Rare Veracruz Stone Skull HachaVeracruz, Mexico, Ca. 600-900 A.D. Carved gray volcanic stone hacha having very strong, expressive features. Relief carved circular glyph on forehead, depicting a stylized profile zoomorphic head. SomSee Sold Price
SoldVera Cruz Carved Stone Hacha - Skull in ProfilePre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz / Veracruz, ca. 700 to 900 CE. Carved on both sides, from a single piece of stone presenting chocolate brown hues, a ceremonial hacha depicting a human skull in profilSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha in Human Skull FormPre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz/Veracruz, ca. 700 to 900 CE. Carved on both sides, from a piece of volcanic stone of taupe hues, a ceremonial hacha depicting a human skull in profile, of an overall fSee Sold Price
Veracruz Stone Hacha in Human Skull FormPre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz/Veracruz, ca. 700 to 900 CE. Carved on both sides, from a piece of volcanic stone of taupe hues, a ceremonial hacha depicting a human skull in profile, of an overall fSee Sold Price
SoldRare Veracruz Stone Palma in Skeleton FormPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz, ca. 100 BCE to 800 CE. This is a fine stone palma, made of volcanic grey stone, and carved in the form of a crouching skeleton, with a particularly clear skull. The paSee Sold Price
Rare Veracruz Stone Palma in Skeleton FormPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz, ca. 100 BCE to 800 CE. This is a fine stone palma, made of volcanic grey stone, and carved in the form of a crouching skeleton, with a particularly clear skull. The paSee Sold Price
SoldVeraCruz Stone Hacha : Sotheby'sEarly Classic, c. A.D. 300. Gray stone hacha carved in the form of a human head, with sunken eyes and mouth, wide nose and nostrils, and with circular ornamnets on each side of the raised skull crest.See Sold Price
SoldVeraCruz Stone Hacha : Sotheby'sEarly Classic, c. A.D. 300. Gray stone hacha carved in the form of a human head, with sunken eyes and mouth, wide nose and nostrils, and with circular ornaments on each side of the raised skull crest.See Sold Price
SoldA Veracruz Stone Head, Hacha c. 400 - 800 AD VoA Veracruz Stone Head, Hacha c. 400 - 800 ADVolcanic stone in form of fat-cheekedSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Pre-Columbian Veracruz stone hachaLarge Pre-Columbian Veracruz style stone hacha from Mexico, ca. 400-600. ad. Carved hacha with open work geometric design. 11 3/4” height.See Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha - Eagle w/ Chief EmergingPre-Columbian, Vera Cruz, Mexico, ca. 500 to 800 CE. Exceptional and important stone hacha - implement used in the ballgame - in the form of a warrior inside the head of an eagle. The warrior is shownSee Sold Price
Exceptional / Rare Veracruz Stone Ballgame YokePre-Columbian, Vera Cruz, Mexico, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A truly breathtaking green stone yoke, likely a ceremonial representation of a lighter protective guard worn by Mesoamerican ballgame players.See Sold Price
Maya Stone Skull Hacha w/ Red Eye OrbitalsPre-Columbian, Maya territories, ca. 500 to 950 CE. Carved on both sides, from a single piece of white stone with red pigment added to the eyes, a ceremonial hacha depicting a human skull in profile,See Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha - Helmeted Ball PlayerPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, ca. 6th to 8th century CE. This is a large piece of carved volcanic rock called a hacha, which was worn atop the protective yoke that ballplayers wore in ancieSee Sold Price
SoldSuperb Veracruz Stone Hacha - Original PigmentsPre-Columbian, Veracruz, ca. 550 to 800 CE. An expertly carved and well-preserved hacha, hewn from a large piece of volcanic rock to serve as one of the ritual items associated with the Mesoamerican bSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha Depicting the Old GodPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast of Mexico, ca. 450-650 CE. Volcanic stone head depicting the Old God, with protruding tongue and jutting lower chin. An extensive program of furrows and scarifications on theSee Sold Price
Veracruz Stone Hacha - TlalocPre-Columbian, Veracruz, Ca 500 to 700 CE. Human head-shaped hacha with deep set facial features carved from volcanic stone. The visage likely represents Tlaloc, with his goggled eyes. Measures 5 1/2"See Sold Price
Superb Veracruz Stone SkullPre-Columbian, Mexico, Atlantic Coast, Ca 500 to 800 CE. Superbly carved stone skull, once set into a ballcourt; with toothy grin, sunken eyes and overall spooky countenance! Custom stand. 7"H x 6"W.See Sold Price
Large Pre-Columbian Veracruz stone hachaLarge Pre-Columbian Veracruz stone hacha from Mexico, ca. 400-600. CE. Carved hacha with open work geometric design. Large and fine example. 11 3/4” height.See Sold Price
SoldVERACRUZ STONE HACHA, MEXICOVERACRUZ STONE HACHA, MEXICO Unusual carved volcanic stone image of sacrificial victim relating to the Mesoamerican ball game, featuring a large nose ring and ornate head gear, AD 550-800. (ProvenanceSee Sold Price
Veracruz Stone Hacha Depicting Tlaloc w/ Red CinnabarPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz (Vera Cruz), ca. 5th to 7th century CE. An intriguing hacha of a bulbous form, hand-carved from speckled beige-hued stone with light and dark inclusions. TheSee Sold Price
Veracruz Stone Hacha Depicting Tlaloc w/ Red CinnabarPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz (Vera Cruz), ca. 5th to 7th century CE. An intriguing hacha of a bulbous form, hand-carved from speckled beige-hued stone with light and dark inclusions. TheSee Sold Price
Veracruz Stone Hacha - Monkey FormPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, Late Classic period, ca. 6th to 8th century CE. A delightful volcanic stone hacha from the Mesoamerican ballgame. It bears the characteristic style associatedSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha - TlalocPre-Columbian, Vera Cruz, ca. 500 to 700 CE. Human head-shaped hacha with deep set facial features carved from volcanic stone. The visage likely represents Tlaloc, with his goggled eyes. Measures 5-1/See Sold Price
Hand Carved Human Skull In Rare Ocean Jasper StoneCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
A Rare Green Stone Carved 'Bai Cai' Ornament From Ya'anEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Rare Shoushang Stone 'Landscape' Seal with PoetryEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Precious and Rare Duan Stone Dragon Pattern InkstoneEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
An Important and Rare Tianhuang Stone Beast Button SealEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Fine and Rare Tianhuang Stone Beast Button SealEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Fine and Rare Tianhuang Stone Chi-Dragon Button SealEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Precious and Rare Tianhuang Stone Beast Button SealEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Precious and Rare Tianhuang Stone Beast Button SealEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Precious and Rare Tianhuang Stone Dragon Button SealEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
China/Mongolia 1700/1800 stone statue skull shape. 1,2 kgArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Baltic amber set pendant&ring white color rare stones 11,7gJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Bakongo Ntadi stone rare couple figure 16" statue African Tribal Art MC2024Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Huge Stone Human Skull Effigy Pipe from Contemporary Collection of the late Floyd Ritter IndianMike Nichols Auctions4.5(466)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
LABRADORITE OWL AND SKULL ROCK STONE LAPIDARY SPECIMENCol. Christie Hatman Auctioneers4.5(323)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024