A Dan Kran African Mask Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Boki Janus Skin Covered Headdress Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Fine Old Bobo Mask Ex William Wright GalleryTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Luba Kifwebe Society Mask Ex Barthels , NetherlandsTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldRare Old Igbo Okoroshi Ojo Mask, Ex Merton SimpsonA Very rare, old and interesting wooden mask from the Igbo peoples of Nigeria, West Africa. A powerful and dramatic Okoroshi Ojo mask from the Igbo of Nigeria. Okoroshi masks are used in ceremonies toSee Sold Price
SoldIgbo African Mask Ex Bordogna CollectionA rare old carved wooden face mask with kaolin clay painted surface accented with reddish and orange clay pigments. Igbo peoples, Nigeria, Africa.The mask measures 9 x 6 ( 10.5 inches tall on simple dSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Rare Old Lawalwa Mask Ex Mark EglintonA very fine and highly stylized "Mfondo" mask created by a Lawalwa or Lwalu artist. Such masks were produced masks with facial representations that are composed of purely geometric elements, sharply aSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Kumu Mask Ex Mooney Prior to 1975A rare carved wooden Kumu mask. Kumu peoples, Congo / DRC , central Africa. Provenance:- Field collected by Rev. Lawson Mooney in Congo, thence to Dr. Ken Adelman, Former director of USAID Zaire, prioSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Dan Mano Mask Ex Bordogna CollectionOld carved wooden mask with incised coiffure and designs, inset metal teeth and a very well worn and well handled patina suggesting ceremonial use. Dan mao peoples, Cote D'Ivoire, West Africa. Ex ProfSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Tetela African mask Ex Leonard Kahan GalleryA rare Carved wooden mask with heavy incised linear designs and overall classic form, with long attached raffia grass beard. Tetela/Sungu peoples mask, Congo, Africa. The mask measures 14 x 10 inchesSee Sold Price
Rare Old Igbo Izzi Elephant Mask, African ArtA carved wooden helmet style mask known as "Ogbodo enyi", carved as a stylized elephant head with horns flanking the open mouth, a carved human head at the back, painted white and black. Igbo Izzi peoSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Lengola African mask Ex Dr W. MunsterbergerThis is a very rare old carved wooden mask with kaolin clay mineral pigment accent and a highly stylized face and form, with archaic features. A metal display stand can be included for an additional $See Sold Price
SoldRare Old Bamana Komo Mask Ex Al Gordon CollectionA Very Old and eroded carved wooden mask with a well weathered surface. Bamana masks such as this one are worn and seen only by members of the Komo association, whose members harness the power (nyama)See Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Lovale African mask Ex Levitt CollectionA carved wooden mask painted with a red pigment and adorned with a full woven grass coiffure and headress, neck covering. The mask has incised tribal motifs on the forehead and cheeks. Lovale peoples,See Sold Price
SoldRare Old Bamana Bronze mask Ex Allen Davis Collection.A cast bronze Mask from West Africa, Mali,and the Malinke or Bamana peoples. With an elongated, ovoid face, downcast, narrow eyes, a long nose, and a small, projecting mouth. Two rounded ears projectSee Sold Price
SoldOld Igbo Mwuo Maiden-Spirit Mask, Ex Leonard KahanOld Igbo Mwuo Maiden-Spirit Mask, carved wood, pigment; plexi box. Ex George Zafero, Ex Leonard Kahan Gallery. Approximately 11.75'' x 9.75'' x 10.5'' (30 x 25 x 27 cm).See Sold Price
Rare Old Bembe African mask Ex ~ Pierre DartevelleA Very rare Old carved wooden mask from the Bembe peoples of The Congo, DRC , Central Africa. Round face mask painted with white kaolin clay pigment and large round eyes accented with a reddish clay pSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Lengola / Metoko African Mask Ex Leonard KahanA Fine and Rare Lengola or Metoko Mask, carved wood with incised circular designs accented with kaolin clay pigments and obvious signs of field use. The mask measures 14.75 x 8 inches. A metal displaySee Sold Price
SoldAn Igbo Mask, "okoroshi ojo" (?)Maske, "okoroshi ojo" (?) Igbo, Nigeria Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 18,5 cm. Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. Jedes Jahr zur Regenzeit fand in verschiedenen südwestlichen IgboSee Sold Price
SoldPublished Old Luba Kifwebe Mask Ex Naiman / SimpsonA Carved wooden round mask with incised linear designs and accented with mineral pigments. Luba peoples, Kifwebe society, DRC / Congo, central Africa. The mask measures 15 x 12 inches ( 21 inches tallSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Field Used Baule mask, Ex Gansler CollectionThis is a very fine old and field used carved wooden mask with incised linear designs, accented with kaolin clay pigment, raised facial scars and elaborate coiffure. The mask is a classic \"Gba gba\"See Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. African Igbo Wood Mask - Okoroshi Ojo Style**Originally Listed At $100** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style, hand-carved and narrow to be worn atop the head rather than overSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. African Igbo Wooden Mask - Okoroshi Ojo**Originally Listed At $125** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style with a blocky nose, petite eyes, and a slender mouth wSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. African Igbo Wooden Mask - Okoroshi Ojo**Originally Listed At $125** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style with a blocky nose, petite eyes, and a slender mouth wSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. African Igbo Wood Mask - Okoroshi Ojo Style**Originally Listed At $100** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style, hand-carved and narrow to be worn atop the head rather than overSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. African Igbo Wooden Mask - Okoroshi Ojo**First Time At Auction** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style with a blocky nose, petite eyes, and a slender mouth withSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. African Igbo Wooden Mask - Okoroshi Ojo**Originally Listed At $125** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style with a blocky nose, petite eyes, and a slender mouth wSee Sold Price
Mid-20th C. African Igbo Wood Mask - Okoroshi Ojo Style**First Time At Auction** Western Africa, Nigeria, Igbo peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A wooden mask in the Okoroshi Ojo style, hand-carved and narrow to be worn atop the head rather than over theSee Sold Price
African Massive Igbo Dance Crest Mask, Nigeria, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Dan Kran African Mask Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Rare Mumuye Ceremonial Mask Ex Endicott CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Luba Kifwebe Society Mask Ex Barthels , NetherlandsTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ancient Idoma African Mask Ex Sotheby's, Ex Samuelly CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Dramatic Guere African mask Ex Dannenberg CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Fine Old Bobo Mask Ex William Wright GalleryTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BOA Pongdudu Warrior Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1684Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Guere Illness Mask African Mask Ex Scanzi CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024