SoldReward of merit watercolorca. 1820; watercolor of multicolored bird with flowers in a pine frame and signed “Susanna Deturk” on reverse of watercolor, 5 ½”x 4 ½”;See Sold Price
1840s Rose Reward of Merit Watercolor1840s Rose Reward of Merit Watercolor C1840 watercolor probably given as a reward of merit framed in 19thc gold leaf. "Fear God and keep His commandments". Total framed size is 4 1/2" x 5 1/2". VGC.See Sold Price
SoldMID-ATLANTIC FOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWING / REWARD OF MERITMID-ATLANTIC FOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWING / REWARD OF MERIT, watercolor and pencil on paper, a whimsical yellow distelfink on a flower, period inscription by artist/instructor visible verso, which reads,See Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR TEACHER DRAWING / REWARDPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR TEACHER DRAWING / REWARD OF MERIT, watercolor and pen on lightly lined paper, a brightly colored depiction of facing roosters, inscribed in blue ink "John Leshers / PreseSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART PRESENTATION DRAWING / REWARD OFPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART PRESENTATION DRAWING / REWARD OF MERIT, watercolor and ink on paper, depicting a flowering tulip-like floral device in red, yellow, green, and brown. Housed under glass in a 19thSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA, PROBABLY LANCASTER CO., FOLK ARTPENNSYLVANIA, PROBABLY LANCASTER CO., FOLK ART PRESENTATION DRAWING / REWARD OF MERIT, watercolor and ink on paper, an unusual vertical panel with tripartite divisional arrangement, depicting three diSee Sold Price
SoldAUGUSTA CO., VA FRAKTUR DRAWING / REWARD OF MERITAUGUSTA CO., VA FRAKTUR DRAWING / REWARD OF MERIT watercolor and ink on paper, "Margaret Ann / Swortzel was Born July / 29th, 1842. Augusta Cty Va / thurs. march 7th, 1850." within a heart-vine borderSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Pennsylvania works on paper, to incCollection of Pennsylvania works on paper, to include two fraktur bookplates, a silhouette, a reward of merit, a watercolor floral drawing, and a portrait of a woman.See Sold Price
SoldRARE SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR REWARD OF MERIT DRAWINGRARE SHENANDOAH VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR REWARD OF MERIT DRAWING, watercolor and ink on paper, classic design featuring a large profile of a polychrome distelfink/bird flanked by two stylizSee Sold Price
SoldROCKBRIDGE CO., VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FOLK ART REWARD OF MERIT PORTRAITROCKBRIDGE CO., VALLEY OF VIRGINIA FOLK ART REWARD OF MERIT PORTRAIT, watercolor and ink on paper, a bust-length depiction of a young lady with floral bouquet in her hair, green dress with lace edgingSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWING / REWARD OF MERITPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWING / REWARD OF MERIT, ink and watercolor on laid paper, featuring a circular reserve with a calligraphic writing in German and a petaled border, edges with double-liSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FOLK ART REWARD OF MERIT/ DRAWINGAMERICAN FOLK ART REWARD OF MERIT / DRAWING, pencil, watercolor, and ink on paper, naïve depiction of a bird/distelfink exhibiting stylized coloration, presented with a clipped daybook entry, dated 1See Sold Price
Mid 19th C Watercolor Reward Of MeritMid 19th c watercolor reward of merit. Float framed. On back: reward for getting to the head. Total framed size is 5 x 7 Please note that this lot has a confidential reserve. When you leave a bid in aSee Sold Price
SoldPhiladelphia ink and watercolor reward of meritPhiladelphia ink and watercolor reward of merit dated 1804, for Esther Mechlin, 6'' x 7 1/2''.See Sold Price
Folk art watercolor rewards of merit.Good original condition Largest measures 3.5”x 5.5”. Smallest measures 2.5 x 1 3/4”.See Sold Price
SoldJohann Conrad Gilbert (Southeastern PennsylvaniaJohann Conrad Gilbert (Southeastern Pennsylvania, active 1775-1810), watercolor reward of merit depicting the Easter rabbit, 3'' x 4''. One of the earliest American portrayals of the Easter rabbit. ASee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWINGS / REWARDS OF MERIT, LOT OF FOURPENNSYLVANIA FOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWINGS / REWARDS OF MERIT, LOT OF FOUR, watercolor and ink on paper, each depicting stylized flowers, including one of tulips in a handled pot dated 1827, and one featuSee Sold Price
SoldFOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWINGS / REWARDS OF MERIT, LOT OF FIVEFOLK ART FRAKTUR DRAWINGS / REWARDS OF MERIT, LOT OF FIVE, watercolor and ink on paper, each of a flower or flowers, including one colorful example with writing that reads, "P.W. Flores / sein /See Sold Price
SoldInk and color watercolor fraktur reward of merit, 6" xInk and color watercolor fraktur reward of merit, 6" x 3-1/2" sight, 8-1/2" x 6-1/2" overallSee Sold Price
SoldSoutheastern Pennsylvania watercolor fraktur rewSoutheastern Pennsylvania watercolor fraktur reward of merit for Sarah Lerch, ca. 1800, depicting a distelfink perched on a floral branch, 2 3/4'' x 3 3/4''.See Sold Price
SoldAttributed to schoolmaster Henry Johnson, ink anAttributed to schoolmaster Henry Johnson, ink and watercolor fraktur reward of merit, dated 1830, inscribed Warwick, decorated with a woman's head, a flag, a bird, flowers, etc., 4'' x 6''. IllustrateSee Sold Price
SoldSoutheastern Pennsylvania watercolor fraktur rewSoutheastern Pennsylvania watercolor fraktur reward of merit, ca. 1820, depicting a distelfink perched on a floral branch, 3'' x 2 1/2''.See Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania ink and watercolor fraktur reward ofPennsylvania ink and watercolor fraktur reward of merit, inscribed Livey Haasin Centre Township Berks County 1848, 3 1/2'' x 6''.See Sold Price
Jules Bertrand Gelibert (France,1834-1916) watercolor painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pamela Wright (Canada,Antigua,20C) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
John Lavalle (MA,NY,1896-1971) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Charles Sarka (NY,IL,1879-1960) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Carolyn Bullis Blish (DC,1928-?) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Cecil Calvert Beall (NY,WY,1892-1967) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Charles Pitcher (PA,1927-2009) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
John Muirhead (UK,1863-1927) watercolor painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Peter Barrett (UK,born 1935) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
Alice Baber (1928-1982), "Buried Treasure of the Jaguar," 1978, Watercolor on thick wove paper,John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LeRoy Neiman 'Femlin - Happy New Year 1992' Original ink & watercolor drawingWhite Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
88th Regiment Order of Merit, 2nd Class with ten general actions.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024