Rare Monumental 29" Piece Of History Sterling 8 Lbs. 10 oz "The Harrison Cup"Ralph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
CHINESE KANGXI PERIOD PORCELAIN SAUCERSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Four Meissen teacups, each with a matching saucer,Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CHINESE EXPORT SMALL OVAL COVERED BOWL WITH SAUCERThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CHINESE EXPORT SILVER DRAGON-HANDLED TROPHY CUPAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Lidded German Cut Glass Punchbowl, Ladle and Eleven CupsBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Set of Tea Cup and Saucer with Brown Glaze on ExteriorChina Luban Art & Antique, Inc.4.4(78)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sold105. Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Mug and105. Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Mug and Tumbler. Handled mug with applied rib handle and molded base, tumbler with slight flared rim, both mottled design, 3-3/8" & 4-1/2"h. Condition: Good.See Sold Price
SoldROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY LARGE TWO-HANDLED MUG WITROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY LARGE TWO-HANDLED MUG WITH FROG, mottled brown, one side featuring a hunting scene, the reverse with a windmill, interior with a yellow ware frog, unmarked. United States. SecSee Sold Price
Sold107. Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Tobacco107. Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Tobacco Covered Jar. Round form with beaded band decoration, 6-1/2"h. Condition: Chips on rim.See Sold Price
Sold103. Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Serving Plate.103. Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Serving Plate. Square form with Flared sides, mottled brown with scroll and rib design, 8-7/8"dia.Condition: Good.See Sold Price
Sold106. Three Pcs. of Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery.106. Three Pcs. of Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery. Sunburst style form Plate with ribbed decorations, 8"dia. Pie plate, round form with flared sides, 9 1/2"dia. Oval Serving Bowl, 2-1/2'h.X 12-1/See Sold Price
Sold104. Two Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Pie104. Two Rockingham Glaze Yellowware Pottery Pie Plates. Round form with flared sides, mottled brown, 11" & 12" dia. Condition: Good.See Sold Price
SoldROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY MUGROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY MUG, mottled brown, straight sided, with a strap handle, unglazed bottom, unmarked. United States. Mid 19th century. 4" H, 4 1/4" D. Provenance: From the collection of a VirgSee Sold Price
SoldROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY MUGS, LOT OF FOURROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY MUGS, LOT OF FOUR, mottled brown, each slightly waisted, three with strap handles, unmarked. United States. Second half 19th century. 3" and 3 1/2" H. Provenance: From the coSee Sold Price
SoldROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY LARGE MUGROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY LARGE MUG, mottled brown, slightly waisted, with a strap handle, unmarked. United States. Mid 19th century. 4 5/8" H, 4 3/4" DOA. Provenance: From the collection of a VirginiSee Sold Price
SoldROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY LARGE MUGS, LOT OF TWOROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY LARGE MUGS, LOT OF TWO, mottled brown, each being straight sided, with a strap handle, unmarked. United States. Second half 19th century. 4" H, 4 1/8" D. Provenance: From theSee Sold Price
SoldBENNETT-ATTRIBUTED, BALTIMORE, MARYLANDBENNETT-ATTRIBUTED, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY SHAVING MUG, mottled brown, molded toby on each side with branch-form handle, interior trough without holes, unmarked. Mid 19th centurySee Sold Price
SoldRockingham Glaze LotLot (10) pieces 19th c. Rockingham glaze pottery including Toby mugs, bowls etc.. Some imperfections.See Sold Price
SoldRockingham-Bennington Pottery Frog MugColored Glaze Rockingham-Bennington Pottery Frog Mug 19th C, measuring approx. 4"hSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of four yellowware pottery pieces withGroup of four yellowware pottery pieces with Rockingham glaze. Comprising: [1] covered rectangular jar with finial (3 1/2"h x 7 3/4"w x 3 1/4"d), [2] platter (11 1/2"w x 8 3/4"w), [3] small pierced diSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ROCKINGHAM GLAZE POTTERY ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED ROCKINGHAM GLAZE POTTERY ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, mottled brown, comprising a 10 5/8" H Toby bottle wearing a long jacket with hat and holding a mug in right hand, having impressed "Lyman FentSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BENNINGTON-STYLE ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERYAMERICAN BENNINGTON-STYLE ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLE, mottled brown, featuring a chubby-faced gentleman holding a mug, wearing a cape, and hat. Unmarked. Probably Lyman Fenton & Co., BenSee Sold Price
SoldBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLEBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLE, mottled brown, chubby-face gentleman holding a mug, cape without tassels. Lightly impressed 1849 mark to underside. Lyman, Fenton & Co., BenningtonSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLEAMERICAN BENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLE, mottled brown, depicting a standing gentleman wearing a long coat and hat, holding a mug in right hand. Impressed Type A mark with "LymanSee Sold Price
SoldAn Unusual Bennington Type Yellowware MugA 19th century mug in a Rockingham glaze in the form of a woman's head, unmarked. Dimensions: 6" x 3 1/2", 6" tall. Provenance: From a Chester County estate.See Sold Price
Sold(4) AMERICAN ROCKINGHAM YELLOWWARE POTTERY(lot of 4) American yellowware and redware pottery, highlights include: (1) vase, in a brown Rockingham glaze, approx 7.5"h, 5.25"diam, (1) lidded baking dish, in a brown Rockingham glaze, glaze lossSee Sold Price
SoldBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLEBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLE, mottled olive-brown, chubby-face gentleman holding a mug, cape without tassels. Lightly impressed 1849 mark to underside. Lyman, Fenton & Co., BennSee Sold Price
SoldThree pieces of Rockingham glaze pottery, 19th cThree pieces of Rockingham glaze pottery, 19th c., to include a flask with relief decoration of a horse, 7 1/4'' h., a mug, 3 5/8'' h., and a window rest of a reclining boy, 3 3/4'' h.See Sold Price
SoldBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY BEN FRANKLIN TOBYBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY BEN FRANKLIN TOBY PITCHER, mottled brown, with boot handle. Impressed Type A six-line mark with 1849. Together with a ceramic mug advertising Taylor's shaving compoSee Sold Price
SoldBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLEBENNINGTON ROCKINGHAM-GLAZE POTTERY COACHMAN BOTTLE, mottled brown with one spot of blue to reverse, chubby-face gentleman holding a mug, cape without tassels. Lightly impressed 1849 mark. Lyman, FentSee Sold Price
Collection of Rockingham Glaze Yellow WareStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
TWO PIECES OF YELLOW WARE WITH ROCKINGHAM GLAZE.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024