SoldRosewood Laminated Sidechair attr. J.H. Belter FloFloral & pierced carved back with an intricate carved seat rail, legs & carved knees.See Sold Price
SoldRosewood Laminated Sidechair attr. J.H. BelterFloral & pierced carved back with an intricate carved seat rail, legs & carved knees.See Sold Price
SoldCarved Laminated Rosewood Side Chair attr. BelterAmerican Carved and Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, mid-19th c., attr. J.H. Belter, New York, pierced grapevine carved padded back, surmounted by a basket of flowers crest, serpentine seat rail, acanthSee Sold Price
SoldRosewood Side Cahir, attr. J.H. BelterAmerican Rococo Carved and Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, mid-19th c., attr. to J.H. Belter, New York, in the pattern referred to as "Milwaukee", floral carved crest, grape clusters, scrolled stiles,See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Sidechair, attr. to J.H. Belter, New YorRare American Rococo Revival Laminated Rosewood and Pierce-Carved Sidechair, attributed to John Henry Belter, New York, c. 1850, the back featuring oak leaf and acorn branches along with grape vines aSee Sold Price
SoldLaminated Rosewood Side Chair, attr. BelterFine American Rococo Carved and Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, attr. to John Henry Belter, New York, in the pattern referred to as "Fountain Elms", arched floral and grape carved crests, scrolled stilSee Sold Price
SoldCarved, Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, attr. BelterRare American Rococo Carved and Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, c. 1850-1860, attr. to John Henry Belter, New York, distinctive carved applied crest centered by a shell, reticulated back, circular roseSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Laminated Rosewood Side Chair attr. BelterAmerican Rococo Carved and Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, c. 1850-1860, attr. to John Henry Belter, New York, in the pattern commonly referred to as "Rosalie", foliate and grape crest, padded back, ciSee Sold Price
SoldPr. Laminated Rosewood SidechairsPr. Laminated Rosewood Sidechairs Attr: J.H. Belter. Pierced carved back with elegant scroll work; opposite facing open flowers on the crest, carved cartouche on the seat rail and cabriole legs. OrigiSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1800 laminated chair, Rosewood, attr JH BelterMid 1800 laminated chair, Rosewood, attributed as early work of John Henry Belter "similar to Tuthill King", rose carved applied crest, scrolls around reticulated back with acorns, roses and grape cluSee Sold Price
SoldJH Belter Rosewood Laminated Side ChairJH Belter Rosewood Laminated Side Chair in the Henry Clay Pattern. Good original patina. Circa 1850. 37"h x 18"w x 18"dSee Sold Price
JH Belter Rosewood Laminated Side Chair in the "RosJH Belter Rosewood Laminated Side Chair in the "Rosalie with Grapes" Pattern in Original Finish. C 1850.See Sold Price
SoldPr. Attr: Belter Laminated Rosewood SidechairsPr. Attr: J.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Sidechairs. Pierced carved laminated rosewood backs with swirling filigree and a pair of flowers on the crest, has a carved serpentine seat rail and stands onSee Sold Price
SoldRosewood rococo laminated parlor side chairRosewood rococo laminated parlor side chair by J.H. Belter, ca. 1855, 38 in. T, 19 in. W, 19 in. D.See Sold Price
SoldJH Belter Rosewood Rosalie Side ChairJH Belter Rosewood Laminated Side Chair in the Rosalie Pattern in Original Finish. 37"h x 19"w x 22"dSee Sold Price
SoldJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood SidechairJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Side chair. Pierce carved back with grape vine carvings framed in C-Scrolls with 2 roses at the base of the crest-rail; the crest is carved with a basket overflowing witSee Sold Price
SoldJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood SidechairJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Side chair. Pierced carved back with grape vine carvings framed in C-scrolls with 2 roses at the base of the crest-rail; the crest is carved with a basket overflowing wiSee Sold Price
SoldJH Belter Laminated Rosewood Side Chair "Rosalie wJH Belter Laminated Rosewood Side Chair "Rosalie without Grapes" Pattern. 38"h x 18"w x 24"dSee Sold Price
SoldBelter Laminated Rosewood ChairJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Sidechair. The curved laminated rosewood back is pierced carved with serpentine scrolls framing oak leaves and acorns under leaves and berries with a seashell at the topSee Sold Price
SoldBelter Laminated Rosewood ChairJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Sidechair. The curved laminated rosewood back is pierced carved with serpentine scrolls, framing oak leaves and acorns under leaves and berries with a seashell at the toSee Sold Price
SoldJ. H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Side ChairJ.H. Belter Laminated Rosewood Side chair. Pierced carved back with grape vine carvings framed in C-scrolls with 2 roses at the base of the crest-rail; the crest is carved with a basket overflowing wiSee Sold Price
SoldRosewood Side Chair, attr. BelterFine American Rococo Carved and Laminated Rosewood Side Chair, attr. to John Henry Belter, New York, in the pattern referred to as "Fountain Elms", arched floral and grape carved crests, scrolled stilSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Rosewood Laminated Rococo Carved Sofa. TriAmerican Rosewood Laminated Rococo Carved Sofa. Triple Back with Applied Floral Carved Crests. New Tufted Upholstry. Attr. JH Belter, New York. C 1850. 42"h x 81"w x 34"dSee Sold Price
SoldBelter Cornucopia Rosewood SidechairJ.H. Belter Cornucopia Laminated Rosewood Sidechair. Pierce carved back carved with a floral bouquet on the crest with serpentine cornucopias down the sides framing oak leaves and acorns over grapevinSee Sold Price
Mid-Century Italian Rosewood Dining Table attr. Ico ParisiA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Vintage rosewood upholstered side chairSouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Belter Rosewood Gent's Armchair, Henry Clay PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Belter Rosewood Lady's Side Chair, Henry Clay PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
(2) Belter Rosewood Parlor Chairs, Henry Clay PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Victorian rosewood side chair surmounted by turned finials and having barley twist uprights, theClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024