SoldRosy NeedleworkA room-sized monochromatic petitpoint carpet 7.5" X 10.5, a small petitpoint oval rug 2.5" X 3.5" and a lovely crocheted afghan throw by Jeanne Bell 4" X 6".See Sold Price
SoldA VINTAGE CHINESE POLYCHROME SILK NEEDLEWORKA VINTAGE CHINESE POLYCHROME SILK NEEDLEWORK CELEBRATION BANNER, PROBABLY REPUBLIC PERIOD (1912-1949), of vertical rectangular form with a fold over suspension tasseled panel of celadon green ground sSee Sold Price
SoldFine Early Needlework Apron - 1762Fine early needlework apron on indigo fabric. Dated 1762 two times. H 14-3/4" W 12-7/8". Please refer to this link for high-res images. Sold Price
SoldMid Century Fantasy NeedleworkMid century fantasy needlework, measuring 18 by 44 inches, in a gold frame measuring 19 by 45 inches.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Needlework Sampler - 1828American needlework sampler with house trees and animals. Elizabeth Levy 1828. Excellent condition. Framed size H20-1/4" W21". Sight sized H 16-1/4" W 17". Please refer to this link for a high-res imaSee Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler - Ann White Taunton - 1828Fine needlework sampler with vine border. Ann White Taunton. Dated 1828. Excellent condition. Framed size H 23" W 18" . Opening size H 20" W 15-1/2". Please refer to this link for high-res image. httpSee Sold Price
SoldLate 19th/Early 20th C. Chinese Needlework, Silk onLate 19th or early 20th Chinese needlework, silk on silk, signed "Jinlan Nu Shi" and "Chen Shi," 18 1/2" h x 14 3/4" w (view), 22" h x 19 3/4" w (frame).See Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Mourning PictureNeedlework mourning picture with a watercolor on paper face. English, circa 1825. Excellent condition. A few minor holes on bottom edge. Framed size H 14-1/4" W 15-3/4". Opening H 13" W 11-1/2". PleasSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Religious Framed Needlework PiecesDepicting various religious figures, heavily embroidered 60x7See Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Folk Art Needlework on Paper 1823Fine early folk art needlework on paper. Paper is linen lined which is original. Tacked to wood panel.American, circa 1823. Sight size H 9-1/8" W 11-1/8". Last image is removed from frame. Please refeSee Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler - Mary Bollt - 1796Fine needlework sampler. Mary Bollt. Dated 1796. Excellent condition. Framed size H 15-7/8" W 15-3/4". Opening size H 12-1/2" W 12-3/8". Please refer to this link for high res image. https://www.dropbSee Sold Price
SoldOhio Needlework Sampler - 1839Needlework sampler. Sarah Owens, Newark, Ohio. 1839. Excellent condition. No damage noted. Minor stains. Dated 1839. Framed size H 21" W 22". Sampler size H 17-1/4" W 17-3/4". Please refer to this linSee Sold Price
Sold1791 Needlework PictureFine 18th century needlework picture, Initialed LC and dated 1791. Sight size H 8" W 10" Frame size H 9" W 11-1/8". Please refer to this link for a high-res image. Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler of Eunice LoveittNeedlework sampler of Eunice Loveitt. Dated 1830. New England. Beautiful condition. Bright colors. Never framed H 21" W 17-1/2". Please refer to this link for a high-res image. https://www.dropbox.comSee Sold Price
SoldThree Early Needlework PicturesThree early needlework pictures. Condition: Some imperfections Woman with One Sheep H 12-1/2" W 13-5/8". People and Ship H 13-1/4" W 17". Woman with Many Sheep H 17-1/2" W 21". Copy and paste link forSee Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler- Dayton OhioNeedlework sampler by Eliza Swain. Dayton Ohio. Circa 1825. Excellent condition. Framed size H 21" W 21". Opening size H 17" W 17". Please refer to this link for a high-res image. https://www.dropbox.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of silver sewing and needlework items, smallGroup of silver sewing and needlework items, small silver accessories, gold-plated needles, wooden sewing items, etc., many marked "Sterling", TI needle cases, chatelaines, scissors., etc.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Needlework Genealogy SamplerAmerican needlework genealogy sampler, Yarmouth. Dates range from 1770s to 1826. Some small holes mainly on upper left edge. Frame size: H 22-1/2" W 20-1/2" opening size; H 19" W 17-1/4". Please referSee Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Family Record With Clipper ShipsNeedlework family record- Sarah Huntington , 1838 with house and bird and two clipper ships; probably New England. Excellent condition with some overall toning to the linen. Frame likely original. FraSee Sold Price
SoldTen Chinese framed silk needlework panelsTen Chinese framed silk needlework panels.  Floral, figural, and birds.  Largest 26” x 9.5” overall framed 30” x 17”.    See Sold Price
Sold1757 probably Boston embroidered needlework picture1757 probably Boston embroidered needlework picture depicting large house with a couple in the front lawn, the man playing an instrument. Surrounded by sheep, cows, birds, and flowers. Done by Sarah LSee Sold Price
SoldSnavely Family Needlework Sampler Dated 1839.Snavely Family Needlework Sampler Dated 1839. In a modern frame, 24" x 24-1/2" overall. Condition: Good with toning.See Sold Price
Sold19thC American needlework by Elizabeth Smith - 18"x20"19thC American needlework by Elizabeth Smith - 18"x20"See Sold Price
SoldNeedlework Sampler with Green Background -1799Fine green background needlework sampler. Catharine Brown 1799. Framed size H 23-1/8" W 19-1/8". Excellent condition with some edge holes. Opening size H 21-1/2" W 17-1/2". Please refer to this link fSee Sold Price
Finished Needlework and Pattern from the Queens Lady's Newspaper and Court ChronicleNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Finished Needlework and Pattern from Home Art Work of a Lionand Eagle based on a 10th Century SilkNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Needlework Sampler Book, Together with a Smaller Crochet Sampler Book, Annontated NeedleworkNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Group of Eight Books: Art in Needlework, Lewis F. Day; A History of Textile Art, Agnes Geijer;Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Domestic Needlework: Its Origins and Customs throughout the Centuries, G. S. Seligman and TalbotNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Group of Eight Books: Art in Needlework, Lewis F. Day; English Crewel Designs, Mary Erwen Jones;Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Group of Eighteen Needlework Magazines and Pamphlets, Including the Magazine Needle & ThreadNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
LARGE FRAMED ENGLISH PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Americana Folk Art "E Pluribus Unum" NeedleworkAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
German Reverse Painting On Bubble Glass & Framed Squirrel NeedleworkLangston Auction Gallery4.7(507)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, POSSIBLY PENNSYLVANIA Dated 1798 12" x 12". Framed 14" x 14".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024