Russische Avantgarde Arkin, David E Iskusstvo bytovojIskusstvo bytovoj veshchi. Ocherki novejshej hudozhestvennoj promyshlennosti. (Die Kunst des Alltags-Dings. Ein Porträt der neuesten künstlerischen Industrie). Mit konstruktivistischem EinbaSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Burlyuk, David D GaldyashchieGaldyashchie "Benua" i novoe russkoe nacional'noe iskusstvo. (Herumschreiende Benois und die neue russische Kunst). Sankt-Petersburg, (Eigenverlag), 1913. 20 S., 2 (1 w.) Bl. 24 x 16,5 cm. TypographisSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Iskusstvo v proizvodstve.Iskusstvo v proizvodstve. Sborniki hudozhestvenno-proizvodstvennogo soveta Otdela Izobrazitel'nyh Iskusstv Narkomprosa. (Kunst in der Produktion. Dokumentationen des Kunst-Produktions-Rats der Abt. BiSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Iskusstvo kommuny. (Kunst derIskusstvo kommuny. (Kunst der Kommune). 5 Ausgaben. Typographische, suprematistische Titelgestaltung. Petersburg, Abt. Bildende Kunst beim Kommissariat für Volksbildung, 1919. 4 S. (Nr. 11: 6 S.)See Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Burlyuk, David D Sammlung mitSammlung mit einem handschriftlichen Brief, einer Zeitschrift und einer Postkarte. Autograph, zahlreiche Illustrationen. Hampton Bays (N. Y.), 1960er Jahre. Enthalten: I. Color and Rhyme No. 62. HamptSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Lansere, Evgenij E IzvestiyaIzvestiya Zentral'nogo ispolnitel'nogo komiteta Soyuza SSR i Vserossijskogo ispolnitel'nogo komiteta Sovetov. (Mitteilungen des Zentralen Exekutivkomitees der Union der SSR und des Allrussischen ExekuSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Nel'dihen, Sergej E OrgannoeOrgannoe mnogogolosie. 1) Prazdnik: poemoroman, ch. 1. 2.) Tret' goda: stihi. (Organische Vielstimmigkeit. 1) Festtag: ein Poem-Roman, Teil 1; 2) Ein Drittel des Jahres. Gedichte). Petersburg, (ohne VSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Arvatov, Boris I Iskusstvo iIskusstvo i klassy. (Kunst und Klassen). Konstruktivistische Umschlaggestaltung von L. Nikitin. Moskau/Petrograd, Gosizdat, 1923. 87 S. 23,5 x 16 cm. Zweifarbig illustrierte Original-Broschur (RüSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Lissitzky, El. (Gestaltung)Veshch'. Objet. Gegenstand. Mezhdunarodnoe obozrenie sovremennogo iskusstvo.(Internationale Revue der modernen Kunst). Heft 3. Gestaltung des Umschlags und Layouts von El Lissitzky. Berlin, Skythen-VeSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Zetkin, Klara Zavety LeninaZavety Lenina zhenshchinam vsego mira. (Lenins Botschaften an die Frauen der Welt). Buchgestaltung von V. Stepanova, mit Photographien von A. Rodchenko, S. Skurihin, B. Ignatovich, E. Langman, E. LembSee Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Guro, Elena G NebesnyeNebesnye verblyuzhata. (Himmlische Kamelfohlen). Mit 11 Tafeln und 5 montierten Illustrationen (1 Porträt) sowie 15 weiteren Illustrationen und Vignetten von E. Guro. (Sankt-Peterburg), (Zhuravl'See Sold Price
Russische Avantgarde Gilyarovskaya, Nadezhda VTeatral'no-dekoracionnoe iskusstvo za 5 let. (Die Theater- und Bühnenbild-Kunst der letzten 5 Jahre). Mit 13 Tafeln (1 davon montiert) und 13 weiteren Illustrationen: szenische Entwürfe undSee Sold Price
SoldDavid E. Davis bronze sculptureDavid E. Davis (American 1920-?)- ''LXXVII''- bronze sculpture, 1979, signed David E. Davis / ''LXVII'' 1979 at base, very good condition. 12''hSee Sold Price
SoldDavid E. Henry Green Patinated Bronze Male BustDavid Eugene Henry (American, 1946- ) Bronze male bust having a green patinated finish on black marble base Impressed signature and copyright mark to base 19" x 8" x 5"See Sold Price
SoldKUCERA, David E. Oil on Board "Strange Owl'sBuffalo Robe." Signed and dated 97 lower right, inscirbed with title and date verso. Ed (David Edward) Kucera, American - active in Colorado / California / Nebraska, b. 1961. From a Long Island, NY esSee Sold Price
