SoldRARE Glacier Beer Tray from Kalispell MontanaThis is a RARE Glacier Beer tray from the Kalispell Malting & Brewing Co. in Kalispell, Montana. The tray shows a young cocktail waitress serving a beer. The tray reads "Kalispell Malting & Brewing /See Sold Price
SoldRARE Kalispell Malting & Brewing Co Best Beer TrayThis is a RARE Kalispell Malting & Brewing Company Best Beer tray from Kalispell, Montana. The tray shows a Bohemian gentleman enjoying a Best Beer. The tray reads "Best Beer / Kalispell, Mont.". TheSee Sold Price
SoldRARE Bozeman Beer Stag Tray from MontanaThis is an original RARE Bozeman Beer tray from Bozeman, Montana. The tray shows the image of the majestic stag and reads "Bozeman Beer". The tray is also marked "77" at the bottom. The beer tray is aSee Sold Price
SoldRARE Billings Brewing Co. Beer Tray from MontanaThis is an original RARE Billings Brewing Co. beer tray from Billings, Montana. The tray shows the Lower Yellowstone Falls of Yellowstone Park inside the image of a horseshoe. The tray reads "BillingsSee Sold Price
SoldRARE Bozeman Brewing Co. Beer Tray From MontanaThis is a RARE pre-prohibition Bozeman Brewing Company beer tray from Bozeman, Montana. The tray is titled "A Busy Wire" and shows a beautiful young woman talking on the telephone. The tray reads "BozSee Sold Price
SoldMontana Brewing Company Tray Great Falls MontanaThis is an original RARE Montana Brewing Company beer tray from Great Falls, Montana. The tray reads "My Favorite Beer / Montana Brewing Co., Great Falls." and shows the clergymen sitting at the tableSee Sold Price
SoldButte Brewing Co. Eureka Beer Tray from MontanaThis is a RARE Butte Brewing Company Eureka Beer tray from Butte, Montana. The tray shows the image of the stag with its impressive horns and regal demeanor. The tray reads "Butte Brewing Co. / EurekaSee Sold Price
SoldKessler Lorelei Beer & Malt Extract Tray Helena MTThis is an original RARE Kessler Lorelei Beer & Malt Extract tray from Helena, Montana. This is a beautiful pre-prohibition tray from one of Montana's oldest breweries. The tray shows the shield logoSee Sold Price
SoldCentennial Brewing Company Beer Tray Butte MontanaThis is a RARE original Centennial Brewing Company Beer tray from Butte, Montana. The tray shows a factory scene of the brewery which was started in 1876, making it one of the oldest breweries in MontSee Sold Price
SoldBrass Kessler Lorelei Beer Tray Helena MontanaThis is a RARE original Kessler Lorelei Beer brass tray from Helena, Montana. The tray was made to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the brewery in 1915. The tray features extensive engraving includSee Sold Price
SoldBillings Brewing Co. Old Fashion Beer Tray MontanaThis is a RARE original Billings Brewing Company Old Fashion Beer tray from Billings, Montana. The tray was made pre-prohibition and is titled "The Invitation" and shows the young woman with a glass oSee Sold Price
SoldGallatin Brewing Co. Bozeman Montana Beer TrayThis is an original RARE Gallatin Brewing Company Old Faithful Beer tray from Bozeman, Montana. The tray is from the 1930's and shows the wonderful graphic image of Old Faithful. The tray reads "GallaSee Sold Price
SoldCapital Brewing & Malting Co. Tray Helena MontanaThis is a very RARE original Capital Brewing & Malting Company beer tray from Helena, Montana. The tray shows a young woman with arms full of flowers. The tray reads "Capital Brewing & Malting Co. / HSee Sold Price
SoldCentennial Brewing Weiner Beer Tray Butte MontanaThis is an original RARE Pre-Prohibition Centennial Brewing Company Weiner Beer tray from Butte, Montana. The tray reads "Centennial Brewing Co. / A Million Glasses a Day / Everybody Likes It / WeinerSee Sold Price
SoldMontana Brewing Co. Silver Spray Tray Great FallsThis is a RARE Montana Brewing Company Silver Spray Beer tray from Great Falls, Montana. This is a pre-prohibition tray showing a young Victorian woman. The tray is marked "Silver Spray / The MontanaSee Sold Price
SoldAnaconda Brewing Company Beverage TrayThis is a rare beverage tray from the Anaconda Brewing Company. This tray is from the 1930's. It reads"Properly Aged Rocky Mountain Beer Anaconda Brewing Company Anaconda, Montana" and is also markedSee Sold Price
SoldRare Beer Tray, 19th C Wielands LagerA rare19th century beer tray. A. Wieland's Extra Pale Lager advertisement on the rim and, "COPYRIGHT BY KAUFMANN & STRAUSS CO, N.Y. A Western Product" on the base. The center piece is a Native AmericaSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Brewing & Malting Beer Tray MontanaThis is a scarce original American Brewing & Malting Company Beer tray from Great Falls, Montana. The tray shows a feast laid upon the table including a plate of crab. The foreground of the tray showsSee Sold Price
Missoula Brewing Co. Highlander Beer Tray MontanaIncluded in this lot we have a Missoula Brewing Co. Highlander Beer serving tray from Missoula, Montana. The tray shows the Highlander eagle logo reading "Honest Value Purity - Strength" in orange andSee Sold Price
SoldGreat Falls Bohemian Style Lager Beer Tray MontanaThis is an original Great Falls Beer tray from Great Falls, Montana. The tray reads "Drink Great Falls Bohemian Style Lager Beer It's the Flavor" and shows the red banner logo. The tray is also markedSee Sold Price
SoldButte Brewing Company Eureka Beer Tray MontanaThis is an original scarce Butte Brewing Company Eureka Beer tray from Butte, Montana. The tray is marked "Butte Br'g Eureka" and shows the "Wedding Girl" image. The tray is also marked "12" near theSee Sold Price
SoldBillings Brewing Old Fashion Beer Tray MontanaThis is an original Billings Brewing Company Old Fashion Beer tray from Billings, Montana. The tray shows the image of three gentlemen playing cards in the center. The caption under the image reads "DSee Sold Price
SoldMissoula Brewing Co. Highlander Beer Tray MontanaThis is a scarce original Missoula Brewing Company Highlander Beer tray from Missoula, Montana. The tray shows the yellow background with the eagle logo that reads "Honest Value / Purity / Strength".See Sold Price
SoldMissoula Brewing Co. Highlander Beer Tray MontanaIncluded in this lot we have a Missoula Brewing Co. Highlander Beer serving tray from Missoula, Montana. The tray shows the Highlander eagle logo reading "Honest Value Purity - Strength" in orange andSee Sold Price
American Brewing Liberty Beer Pre-Prohibition Tip TrayMorean Auctions4.5(33)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Dorado Brandy Pre-Prohibition Era Mexican Serving TrayMorean Auctions4.5(33)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Molson Beer 1920s Canadian Porcelain Enamel Serving TrayMorean Auctions4.5(33)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Rare Vintage Chevalier Superb Beer Advertising TrayMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024