SoldROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES Map.ROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES: Environs de Paris, Par Le Sr. Robert Geographe Ordinaire Du Roi with Privileged 1753 Hand-colored double-page engraved map of the country surrounding Paris. 20 ¼ x 2See Sold Price
SoldItaly.- Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles, publisher) Carte deItaly.- Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles, publisher) Carte de l'Italie dans laquelle sont Tracees les Routes de Postes, large detailed map showing details of the postal routes in Italy and Sicily, engravingSee Sold Price
Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - Carte de laregional map of the east coast from Philadelphia to the 'Dismal Swamp' and Curratuk Inlet, title cartouche lower right, engraved map with original hand-colouring in outline, 490 x 660mm., central vertSee Sold Price
SoldAtlases.- Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles and Didier) AtlasAtlases.- Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles and Didier) Atlas Universel, engraved title and 108 double-page engraved maps, hand-coloured in outline, cartouches and vignettes by Nicolas and Guillaume Sanson,See Sold Price
Atlases.- Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles and Didier) AtlasAtlases.- Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles and Didier) Atlas Universel, engraved title and 108 double-page engraved maps, hand-coloured in outline, cartouches and vignettes by Nicolas and Guillaume Sanson,See Sold Price
Sold[MAP] [ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, GILLES] Parte de la Me[MAP] [ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, GILLES] Parte de la Mer du Nord ou se trouvent Les Grandes et Las Petites Isles Antilles et les Isles Lucayes. Engraved map, partly colored by hand. 20 1/2 x 25 inches. FramSee Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy, GillesRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles. Atlas portatif, universel et militaire, composé d’après les meilleures cartes, tant gravées que manuscriptes, des plus célébres geographes et ingenieurs. Parigi, a sSee Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy, GillesRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles Carte nouvelle de l’Isle de Corse… À Lausanne, chez Marx et Michel Bousquet, 1756, aquarellée. 58 x 44 cm.See Sold Price
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, Gilles - Gouvernement généralROBERT DE VAUGONDY, Gilles - Gouvernement général de Picardie et Artois […]. 1753. Carte gravée, pourtours rehaussés. Beau cartouche rehaussé. 50 x 61,5 cm. Carte extraite de L'Atlas universelSee Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - Carte dessouth east Europe from southern Poland to Armenia, large decorative title cartouche upper right, engraved map with original hand-colouring in outline, 500 x 650mm., central vertical fold, Venice, SantSee Sold Price
Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - Partie dethe eastern seaboard of North America, from Maine to North Carolina, with inset map of South Carolina upper left, large decorative title cartouche lower right, engraved map with original hand-colourinSee Sold Price
SoldFEUR Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles) Le Royaume de PolFEUR Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles) Le Royaume de Polognemap of Poland, decorative title cartouche, upper left, engraving, 490 x 610mm., central vertical fold, some spotting, browning, slight soiSee Sold Price
SoldMap, "Partie Orientale" Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles,Map, "Partie Orientale de la Lombardie qui comprend la Republique de Venise", Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, circa 1760, lower margins have pieces missing, soiling in center, 20.25" by 25.5"See Sold Price
ROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES and DIDIER. L'Empire de laROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES and DIDIER. L'Empire de la Chine. Double-page engraved map of China and Korea with fine decorative title cartouche. 22x28½ inches sheet size, wide margins; original hanSee Sold Price
SoldROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES and DIDIER. PartieROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES and DIDIER. Partie de l'Amerique Septent? qui comprend La Nouvelle France ou le Canada. Double-page engraved map, 500x615 mm, wide margins; hand-colored in outline. Second sSee Sold Price
SoldROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES; and DELISLE, GUILLROBERT de VAUGONDY, GILLES; and DELISLE, GUILLAUME. Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte. Double-page engraved map, 310x395 mm, wide margins; nicely hand-colored; very slight darkeningSee Sold Price
Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles) Asie diviséeRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles) Asie divisée en ses pincipaux Etats, Empires & Royaumes,Asia with decorative cartouche (uncoloured), engraved map with original outline hand-colouring, 500 x 655mm.See Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - L'Afriquethe continent in 2 parts, north and south, unjoined, with large decorative title cartouche upper right, engraved map with original hand-colouring in outline, each part in 2 sheets, joined, approx 990See Sold Price
Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles) L'Empire du JaponRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles) L'Empire du Japon,Japan divided into its principal parts, with the coast of Korea, decorative rococo title cartouche with inset views, plants, parasols and treillagSee Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) Asia MinoRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) Asia Minor in suas partes seu provincias divisa,from the Aegean to Mesopotamia, and the Black Sea to Cyprus, vignette title of ancient sarcophagus andSee Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - L’Empire de lawith extensive decorative title cartouche, engraved map with original hand-colouring in outline, 487 x 525mm., cartouche uncoloured, a faint central vertical fold, with wide margins, Paris, c.1751.See Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) Mappamondo, oRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) Mappamondo, overo descrizione del Globo Terrestre,double-hemisphere world map, engraving, 155 x 300mm., faint old folds, framed and glazed, Venice, RaimondSee Sold Price
SoldFHOL Robert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - La Judédecorative title cartouche, lower left, with inset map, Carte de la Terre de Canaan, above, engraved map with original hand-colouring in outline, 495 x 630mm., central fold, wide margins, Paris, 1750See Sold Price
SoldRobert de Vaugondy (Gilles & Didier) - Britanicæthe British Isles, after Nicolas Sanson, large decorative title cartouche upper left, engraved map with hand-colouring, 490 x 540mm., central vertical fold, Paris, 1750; with The Kingdome of England ,See Sold Price
20TH C. TV & FILM ACTORS & ACTRESSES AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOSOmnia Auctions4.7(324)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Robert De Niro, Sr. (American, 1922-1993) - Still Life with PitcherFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
THE GODFATHER PART II (1974) - Vito Corleone's (Robert De Niro) Photo-Matched Pea CoatPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
THE KING OF COMEDY (1982) - Rupert Pupkin's (Robert De Niro) Screen-matched JacketPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
RAGING BULL (1980) - Robert De Niro-Autographed Promotional Boxing GlovesPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
NEW YORK, NEW YORK (1977) - Collection of 151 Production PhotographsPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Gaguin (Robert) De Francorum Regum Gestis Scripsit Annales, Paris, Jehan Petit, Pierre Vidoué andForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Robert de Vaugondy - Map of Canada - Mer de l' Ouest or Sea of the West and a Northwest PassageProverde Auctions4.3(3)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Charlie Chaplin: Collection of feuilletons about man and creativity: Chaplin as he was seen: RobertARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Robert De Niro Signed 8x10 Photo Framed Display - JSA AuthenticatedMynt Auctions4.6(689)$506 days Left