SoldRoman Mosaic Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A group of barrel-shaped spiral-twisted polychrome striped glass beads with a larger round millefiori bead; on a modern wire loop. 14 grams total, 9-12mm (1/4 - 1/2") Property of aSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Bead Group1st century BC-3rd century AD. A mixed group of glass beads comprising: three blue fusiform with applied white and blue eyes; one green spherical with median band of polychrome triangles in grid formaSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A pair of mosaic glass spherical beads on a modern loop. 5.21 grams total, 12-13mm (1/2") Property of a professional gentleman, acquired 2011; formerly in a Russian private collectSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A group of black glass spherical beads comprising: two with scattered mosaic polychrome pellets, possibly from Fustat, Cairo, Egypt; and one with larger polychrome roundels; on a mSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Bead Group3rd-4th century AD. A group of four spherical beads, two with blue and yellow chequered surface, two with swirled trails in the same colours. 40 grams total, 18-23 mm (3/4 - 1"). Acquired on the LondoSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of three glass mosaic beads comprising: one square bead, green with orange eye pattern; one black and white chequer pattern; one blue and yellow chequer pattern. 6.42 gramsSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Large Mosaic Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of two glass beads consisting of a rounded cube-shape blue with bead with trailed yellow and red wave design; a spherical blue bead with yellow and blue millefiori eye desiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Red Mosaic Bead Group1st century AD or later. A group of three white glass beads with applied decoration in the form of red trails, waves and eyes. 8.35 grams total, 11-17mm (1/4"). Property of an Essex gentleman. [3, NoSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Face Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of three polychrome glass beads comprising: two oblate with inset eye and face motifs, one tubular with inset eye and rosette motifs. 16 grams total, 12-15mm (1/2"). ProperSee Sold Price
Roman Style Mosaic Bead Group. A group of five undated archaistic beautifully made large glass beads in traditional style of millefiori and stripes. 64 grams total, 22mm (1/2"). Property of a Middlesex collector; acquired on theSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Necklace Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A restrung necklace of glass beads consisting of plain blue and brown beads with yellow eye beads and a large tubular eye bead with yellow and brown stripes and blue eyes. 57 gramsSee Sold Price
Roman Red Mosaic Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of three white glass beads with applied decoration in the form of red trails, waves and eyes. 8.35 grams total, 11-17mm (1/4"). Property of an Essex gentleman. [3]See Sold Price
Roman Red Mosaic Bead Group1st-2nd century AD or later. A group of three white glass beads with applied decoration in the form of red trails, waves and eyes. 8.35 grams total, 11-17mm (1/4"). Property of an Essex gentleman. [3]See Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye and Mosaic Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of spherical glass beads, comprising: two white with black band and polychrome swags, one similar in green, one translucent blue with applied blue and white eyes; onSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic Glass Face Bead Group2nd-4th century AD. A group of three spherical glass beads each with inlaid mosaic masks and other polychrome ornament. 11.68 grams total, 13-17mm (1/2"). Property of a London lady, part of her familySee Sold Price
SoldRoman Eye and Mosaic Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of polychrome glass beads, rounded, oblate, barrel-shaped and four with millefiori eye designs; on a modern wire loop. 16 grams, 10-14mm (1/2") Property of a professiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Mosaic and Other Bead Group1st-3rd century AD. A mixed group of glass beads comprising: six red ribbon decorated elongated oval-shaped; millefiori decorated beads, crumb beads and orange glass beads; on a modern wire loop. 42 gSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Style Mosaic Glass Bead GroupA restrung group of graduated spherical mosaic glass beads. 120 grams, 34cm (13 1/2"). Property of a London lady, part of her family's Swiss collection; formerly acquired in the 1980s. [20]See Sold Price
SoldRoman Style Mosaic Glass Bead GroupA group of undated archaistic mosaic glass beads, each formed as a pitcher in blue glass with dragged white trails, green lip and base, some with blue handle to the rear. 35 grams total, 23 mm each (1See Sold Price
SoldRoman Style Glass Mosaic Face Bead GroupA mixed group of undated glass polychrome mosaic face beads comprising: three dark blue ovoid, one dark blue spherical, one red spherical, one dark blue bivalve. Property of a London Gentleman; acquirSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Blue and Green Mosaic Bead Group1st-2nd century AD. A group of three glass beads comprising: one white with blue band at top and bottom, mosaic red flowers; one green with applied eye decoration; one white with green bands at the enSee Sold Price
Islamic Style Mosaic Glass Bead Group with Ancient FragAn interesting group of undated Roman archaistic jug-shaped glass beads in blue, green, white, and black glass, each with applied fragments of ancient Roman mosaic beads. 25 grams, 22-26 mm (1"). AcquSee Sold Price
Islamic Style Mosaic Glass Bead Group with Ancient FragAn interesting group of undated Roman archaistic jug-shaped glass beads in blue, green, white, and black glass, each with applied fragments of ancient Roman mosaic beads. Acquired on the London art maSee Sold Price
A group of 4 Roman mosaic glass beadsA group of 4 Roman mosaic glass beads, c. 1st - 3rd Century, with a translucent deep blue core wrapped with a mosaic strip in various colors. Dia: 13-15 mm. Each is well-preserved and a nice example!See Sold Price
Roman Mosaic and Other Glass Necklace Bead GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Iron Age Celtic to Medieval Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Marcello Fantoni Pair Modern Italian Pottery LampsHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024