SoldRonald Reagan, President, Signed Letter to 'Duke'1981 dated January 27. Response letter with envelop on White House stationary to Duke Schneider, Brooklyn Dodger Hall of Famer | 8 3/4 inches x 6 3/4 inches (letter)See Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan, President, Signed Letter1987, dated October 6. On White House Stationary. | 9 inches x 6 3/4 inchesSee Sold Price
Ronald Reagan President ALS Signed Letter GovernorHistorically important autograph letter signed during Reagan's days in California politics. Includes handwritten envelope with ''Oct 5, 1965'' postmark. The envelope reads ''Ronald Reagan, Pacific PalSee Sold Price
Ronald Reagan President ALS Signed Letter GovernoHistorically important autograph letter signed during Reagan's days in California politics. Includes handwritten envelope with ''Oct 5, 1965'' postmark. The envelope reads ''Ronald Reagan, Pacific PalSee Sold Price
SoldPRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN SIGNED LETTER633. RONALD REAGAN (1911-2004). Fortieth President of the United States (1981-1989). TLS "Ronald," 1p, 6¾"x9", Washington, DC, Nov 9, 1982. With original White House transmittal envelope. To friendsSee Sold Price
SoldPRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN SIGNED LETTER501. RONALD REAGAN TLS "Ronald" as President, 1p, 6¾"x9", Washington, DC, Oct 30, 1985. Accompanied by original White House transmittal envelope. On White House letterhead to lSee Sold Price
president ronald reagan signed letter BAS ac22608president ronald reagan signed letter BAS ac22608 President Ronald Reagan Signed Letter BAS AC22608 SKU no: RBJ7561039085656 Guidelines for Bidding We recommend for all bidders to review the LiveAuctiSee Sold Price
president ronald reagan signed letterpresident ronald reagan signed letter BAS ac22609 President Ronald Reagan Signed Letter BAS AC22609 SKU no: RBJ8097804943448 Guidelines for Bidding We recommend for all bidders to review the LiveAuctiSee Sold Price
SoldA Signed Letter from President Ronald Reagan, datA Signed Letter from President Ronald Reagan, dated June 4, 1991, on personal letterhead with seal.See Sold Price
SoldPRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER693. RONALD REAGAN (1911-2004). Fortieth President of the United States (1981-1989). ALS "Ron" as President on both sides of his personal presidential correspondence card with gilt embossed seal, 6½"See Sold Price
SoldREAGAN, Ronald (1911-2004). Typed letter signed asREAGAN, Ronald (1911-2004). Typed letter signed as President ("Ronald Reagan"), to Henry Kissinger. Washington D. C., 17 May 1983. 1 page, 4to, on White House stationery, with original envelope.See Sold Price
Ronald Reagan Signed LetterDesirable Ronald Reagan ALS RONALD REAGAN, 40th American President. Autograph Letter Signed, "Ronnie" on personal stationery, November 6 (no year), no place, 1 page, 10.5" x 7," Choice near Mint condiSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan Signed LetterRare and Desirable Ronald Reagan Letter RONALD REAGAN, 40th American President. Autograph Letter Signed, "Ronnie" on personal stationery, November 6 (no year), no place, 1 page, 10.5” x 7,&rdquoSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan Thank You TLS for Contribution to PFIABRonald Reagan Thank You TLS for Contribution to PFIAB A typed letter signed by President Ronald Reagan thanking a constituent for a contribution. 1p, measuring 7" x 10.25", Washington, D.C., dated NovSee Sold Price
Signed President Ronald Reagan LetterSigned by President Ronald Reagan Letter Letter size 9" x 7"See Sold Price
SoldRONALD REAGAN SIGNED LETTER AS PRESIDENT738. RONALD REAGAN Charming TLS "Ronald" as President, 1p, 6¾"x9", Washington, Oct 30, 1985. On White House letterhead to Misses Sam and Bertha Sisco in CA. "I am so sorry to hear that you lost 'Doe-See Sold Price
Ronald Reagan Signed Letter as PresidentRare typed letter as President signed, "Dutch," one page, 7 x 10.5, official White House letterhead, November 2, 1982. A letter to close friends from Reagan's hometown who are preserving his birthplacSee Sold Price
SoldReagan letterPresident Ronald Reagan White House signed letter and envelope, ca. 1984See Sold Price
SoldPresident Ronald Reagan: Typed Letter Signed onPresident Ronald Reagan: Typed Letter Signed on White House Stationery to Neil Armstrong Regarding HisSee Sold Price
Sold(2) RONALD REAGAN SIGNED POLITIC LETTERS 1976 1982Framed typed letters signed by Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States: (1) dated September 20, 1976 to R. Miller Hicks, in the first paragraph Reagan writes "True we knew a great disappoinSee Sold Price
SoldRonald Reagan TLS Re: "U.S. policy objectives" inReagan Ronald Ronald Reagan TLS Regarding "U.S. policy objectives" in Central America 1p typed letter signed by sitting 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) as "Ronald Reagan" at center. WritSee Sold Price
SoldRONALD REAGAN, Autograph Letter SignedAutographsVery Scarce Autograph Letter Signed "Ronald Reagan" RONALD REAGAN, 40th President of the United States and Famous Movie Actor. April 7 (1950), Autograph Letter Signed, "Ronald ReSee Sold Price
SoldRONALD REAGAN, Autograph Letter SignedAutographsVery Scarce Autograph Letter Signed “Ronald Reagan” RONALD REAGAN, 40th President of the United States and Famous Movie Actor. April 7 (1950), Autograph Letter Signed, “RonSee Sold Price
Ronald Reagan. TLSRonald Reagan. 40th President of the United States. Typed Letter Signed. 1 p., 9" x 6.75". On Whiting's Woven Linen, embossed with the Presidential seal. Some toning, light horizontal crease to centerSee Sold Price
President George H.W. Bush signed letter about son G.W. Bush w/9-11 content-PSAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Stunning President Ronald Reagan Single Signed National League Baseball JSA COAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
[EDUCATION]. A group of items related to identified historically black colleges and universitiesFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ronald Reagan Fuji Crystal Archival Photo with Reproduction CheckClassic Moments4.5(80)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1981 First Monday Magazine President Ronald Reagan w/VP George BushWestmore Galleries and Auctions4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
President Theodore Roosevelt Signed The Outlook Letter Custom Framed JSA LOA 4Bidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
President Theodore Roosevelt Signed The Outlook Letter Custom Framed JSA LOABidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
President Ronald Reagan First Day Cover Presidential Inauguration Custom FramedMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Barack Obama (44th President) signed/framed display-HUGE signature-JSA LetterMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Rhonda Fleming signed Hong Kong 8x10 Photo w/ Happy Memories - JSA Ronald Reagan3 Kings Auction4.2(197)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
THATCHER MARGARET: (1925-2013)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[First and only Soviet president]. Mikhail Gorbachev [autograph] and Ronald Reagan. The summitARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Where's the Rest of Me, signed by Ronald ReaganWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Extremely Rare Handwriten and Signed LetterDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Ronald Reagan Signed Postcard in a Museum-Quality Custom FrameDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024