Scuola veneta, secolo XVIII Re Davide davanti all'Scuola veneta, secolo XVIII Re Davide davanti all'Arcaolio su tela cm 74 x 96 VENETIAN SCHOOL, 18TH CENTURY, KING DAVID ADORING THE ARK, OIL ON CANVAS 74 X 96 CM ***Il dipinto offertoSee Sold Price
Marco De Mirto - Davide e Golia- "David and Goliat"20"x11". De Mirto began his artistic passion in a prevailing self taught manner then frequenting the Pellegrino Art Institute, his first personal showing was sponsored by the Salento University, folloSee Sold Price
SoldDavide Pedersoli "Quigley" Sharps in .45-70 GovtDavide Pedersoli "Quigley" Sharps breech loading rifle in .45-70 Government with original box SN 29007 - This Firearm will require a transfer or 4473 background check- We do not sell firearms outsideSee Sold Price
SoldHASUI KAWASE (Japanese 1883-1957) A SHIN-HANGA PRINT,HASUI KAWASE (Japanese 1883-1957) A SHIN-HANGA PRINT, "Honmonji Temple at Ikegami," CIRCA 1931, color woodblock print, signed in plate. 15 1/2" x 10 1/4" Provenance: Estate of David E. Brauer, HoustonSee Sold Price
SoldPair of David Bell Folk Art Needlepoint Abstract PanelsTwo unsigned unmounted needlepoint folk art abstract panels.. This item came direct from the artist studio storage. This piece is by late designer David E. Bell of Washington, CT. David E. Bell (1921-See Sold Price
SoldDavid Bell Folk Art Needlepoint Found Object Art BoxDavid Bell Folk Art Needlepoint in found object box. This item came direct from the artist studio storage. This piece is by late designer David E. Bell of Washington, CT. David E. Bell (1921-2006) ofSee Sold Price
Sold(2) Signed Copies Of Duluth Fish Decoys BooksLot of two signed copies of 'Duluth Fish Decoys" by Richard and Raymond Bonin. Both books are signed by DFD artisit David E. Perkins. Also includes in lot is a postcard with PErkins signature. Books aSee Sold Price
SoldCONRAD MARCA-RELLI (American 1913-2000) A PRINTCONRAD MARCA-RELLI (American 1913-2000) A PRINT "Untitled," 1970, paper and burlap collage, signed and dated in pencil L/R, numbered L/R 1/50. 25 1/2" x 19 3/4" Provenance: Estate of David E. Brauer,See Sold Price
SoldNeedlework titled In the Beginning 1986Needlework of In the Beginning by late designer David E. Bell of Washington, CT David E. Bell (1921-2006) of Washington, CT David was always an artist, but first was an actor on stage in NYC, and thenSee Sold Price
A Group of Eight Books: Art in Needlework, Lewis F. Day; English Crewel Designs, Mary Erwen Jones;Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
From Davide Halevim Collection Antique Persian Mohtashem Kashan Rug 10'11" x 7'10" (3.32 m x 2.38 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ANTIQUE SCOTTISH PETRA ENGRAVING BY DAVID ROBERTSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(878)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Follower of Arthur David McCormick (British, 1860-1943), "Drake's Drum," 20th c., H.- 20 in., W.- 16Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
David Roberts - Obelisk of LuxorTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(32)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
David Roberts - Approach of the Simoom, Desert of GizehTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(32)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
The International Avant-Garde 3, 1962. One of 100 copies.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Frank Lloyd Wright and Architecture publicationsToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
David Webb 18k Yellow Gold Diamond Large Colombian Emerald Ring AGL3 Kings Auction4.3(201)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
David Webb 18k Yellow Gold Diamond Large Colombian Emerald Ring AGLGolden Air Auctions4.4(265)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Signed Jacques E BLANCHE Watercolour PaintingAntiques Online Auctions4.6(415)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Francois LAURET (1820-1868) French oil on woodAntiques Online Auctions4.6(415)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
DAVID HOCKNEY - LETTER E - FRAMED LITHOGRAPHWhite Knight Auction, Inc4.7(252)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024