SoldRed sandstone head of Indian Goddess VishnuA red sandstone head of the Goddess Vishnu, 12th Century AD, from the Madhya Pradesh area of Central India. H: 12 3/4" (32.3 cm). Custom stand. Ex Estate of Dr. William Delaney, Washington DC; Ex WescSee Sold Price
1th C. Indian Red Sandstone Head of VishnuCentral Asia, eastern Pakistan or northern India, Punjab, ca. 13th to 15th century CE. A gorgeous pale red sandstone fragment depicting the head and shoulders of a god, probably Vishnu. The figure isSee Sold Price
AN INDIAN RED SANDSTONE HEAD OF VISHNUAN INDIAN RED SANDSTONE HEAD OF VISHNU India, Madhya or Uttar Pradesh, c. 11th century. The Preserver of The Universe wearing an elaborate headdress, the face with full lips forming a subtle smile andSee Sold Price
SoldCONTINENTAL INDIAN RED SANDSTONE SCULPTURE - Head ofCONTINENTAL INDIAN RED SANDSTONE SCULPTURE - Head of Vishnu, Mathura Style, Gupta Dynasty, 5th c, Northern India. 10" tall. A few rubs.See Sold Price
SoldIndian Carved Red Sandstone Head Figure FragmentsINDIA, 13TH-15TH CENTURY Three Indian carved red sandstone fragments. The lot includes a fragment red stand stone bust, fragment carving of Vishnu, and a small mounted group of three bust fragments. PSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Indian Sandstone Head of a Goddess6th-8th Century A.D. Possibly Gupta culture. Carved red sandstone on wooden gallery base. 12 1/2".See Sold Price
SoldA Mottled Red Sandstone Head of GoddessIndia; ca. 8th-10th century AD Beautiful carving of a female deity, with elaborate coiffure and large earrings. Custom stand. Dimensions Height without stand: 5 3/4" (14 cm) with stand: 8" (20 cm) ProSee Sold Price
SoldA RED SANDSTONE HEAD OF VISHNU, GUPTA PERIODA RED SANDSTONE HEAD OF VISHNU, GUPTA PERIOD Northern India, Mathura, 5th-6th century. The serene face with lidded almond-shaped eyes below gently curved eyebrows, the hair in wavy locks surmounted bySee Sold Price
SoldCentral Indian Red Sandstone Head of HanumanCentral Indian Red Sandstone Head of Hanuman West Rajasthan, circa 12th century The heavy jawed, mustachioed face with flat eyes is framed by a beard and low diadem with a central floret, with laterSee Sold Price
19th C. Indian Red Sandstone Head**Originally Listed At $600** Central Asia, India, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A heavy red sandstone head painted black on most of its surface, once part of a larger statue that was carved in hSee Sold Price
Indian red sandstone head of a womanAn Indian red sandstone head of a woman, c. 12th - 13th Century, tilted slightly to the right, with large almond-shaped eye and rounded cheeks. H: 3 1/2" (8.9 cm). Charming style, a nice display pieceSee Sold Price
An Indian red sandstone head of a womanAn Indian red sandstone head of a woman, c. 12th - 13th Century, tilted slightly to the right, with large almond-shaped eye and rounded cheeks. H: 3 1/2" (8.9 cm). Mounted on custom base. Ex East CoasSee Sold Price
Nice Indian red sandstone head of a womanAn Indian red sandstone head of a woman, c. 12th - 13th Century, tilted slightly to the right, with large almond-shaped eye and rounded cheeks. H: 3 1/2" (8.9 cm). Mounted on custom base. Ex-Los AngelSee Sold Price
19th C. Indian Red Sandstone HeadCentral Asia, India, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A heavy red sandstone head painted black on most of its surface, once part of a larger statue that was carved in high relief and projected outwaSee Sold Price
SoldAn Indian red sandstone headAn Indian red sandstone head possibly 18th century the man wearing his moustache in the Sikh style twisted in a plait up past his ears to his turban 28cm highSee Sold Price
SoldIndian Red Sandstone Vishnu, 11th / 12th CenturyIndian red sandstone figural sculpture of Vishnu, 11th / 12th century, Madhya Pradesh or Rajasthan, mounted to base. Stone: 29" H x 16" W; base: 3" H x 6" square. Provenance: Sotheby’s London, 11 JuSee Sold Price
SoldIndian Mathura Red Sandstone Head of Buddha5th-6th century AD or later. A carved Mathura, possibly Gupta, red sandstone head of Buddha, with finely executed facial features. 4.9 kg, 19cm (7 1/2"). Ex Cotswolds, UK, collection; 1990s.See Sold Price
SoldAn Indian Red Sandstone Vishnu, 12th CenturyAn Indian Red Sandstone Vishnu The multi-armed deity shown standing while wearing an elaborate tiered headdress and adorned with heavily decorated jewelry and ornaments, mounted to a wood stand. 12thSee Sold Price
SoldIndian Red Sandstone Vishnu, 12th CenturyIndian Red Sandstone Vishnu The multi-armed deity shown standing while wearing an elaborate tiered headdress and adorned with heavily decorated jewelry and ornaments, mounted to a wood stand. 12th CenSee Sold Price
A Red Sandstone Fragment of Vishnu - HeadCentral Asia, eastern Pakistan or northern India, Punjab, ca. 13th to 15th century CE. A gorgeous pale red sandstone fragment depicting the head and shoulders of a god, probably Vishnu. The figure isSee Sold Price
Sold3 Indian Carved Red Sandstone Head FragmentsINDIA, 13TH-15TH CENTURY Three Indian carved red sandstone fragments. The group includes three figural bust carvings of deities, each mounted on a wood plinth for display. Provenance: Paper inventorySee Sold Price
19th C. Indian Painted Red Sandstone HeadCentral Asia, India, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A heavy red sandstone head painted black on most of its surface, once part of a larger statue that was carved in high relief and projected outwaSee Sold Price
Sold3 Indian Carved Red Sandstone Head FragmentsINDIA, 13TH-15TH CENTURY Three Indian carved red sandstone fragments. The group includes three figural bust carvings of deities, each mounted on a wood plinth for display. Provenance: Dimension: LargSee Sold Price
SoldIndian Sandstone Saivite Deity HeadEast Indian carved red sandstone head of a deity, probably Central India, featuring a Saivite male with a third eye on the forehead and with a coiffure of an ascetic, supported on a wood base, 9.5''hSee Sold Price
1902 Red Indian Head Cent, Four Diamonds, Full Liberty, BeadsRichard L. Edwards Auctioneering4.8(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1907 Red Indian Head Cent, Four Diamonds, Full Liberty, BeadsRichard L. Edwards Auctioneering4.8(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024