SoldREGINA DISC MUSIC BOX WITH FIFTY DISCS, Regina MusREGINA DISC MUSIC BOX WITH FIFTY DISCS, Regina Music Box Co. for Sherman Clay & Co., San Francisco retailers, serial #35142, c. 1900. The table top cherrywood case is square in shape, the lift top opeSee Sold Price
SoldMIRA, AMERICAN OAK DISC MUSIC BOXMIRA, AMERICAN OAK DISC MUSIC BOX WITH SIX 12" DISCS & OAK TABLE, C. 1900, W 21":Mira music box in oak case, with crank, W.21 1/2", working order. Raised on a table with reeded legs, the same vintageSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Oak Disc Music Box, prob. ReginaAn Antique American Oak Disc Music Box, c. 1900, probably Regina, with 30 15 1/2 in. disks, height 8 1/2 in., width 21 in., depth 19 in Provenance: Descended in the family of noted antiquarian CarrieSee Sold Price
SoldRegina Orchestral oak music boxRegina Oak Orchestral Music Box, American, c.1896, square oak table model with lift top, double combs, crank-wind spring action, 15-1/2'' disc, #15755, together with 33 discs. Provenance: John Paul MiSee Sold Price
SoldREGINA STYLE 35 AUTOMATIC TWELVE DISC MUSIC BOXAmerican Regina style 35 upright music box, Rahway, New Jersey, c.1900, automatic tune changing mechanism, twelve steel discs, housed in bowfront mahogany case with carved crest, glazed door with pierSee Sold Price
SoldRegina Music Box and Tune Sheets.This popular Style 50 music box's Serial No. 75492 indicates that it was manufactured c. 1900. The Style 50 is a table model with a serpentine mahogany case and plays 15-1/2" tune sheet discs, 11 of wSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Regina 27in accordion top music boxc. 1897, the large table music box in an ornate original mahogany case with a folding top that opens to take the disc. In good working condition with 16 discs. Together with a case with 14 discs. ProvSee Sold Price
SoldFine Regina Carved Walnut Disc Music BoxFine Regina Carved Walnut Disc Music Box, c. 1900, "Style 19", 11 inch disks, double comb, serial # 24666, accompanied by 45 discs, h. 8 1/2 in., w. 15 in., d. 13 3/4 inSee Sold Price
SoldRegina Walnut Gothic 11" Disc Music Box, c. 1900Regina Walnut Gothic Disc Music Box, "Gothic Style 19" in original finish. 11 inch discs, double comb, serial #24607, accompanied by 12 Regina discs and original crank. 9"t x 15"w x 13 3/4"d. Fine worSee Sold Price
SoldRegina Model 35 Automatic Changer Music BoxRegina Model 35 Automatic Changer Twelve Disc Music Box, c. 1900, mahogany upright case, bowfront glazed door with "bronzed" metalwork, barley-twist columns, apron drawer holding 6 extra discs, cabrioSee Sold Price
SoldRegina Single Comb Pressed Oak 11 in. Disc Music Box,Regina Single Comb Pressed Oak 11 in. Disc Music Box, c. 1900, Ser. #44773, with original photogravure to inside of the lid, the pressed case with a relief of putti and an angel with a harp, the caseSee Sold Price
SoldRegina Disc Music BoxRegina disc music box with records. Case 22" x 19" x 14". Comes with 27 discs (14 new, 13 old), C. 1900 Regina, case refinished, works.See Sold Price
SoldSMALL REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX, The Regina Music BoxSMALL REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX, The Regina Music Box Co., Rahway, N.J. c. 1900, playing 8" discs on single comb with long bed, in small oak case with lift top. Dimensions: 8"H x 12.25"L x 9.5"D. Lot inclSee Sold Price
SoldSYMPHONION ROSEWOOD DISC MUSIC BOX C. 1900SYMPHONION ROSEWOOD DISC MUSIC BOX, C. 1900, H 9", W 16", WITH (12) DISCS, DIA 9 1/2":Rosewood table top case with beveled trim and a hinged lid opening to a double comb mechanism labeled "Schutz-MarkSee Sold Price
SoldA REGINA COIN OPERATED MECHANICAL DISC BOWFRONTA REGINA COIN OPERATED MECHANICAL DISC BOWFRONT MAHOGANY MUSIC BOX ON STAND, AMERICAN, CIRCA 1900, the cabochon medallion armorial crest, over a bow front window flanked by engaged columns, opening toSee Sold Price
