SoldRUSSIAN JEWELED ENAMEL KOVSH BY RUCKERT C. 1900A FINE RUSSIAN SILVER JEWELED AND SHADED ENAMEL KOVSH, FEODOR RUCKERT, MOSCOW, 1896-1908. Resting on a slightly flared ring base the sides in shaded enamel of scrolling foliage on a cream ground and tSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SILVER GILT, ENAMEL KOVSH, RUCKERT C> 1900A RUSSIAN SILVER GILT AND SHADED CLOISONNE ENAMEL KOVSH, FEODOR RUCKERT, MOSCOW, CIRCA 1900. The oval bowl with heavy twisted wire rim and the prow set with a silver cone shaped finial, decorated on bSee Sold Price
A RUSSIAN SILVER & ENAMEL KOVSH,RUCKERT C. 1900A RUSSIAN SILVER & ENAMEL KOVSH, FEODORE RUCKERT, C. 1900. Of traditional oval form on raised foot, the body decorated on both the interior and exterior with brightly-colored stylized tulips and daisSee Sold Price
SoldRussian silver enamel kovsh by Fedor Ruckert c.1900Russian silver enamel kovsh by Fedor Ruckert c.1900, 1" x 2.25" x 4".The rim of the kovsh is plique a jour enamel.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////See Sold Price
SoldA RUSSIAN SILVER & ENAMEL BOWL RUCKERT C. 1900A RUSSIAN SILVER GILT AND SHADED CLOISONNE ENAMEL BOWL, FEODOR RUCKERT, MOSCOW, CIRCA 1896-1908. The bombe shape bowl completely decorated with vibrant multi-color scrolling floral and foliate motifsSee Sold Price
SoldRussian enamel and silver-gilt kovsh.Russian enamel and silver-gilt kovsh. c.1900. Marked with a profile head and ''84'' for the 875 silver standard mark on bottom. 3''l.See Sold Price
SoldA Russian silver and cloisonné enamel kovsh, c.19A Russian silver and cloisonné enamel kovsh, c.1900, enamelled with multi-coloured floral and geometric motifs on a deep blue ground,possibly Fabergé, 8cm wideSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SILVER & ENAMEL KOVSH MARIA SEMENOVA C. 1RUSSIAN SILVER & ENAMEL KOVSH MARIA SEMENOVA C. 1900. Comprising an interesting gilded silver and shaded cloisonné enamel kovsh, of stylized form, the low flat body with raised prow and unusual extenSee Sold Price
Russian Silver and Enamel Kovsh by Ovchinnikov.Russian Gilded Silver and Shaded Enamel Kovsh by Ovchinnikov. C. 1900. Enamel with colorful foliage and blue beads border. Marked 84 standard, "P.Ovchinnikov" by Cyrillic with double-headed eagle. TheSee Sold Price
SoldA RUSSIAN SILVER AND ENAMEL KOVSH, RUCKERTA RUSSIAN SILVER-GILT AND SHADED ENAMEL KOVSH, FEODOR RUCKERT, MOSCOW, CIRCA 1900. With raised prow and unique pierced shaped handle, the body enameled with delicate stylized flowers against a cream gSee Sold Price
SoldFABERGE RUSSIAN STERLING & ENAMEL KOVSH RUCKERTA Faberge gilded silver and shaded enamel kovsh. Moscow, circa 1900. Vivid white, green, blue, red and pink coloring. Has the Cyrillic Faberge mark. Has the mark of workmaster Feodor Rückert. Also haSee Sold Price
FABERGE - RUSSIAN FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSHEXTREMELY RARE - FABERGE - RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSH Extremely nice job as any items made by Fedor Ruckert. Late 19th C. The item is very nice made and has a maker marks: silverSee Sold Price
SoldFABERGE - RUSSIAN FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSHEXTREMELY RARE - FABERGE - RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSH Extremely nice job as any items made by Fedor Ruckert. Late 19th C. The item is very nice made and has a maker marks: silveSee Sold Price
FABERGE - RUSSIAN FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSHEXTREMELY RARE - FABERGE - RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSH Extremely nice job as any items made by Fedor Ruckert. Late 19th C. The item is very nice made and has a maker marks: silver marSee Sold Price
