(18th c) SAMPLER by SARAH BROWN born 1780.John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1811 36th Year of Independence Mary Gilbert American Needlepoint SamplerMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Hand Stitched Turn of the Century Sampler in Tiger Maple FrameDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Needlework Sampler Book, Together with a Smaller Crochet Sampler Book, Annontated NeedleworkNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
3 pcs Framed Vintage Americana Art Pieces. 1 Antiqued Sampler Signed Emily T. July 1776. See pics.Crawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold Price
Early Sampler in Gold Frame, Dated 1828 20"T 16"WSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldSAMPLER. Rows of alphabets with Sarah Ann ThompsSAMPLER. Rows of alphabets with "Sarah Ann Thompson, Her work in the 10 year of her age 1832". Framed.19 1/4" x 19 1/4".See Sold Price
SoldNEEDLEWORK SAMPLER Sarah Ann Flury, proNEEDLEWORK SAMPLER Sarah Ann Flury, probably Philadelphia, 19th c. Rows of alphabet with in a strawberry border, inscription "Sarah Ann Flury, her sampler made in the 14th (?) year of her age." UnfiniSee Sold Price
SoldNEEDLEWORK SAMPLER Sarah Ann Westcott, Fairton,NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER Sarah Ann Westcott, Fairton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, 1840 A strawberry border encloses rows of alphabet and pious verse and the inscription, Sarah Ann Westcott was born Dec 2See Sold Price
SoldNEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, worked by Sarah Ann Root, 181NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, worked by Sarah Ann Root, 1816. Rows of the alphabet, signature inscription - 12 1/4 in. x 17in., sight size.See Sold Price
SoldNEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, Worked by Sarah Ann Root, 1816NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, Worked by Sarah Ann Root, 1816. Rows of the alphabet with signature inscription - 12 1/4 in. x 17in., sight size.See Sold Price
SoldSarah Gillett 1802 Alphabet Sampler.Sarah Gillett 1802 Alphabet Sampler. "Sarah Ann Gillett, Aged 11 years, Colchester (New London, CT) August 1st 1802". Framed, 18-1/2" x 20" overall. Condition: Good with toning and wear/holes.See Sold Price
Sold19th C Alphabet Sampler by Sarah A. Harbine (1851)Framed, 19th C Alphabet Sampler by Sarah Ann Harbine (1851) sampler states " Sampler in the year of our lord 1851" OD measures approx. 18.25" h x 18.25"wSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER 1823AMERICAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, 1823, 15" X 10":Alphabet in registers. "Sarah Ann Basnette". For a high resolution photo CLICK HERESee Sold Price
AMERICAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER 1823AMERICAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, 1823, 15" X 10":Alphabet in registers. "Sarah Ann Basnette".See Sold Price
SoldAlphabet and motto sampler signed "Sarah Ann Banks workAlphabet and motto sampler signed "Sarah Ann Banks work done in the 9 year of her age 1840". The border decorated with embroidered strawberries and vine, the alphabet at the top of sampler over an embSee Sold Price
Sold1830 SAMPLER. Vertical format hand made sampler b1830 SAMPLER. Vertical format hand made sampler by Ann Magregor dated 1830. Sampler consists of rows of alphabets and numbers. Bottom reads: Ann Magregor her Sampler wrought in the year of her age JanSee Sold Price
Sold1830 SAMPLER. Vertical format hand made sampler b1830 SAMPLER. Vertical format hand made sampler by Ann Magregor dated 1830. Sampler consists of rows of alphabets and numbers. Bottom reads: Ann Magregor her Sampler wrought in the year of her age JanSee Sold Price
SoldUNFRAMED SAMPLER. Rows of alphabets, a ship, verseUNFRAMED SAMPLER. Rows of alphabets, a ship, verse, birds and trees in pale shades of ivory, tan and blue. "Sarah Brooks aged 12 is my name, England is my nation, Boolton (sic) is my dwelling place...See Sold Price
NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER. Rows of alphabets anNEEDLEWORK SAMPLER. Rows of alphabets and numbers with a verse and "Nancy Ann B. Ditto Her Sampler" in shades of white, green, blue, and pink silk thread on linen. Vining strawberry border. Some stainSee Sold Price
SoldBRITISH NEEDLEWORK SAMPLERBRITISH NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, silk on linen, an alphabet row above "ANN [J]AMES WAS BORN THE FIRST / DAY OF AVGVST IN THE YEAR 1708" and another two alphabet rows, center with verses of "The Lords PrayeSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLERAMERICAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, silk on linen, six alphabet rows, signed "Martha Ann Norton Aged 9 years" in the fifth row, lower half with a hymn verse "Religion should our thoughts engage / Amidst ourSee Sold Price
SoldNeedlework mourning sampler and two portraits of SNeedlework mourning sampler and two portraits of Sarah Jane Brown massachusetts, first quarter 19th century Rows of alphabet above inscription Sarah Jane Brown Aged 8 years" above pious verse and paneSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF TWO SAMPLERS, 1860'SNeedlework wrought by Mary Ellen, Norfolk, Aug. 1866, depicts rows of alphabets, together with Ann Simmons age 7 with rows of alphabets. 10" x 12".See Sold Price
SoldSarah Ann Souder American Needlepoint SamplerNeedlepoint sampler of a hom with the alphabet above and inscription below, signed "Sarah Ann Souder" and dated 1775 in the needlework. Having a floral needlepoint surorund. Housed in a painted wood fSee Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler, Ann Orchard, Brockwill, EnglanNeedlework Sampler, Ann Orchard, Brockwill, England, 1817, worked in silk threads on a linen ground, stitched with rows of alphabets above the verse "ann orchard is my name and england is my nation/brSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN / BRITISH NEEDLEWORK SAMPLERS, LOT OF TWOAMERICAN / BRITISH NEEDLEWORK SAMPLERS, LOT OF TWO, silk or wool on linen, one example with four alphabet rows, below signed "Ann Maria Wilcox / 1836", all above various motifs including a chapel, a cSee Sold Price
1839 marking and pictorial sampler,1839 marking and pictorial sampler, multiple silk stitches on linen ground, rows of alphabet, flowers and trees above "Ann Jane Coldwells sampler made in 1839," nine other family members listed, 23-3/See Sold Price
Sold1832 SAMPLER SARAH ANN THOMPSONSilk on Linen, five alphabets, plus the lowest tier reading "Sarah Ann Thompson, Her work in the 10 Year of her age, 1832", in gold molded frame, under glass, OS: 19" x 19", SS: 17 1/2" x 17 1/2". GooSee Sold Price
(18th c) SAMPLER by SARAH BROWN born 1780.John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ALLEN, Macon B. (1816-1894). Two documents related to Macon Allen, the first African AmericanFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A 19thC sampler embroidered with letters of the alphabet and numbers, decorated with hearts andClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Vintage Rhinestone Oval Sash Buckle, 2,75" Round, signed ANN. Gold toneJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, POSSIBLY PENNSYLVANIA Dated 1798 12" x 12". Framed 14" x 14".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
SCHOOLGIRL NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER America, Dated 1806 Framed 18" x 13.25".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
AN EARLY 19TH CENTURY ENGLISH EMBROIDERED SAMPLER by Ann Smith June 12th 1810. 34 cm square.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Betsey F. Chase Needlework Sampler Hopkinton, New Hampshire 1822Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024