SoldA REGINA COIN OPERATED MECHANICAL DISC BOWFRONTA REGINA COIN OPERATED MECHANICAL DISC BOWFRONT MAHOGANY MUSIC BOX ON STAND, AMERICAN, CIRCA 1900, the cabochon medallion armorial crest, over a bow front window flanked by engaged columns, opening toSee Sold Price
SoldSYMPHONION MFG. CO. MAHOGANY DISC MUSIC BOX"SYMPHONION MFG. CO. MAHOGANY DISC MUSIC BOX, C. 1885-1900, H 8 3/4"", W 14 1/2"", D 13"":Table model, includes 27 discs." (rev.20090417)See Sold Price
SoldREGINAPHONE MUSIC BOX ON CABINET FLOOR STAND WITHREGINAPHONE MUSIC BOX ON CABINET FLOOR STAND WITH DISCS, the Regina Music Box Co., Rahway, N.J., serial #1390126, c. 1900. The mahogany cased music box has a vented lift top, the spring wound action pSee Sold Price
SoldMahogany Regina 12-1/4" double comb disc music boxMahogany Regina 12-1/4" double comb disc music box, Model 16, inside crank, combs complete, playing condition, SN 43575, c 1898-1900, with 15 discs including Silent Night, Stars and Stripes, Capitol MSee Sold Price
SoldA 19th C Regina Disc Music Box,a table top model of mahogany or walnut with mother of pearl and other inlay, a coffered lid, molded base and flattened bun feet, single comb, one disc included. 13" high, 22" wide, 19 3/4" deep.See Sold Price
SoldRegina Auto Changer 15.5 In. Disc Music BoxAmerican, ca 1900. A Regina auto changer 15.5 in. disc music box, serial no. 50106, the case in mahogany finish with a shell and scroll carved crest over a single bow front door flanked by barley twisSee Sold Price
SoldSTELLA MAHOGANY CASE MUSIC BOX, 17.25" DISCSStella Grand mahogany cased table top music box, c. 1900, by Mermod Freres, Ste. Croix, Switzerland, a foliate carved front over a single storage drawer, the interior lid marked Stella, operating withSee Sold Price
C1900 Regina music box, 15 1/2" discs, #22418, 1897C1900 Regina music box, 15 1/2" discs, #22418, 1897, solid tiger oak case, dome molded lifttop, rope molded case, two 15 1/2" discs, 21"w, 19"d.-Provenance-Joseph Gerbino Estate, NJ. Good original finSee Sold Price
SoldC1900 Regina music box, 15 1/2" discs, #22418, 189C1900 Regina music box, 15 1/2" discs, #22418, 1897, solid tiger oak case, dome molded lifttop, rope molded case, two 15 1/2" discs, 21"w, 19"d.-Provenance-Joseph Gerbino Estate, NJ. Good original finSee Sold Price
RARE DIMINUTIVE CHIPPENDALE SINGLE DROP-LEAF TABLEThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(19th c) PAPIER MACHE BOX "AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE"John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(19th c) FRENCH EMPIRE PIANO-FORM NECESSAIREJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Polyphon German Music Box with 18 DiscsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
ANTIQUE AMERICAN PYROGRAPHY BOX NELLIECharleston Estate Services Ltd.4.5(64)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
AN INDIAN HARDWOOD AND BRASS INLAID OCTAGONAL TABLE C.1900 profusely decorated with leaf scrolls onAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
***WITHDRAWN*** A CHINESE CARVED HARDWOOD RECTANGULAR TABLE C.1900 the crossbanded topAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Native American Ponca Miniature Basket, c. 1900Stefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Fine 19th C. Playing 36 Airs Interchangeable 6 Cylinders Cartel Inlaid Music Box TableFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SMALL REGINA DISC MUSIC BOX.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
AN EARLY SILVER SNUFF BOX. Probably Morocco or North Africa, c.1900. Engraved with a Jewish star andJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
A WOODEN CHARITY BOX. United States, c.1900. In the shape of a single Tefillin. Painted inJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024