SoldRoland Rainer, coatrack for the Weiner StadthalleRoland Rainer coatrack for the Weiner Stadthalle Austria, 1956enameled steel59 w x 16 d x 69 h in (150 x 41 x 175 cm) Provenance: Weiner Stadthalle, Vienna | Private CollectionSee Sold Price
ROLAND RAINER Six Stadthalle chairsROLAND RAINER (1910 - 2004) EMIL & ALFRED POLLACK Set of six "Stadthalle" armchairs, Austria, 1950s; Lacquered wood, stained beech, chromed and enameled metal; Unmarked; 32 1/2" x 21 1/2" x 24"See Sold Price
ROLAND RAINER Six Stadthalle chairsROLAND RAINER (1910 - 2004) EMIL & ALFRED POLLACK Set of six "Stadthalle" armchairs, Austria, 1950s; Lacquered wood, stained beech, chromed and enameled metal; Unmarked; 32 1/2" x 21 1/2" x 24"See Sold Price
Roland Rainer, Armrest Chair 'WR Stadthalle', 195Armchair specially designed for the Vienna City Convention Hall, beechwood and formed plywood, bearing the mark of the Vienna City Authority. H. 80 cm; B. 61 cm.See Sold Price
Roland Rainer, Four Chairs 'WR Stadthalle', 1956For this Lot there is only a german description. Information in english can be requested via Rechtwinkelige Sitz-Rückenschale, die Ecken abgerundet, Rücken dreireihig ornamenSee Sold Price
Roland Rainer , Chair 'WR Stadthalle', 1956For this Lot there is only a german description. Information in english can be requested via Entworfen für die Bestuhlung der Stadthalle Wien. Rechtwinkelige Sitz-RückenschalSee Sold Price
SoldRoland Rainer, 3-4-3 chairs, set of twelveRoland Rainer 3-4-3 chairs, set of twelve A. & E. PollakAustria, c. 1953beech, sycamore, stained wood, steel 32 h x 17.75 w x 21 d in (81 x 45 x 53 cm) Literature: NeSee Sold Price
Roland Rainer. 'City hall chair 3-4-3', 1951. H. 80.5 xRoland Rainer. 'City hall chair 3-4-3', 1951. H. 80.5 x 52 x 63 cm. Made by E. & A. Pollak, Vienna. Beech, plywood, painted black. Marked: Stamp of Vienna community.See Sold Price
SoldRoland Rainer, Pair of City Hall Chairs, Austria, 1952Beech, plywood Vienna, Austria, 1952 Design: Roland Rainer (1910-2004) – Austrian architect Manufacturer: since 1957, Wilkening and Hahne, Germany Model 3/4/3 Stackable Literature: Eva B. OttillingeSee Sold Price
SoldRoland RainerRoland Rainer. Ten 'City Hall' chairs, designed in 1951. H. 85 x 44.5 x 58 cm. Made by E. & A. Pollak, Vienna. Beechwood, plywood.See Sold Price
SoldRoland Rainer, Four City Hall Chairs, Austria, 1952Beech, plywood Vienna, Austria, 1952 Design: Roland Rainer (1910-2004) – Austrian architect Manufacturer: Alfred & Emil Pollak, Vienna Model 3/4/3 Stackable From the former Vienna city hall LiteratuSee Sold Price
SoldRoland Rainer, 'Stadthallenstuhl - 3-4-3', 1951Roland Rainer, 'Stadthallenstuhl - 3-4-3', 1951, H. 80.5 x 52 x 63 cm. Made by E. & A. Pollak, Vienna. Beechwood, plywood, painted black., Exh. cat. Roland Rainer, Galerie Rauminhalt, Vienna 2000,See Sold Price
Roland Rainer, coatrack for the Weiner StadthalleRoland Rainer coatrack for the Weiner Stadthalle Austria, 1956enameled steel59 w x 16 d x 69 h in (150 x 41 x 175 cm) Provenance: Weiner Stadthalle, Vienna | Private CollectioSee Sold Price
Roland Rainer, 'Sprossenstuhl' chair, c. 1947Roland Rainer, 'Sprossenstuhl' chair, c. 1947, H. 83 x 43 x 53,5 cm. Made by E. & A. Pollak, Vienna (attributed). Beech wood, cream white textile straps., Cat. Roland Rainer - Mobel, npr.See Sold Price
Roland Rainer. Six '21A' stacking chairs, 1952. H. 77 xRoland Rainer. Six '21A' stacking chairs, 1952. H. 77 x 43 x 53.5 cm. Made by Emil & Alfred Pollak, Vienna. Beech wood, elm plywood seat.See Sold Price
Roland Rainer, Pair of City Hall Chairs, Austria, 1952Beech, plywood Vienna, Austria, 1952 Design: Roland Rainer (1910-2004) – Austrian architect Manufacturer: since 1957, Wilkening and Hahne, Germany Model 3/4/3 Stackable Literature: Eva B. OttillingeSee Sold Price
SoldRoland Rainer , Sechs Armlehnstühle 'WR StadthalleManufactured by Emil & Alfred Pollak, Vienna. Beech, solid and curved, plywood, curved, dark and light brown stained and coated, bolt. Partly marked: G Viennese coat of arms W (fire stamp). H. 83 cm;See Sold Price
Roland Rainer. Six 'P7' stacking chairs, designedRoland Rainer. Six 'P7' stacking chairs, designed in 1952. H. 77 x 43 x 53.5 cm. Made by A. & E. Pollak, Vienna. Beechwood, plywood seat stained dark. Littérature: Roland Rainer, Das Werk des ArchiteSee Sold Price
Roland Rainer. Coathanger from the Stadthalle Vienna,Roland Rainer. Coathanger from the Stadthalle Vienna, 1956. H. 175 x 150.5 x 40 cm. Made in Austria. Steelrods, steel, painted black.See Sold Price
Roland Rainer. Coathanger from the Stadthalle ViennaRoland Rainer. Coathanger from the Stadthalle Vienna, designed in 1956. H. 174.5 x 150 x 39.5 cm. Steelrods, steel, painted black.See Sold Price
Roland Rainer (attributed), Armchair, c. 1955Roland Rainer (attributed), Armchair, c. 1955, H. 87.5 x 56 x 55.5 cm. Made by A. & E. Pollak, Vienna (attributed). Wood, painted black, plywood with teak veneer. ,See Sold Price
Stapelstuhl von Roland Rainersog. "Wiener Stadthallenstuhl". Buchen- bzw. dunkel gebeiztes Buchen-Schichtholz. Gestell aus schräggestellten Streben als Träger für flache Sitzfläche, in leicht zurückschwinSee Sold Price
Roland Rainer, Armlehnsessel, um 1952Für das 'Café Ritter' in Wien. Ausführung: Emil & Alfred Pollak, Wien oder Thonet, Wien. Buche massiv u. gebogen, hellbraun gebeizt, eingehängte Sitzschale, gepolstert, originaler Textilbezug. H.See Sold Price
Roland Rainer, Stuhl, um 1952Manufactured by Emil & Alfred Pollak, Vienna. Beech, solid, natural coloured and/or brown stained. H. 82.5 cm; B. 42.5 cm.Eva B. Ottillinger (Hrsg.), Möbeldesign der 50er Jahre, Wien/Köln/Weimar 200See Sold Price
Roland Rainer, Two chairs 'Stadthallenstuhl' - 'Variant', c. 1954Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 19, 2024