comitatus hujus descriptio [...]. Hagae Comitum prosant Bruxellis, apud Carolum De Vos et Joannem-Baptistam De Vos, 1735. 2 volumes in-folio (See Sold Price
Antonius SANDERUS - Flandria illustrata. Tomus priAntonius SANDERUS - Flandria illustrata. Tomus primus [- secundus]. Tielt, E. Veys, 1978. 2 tomes in-folio, reliure de l'éditeur. Reproduction anastitique de l'édition de Cologne, 1641.See Sold Price
SoldSanderus (Antonius) Flandria Illustrata...Sanderus (Antonius) Flandria Illustrata...,2 vol., first edition, half-titles, engraved pictorial titles and c.320 engraved maps, plates and illustrations, some portraits, many double-page, soSee Sold Price
-. Sanderus (Antonius) Flandria illustrata-. Sanderus (Antonius) Flandria illustrata,2 vol., first edition, half-titles, engraved pictorial titles and c.320 engraved maps, plates and illustrations, some portraits, many double-page, soSee Sold Price
SoldCarte Map FONTAINE Berga Sti Winoci. BerguesFONTAINE, Jacobus de la - Berga Sti Winoci. [Bergues St Winoc]. Plan extrait du «Flandria Illustrata» de Sanderus l'ouvrage de Sanderus (1732). 390 x 490 mm.See Sold Price
SoldVerheerlykt Vlaandre, Flandria Illustrata, three partsVerheerlykt Vlaandre, Flandria Illustrata, three parts in two volumes, Anthoni Sanderus, 1735 Dim.: 47 x 30 cmVerheerlykt Vlaandre (Flandria Illustrata), Antonius Sanderus, 1735 Te Leyden by Jan vandeSee Sold Price
Sanderus (Antonius) Nova et exacta tabula geographicaSanderus (Antonius) Nova et exacta tabula geographica Salae et Castellaniae Iprensis, Anno MDCXXXXI, hand-coloured engraving, from the first edition of 'Flandria Illustrata' map of the Dioceses of YprSee Sold Price
SoldAnvers SANDERUS Abbatiae S. Salvatoris Belgicana[Anvers] SANDERUS, Antonius - Antonii Sanderi ... Coenobiographia Abbatiae S. Salvatoris in civitate et dioecesi Antverpiensi... Bruxellae, apud Philippum Vleugartium, 1660. In-folio, demi-chagrin maSee Sold Price
SoldOrtelius Antique Map: FlandriaTitle/Content of Map: Flandria Date Printed: 1588 Cartographer: Abraham Ortelius Material/Medium: No color. Spanish text on verso. From the first modern atlas- the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham OSee Sold Price
SoldJohannes Kip (c. 1653-1722): Britannia Illustrata:Johannes Kip (c. 1653-1722): Britannia Illustrata: Forty-seven Plates Forty-seven etchings in black on laid paper, c. 1709. All approximately 20 x 24 in. (sheet), unframed.See Sold Price
SoldJohannes Kip (c. 1653-1722): Britannia Illustrata:Johannes Kip (c. 1653-1722): Britannia Illustrata: Eight Plates Eight engravings with hand-coloring on laid paper, 1707-1709. All 14 1/4 x 19 1/4 in. (sight), 25 1/4 x 30 1/4 in. (frame).See Sold Price
SoldTwo architectural books entitled "Sodina Illustrata /Two architectural books entitled "Sodina Illustrata / Graphic and Historic Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places ofSee Sold Price
SoldJohannes Kip (c. 1653-1722): Britannia Illustrata: OneJohannes Kip (c. 1653-1722): Britannia Illustrata: One Hundred Thirteen Plates One hundred thirteen etchings in black with hand-coloring on laid paper, c. 1709. All approximately 20 x 24 in. (sheet),See Sold Price
SoldLithograph, Scena IllustrataFramed lithograph cover, ''Scena Illustrata,'' Italian School, by Anichini, c. 1910, overall: 17''h x 13''See Sold Price
SoldScuderia Ferrari – Pubblicazione illustrataENG A set composed by 2 issues (one double) from the late 30s. Very good condition. IT Scuderia Ferrari – Pubblicazione illustrata Lotto composto da: Anno VI n° 12 del 22 luglio 1935. Cm 21,5x27,See Sold Price
SoldFLANDRIA ET ZEELANDIA COMITATUS MAPAntique hand colored example of Blaeu's map of Flanders and Zeeland. Extends from Calais and Douay in the west to Louven and Bergen op Zoom in the east. Title cartouche, 2 coats of arms, compass roseSee Sold Price
SoldSibbald (Robert) Scotia illustrata sive prodromusSibbald (Robert) Scotia illustrata sive prodromus historiae naturalis, 3 parts in 1 vol., 23 engraved plates on 21ff. (including the heraldic plate), bookplate, contemporary calf, upper cover detachedSee Sold Price
SoldA HAND COLORED MAP OF FLANDRIA.A HAND COLORED MAP OF FLANDRIA. Depicting Flanders. After Gerardus Mercator. Verso exposes the history of Flanders Sight: 16" x 21"See Sold Price
SoldDantesca La divina commedia illustrata...Dantesca La divina commedia illustrata...Milano, Hoepli, 1898. In 2°. Numerose illustrazioni, legatura coeva in mezza pelle verde con angoli, impressioni a secco ai piatti, titoli in oroSee Sold Price
Sold[Plates] Oxonia Illustrata, 1675OXONIA ILLUSTRATA. Oxoniae: Theatro Sheldoniano, 1675. Folio, 16.75" x 11". Title and 4 engraved leaves of text (all laid down), and 13 double-page engraved plates only (of 40), on stubs. 19th c. moroSee Sold Price
SoldBres, Malta antica illustrata…Bres Onorato, Malta antica illustrata co' monumenti, e coll'istoria... Roma: Nella stamperia De Romanis, 1816. In-4° (mm 280x210). Pagine XIV, [2], 480. Con 1 grande Carta topografica delle iSee Sold Price
Sold17thC. Hand-colored Map FLANDRIA ET ZELANDIA COMITATUSFlanders Flandria Zeelandia c.1640 Belgium & Holland engraved hand colour map Flandria et Zelandia Comitatus [Flanders and Zeelandia County] Issued c.1640, by Matthäus Merian der Ältere (or "MaSee Sold Price
1751 PIGSKIN BINDING BIBLE BIBLIA SACRA FOLIO 9.5 x 15" antique ILLUSTRATEDJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024