SoldFABERGE - RUSSIAN FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSHEXTREMELY RARE - FABERGE - RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSH Extremely nice job as any items made by Fedor Ruckert. Late 19th C. The item is very nice made and has a maker marks: silverSee Sold Price
FABERGE - RUSSIAN FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSHEXTREMELY RARE - FABERGE - RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSH Extremely nice job as any items made by Fedor Ruckert. Late 19th C. The item is very nice made and has a maker marks: silverSee Sold Price
FABERGE - RUSSIAN FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSHEXTREMELY RARE - FABERGE - RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FEODOR RUCKERT ENAMEL KOVSH Extremely nice job as any items made by Fedor Ruckert. Late 19th C. The item is very nice made and has a maker marks: silver marSee Sold Price
Sold2 RUSSIAN SILVER GILT AND SHADED ENAMEL KOVSHI, c2 RUSSIAN SILVER GILT AND SHADED ENAMEL KOVSHI, circa 1900. The bodies overall enameled in florals, geometric designs and beading in the Pan Slavic taste. Apparently unmarked. Length 2.75 inches (7 cmSee Sold Price
RUSSIAN SILVER ENAMEL JEWELED FLORAL KOVSHRussian silver and enamel kovsh. Has 6 oval cabochon cut sapphire jewels set in rim and round cabochon cut ruby jewel on top of front. Holds Moscow town, 88 silver purity, and Fedor Ruckert workmasterSee Sold Price
RUSSIAN SILVER ENAMEL JEWELED FLORAL KOVSHRussian silver and enamel kovsh. Has 6 oval cabochon cut sapphire jewels set to rim. Holds round cabochon cut ruby jewel to top of front. Holds Moscow town, 88 silver purity, and Fedor Ruckert workmasSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SILVER ENAMEL JEWELED FLORAL KOVSHRussian silver and enamel kovsh. Has 6 oval cabochon cut sapphire jewels set in rim. Holds round cabochon cut ruby jewel in top of front. Holds Moscow town, 88 silver purity, and Fedor Ruckert workmasSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SILVER ENAMEL JEWELED FLORAL KOVSHRussian silver and enamel kovsh. Has 6 oval cabochon cut sapphire jewels set to rim. Holds round cabochon cut ruby jewel to top of front. Holds Moscow town, 88 silver purity, and Fedor Ruckert workmasSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SILVER ENAMEL JEWELED FLORAL KOVSHRussian silver and enamel kovsh. Has 6 oval cabochon cut sapphire jewels set in rim and round cabochon cut ruby jewel on top of front. Holds Moscow town, 88 silver purity, and Fedor Ruckert workmasterSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SILVER ENAMEL JEWELED FLORAL KOVSHRussian silver and enamel kovsh. Has 6 oval cabochon cut sapphire jewels set in rim and round cabochon cut ruby jewel on top of front. Holds Moscow town, 88 silver purity, and Fedor Ruckert workmasterSee Sold Price
Viennese Silver And Enamel Lighter C 1900 L 2"World of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
19th C. Russian Cloisonne Enamel & Silver 84 Coffee Cup Saucer Spoon SetAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19th C. Faberge Style (71 grams) Russian Enamel Silver Gilt KovshAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Magnificent 19th C. Russian Enamel & 84 Silver Tea SetAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A Museum Quality 19th C. Viennese Silver Enamel Jeweled Miniature ShipFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Russian, Cigarette case and matchstick caseToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Russian Enamel Silver Kovsch, late 19th c., H.- 3 7/8 in., W.- 5 3/4 in., D.- 3 3/8 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024