SoldRailway Interest - A George V silver hallmarked trinketRailway Interest - A George V silver hallmarked trinket tray, inscribed General Strike May 1926, To Mrs Cowdell Barratt With The Grateful Thanks Of The Great Western Railway Co., by A.C.E. BirminghamSee Sold Price
SoldRailway Interest - A George V silver trinket tray,Railway Interest - A George V silver trinket tray, inscribed General Strike May 1926, With The Grateful Thanks Of The Great Western Railway Co., by A.C.E. Birmingham 1925, (125g)See Sold Price
SoldOf early railway interest: A George IV silver pair caseOf early railway interest: A George IV silver pair cased pocket, the dial probably later enamelled to the centre with a steam train and carriages, the case hallmarked for Birmingham 1829the enamel diaSee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver trinket box, of plain hexagonal formA George V silver trinket box, of plain hexagonal form with hinged cover opening to reveal a lined interior, the whole raised upon three stylised foliate feet, hallmarked Cornelius Desormeaux SaundersSee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver trinket box with green and whiteA George V silver trinket box with green and white guilloché enamelled lid, opening to reveal a cream lined interior, hallmarked Birmingham 1910, maker's mark indistinct, width measures 6.3 cm. TogetSee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver mounted trinket box, of plain ovalA George V silver mounted trinket box, of plain oval form with hinged cover opening to a lined interior, hallmarked Birmingham 1919, 2.25 (6cm) long. Together with a pair of 1970's silver bud vases, oSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge V Sterling Silver Trinket Box and Cover,hallmarked, London, 1917, Mappin and Webb, of cylindrical form, with engine turned cover and foliate border, total weight 32gmSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge V Sterling Silver Trinket Box and Cover,hallmarked, London, 1917, Mappin and Webb, of cylindrical form, with engine turned cover and foliate border, total weight 32gmSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge V silver trinket box with mauve enamel set coverGeorge V silver trinket box with mauve enamel set cover on three feet, Birmingham, 1912, and a bon bon dish with pierced sides, Birmingham assay,See Sold Price
SoldGeorge V silver trinket box, of oval form on fourGeorge V silver trinket box, of oval form on four cabriole legs, by Lawrence Emanuel, Birmingham, 1916,See Sold Price
SoldThree Edwardian & George V Silver Trinket Dishesincluding a pair with Birmingham (1905) hallmarks, oval form with reticulated sides (7/8 x 4.5 x 3 3/8 in.) (good estate condition); and a single reticulated dish with Birmingham (1911) hallmarks (1 3See Sold Price
Religious interest George V silver Chris...Religious interest George V silver Christogram Southwark devotional medal with ribbon and box by Marples & Beasley Birmingham 1924, the medal 7cm highSee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver trinket box & sundriesA George V silver trinket box, a matchbox holder and sundry flatwareSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge V silver trinket box with scrolling decorationGeorge V silver trinket box with scrolling decoration on cabriole legs, Birmingham, 1920, another larger and an egg cup,See Sold Price
SoldGeorge V silver trinket box, , two silver backed bGeorge V silver trinket box, , two silver backed brushes, pin tray , pair of sugar tongs, , two napkin rings and two spoons various dates and marks, gross weight 18ozsSee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver oval trinket box, largest 8insA George V silver oval trinket box, with engine turned decoration on foliate legs, maker Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1927, a circular trinket box, Birmingham 1957 and a plated oval biscuit box and covSee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver circular trinket box,A George V silver circular trinket box, Birmingham, 1922, two cigarette cases, a base metal model of a dog, a plated ink stand and a lighterSee Sold Price
SoldNautical Interest - a George V silver and enamelNautical Interest - a George V silver and enamel mounted earthenware globular table vesta and match striker, applied with an ensign, 7.5cm high, Chester 1913See Sold Price
SoldMASONIC INTEREST: A GEORGE V SILVER CIGAR BOX, LondonMASONIC INTEREST: A GEORGE V SILVER CIGAR BOX, London 1912, rectangular, the hinged lid engraved with a Masonic coronet, the cedar lined interior with adjustable divider, weighted. 6.4cm high, 20.3cmSee Sold Price
SoldEdward VII interest, a George V silver and glass deskEdward VII interest, a George V silver and glass desk paperweight, Arthur William Clare, London 1912, glazed to both sides with a greetings letter signed by King Edward VII, addressed to Bayham AbbeySee Sold Price
SoldA George V silver mounted trinket or jewellery box, theA George V silver mounted trinket or jewellery box, the quatre-foil shape with raised foliate border to the tortoiseshell lid with silvered garland motifs, with repeated border to the base and the whoSee Sold Price
SoldA large George V silver tray, hallmarked SheffieldA large George V silver tray, hallmarked Sheffield 1917, maker's mark of Walker & Hall 56.5 cm wide.See Sold Price
SoldOF LOCAL INTEREST A GEORGE V SILVER AND ENAMELOF LOCAL INTEREST A GEORGE V SILVER AND ENAMEL CENTENARY NAPKIN RING FOR FATTORINI'S 1827-1927 Birmingham 1926 T Fatorini - Presented to A A Birtwhistle at the Centenary Dinner, Skipton Town Hall - 19See Sold Price
SoldADVERTISING INTEREST: A GEORGE V SILVER DISH, by MartinADVERTISING INTEREST: A GEORGE V SILVER DISH, by Martin Hall & Co Ltd, Sheffield 1918, circular, decorated with a titled 'Brook' radio. 12cm diameter, 3.3 troy ouncesSee Sold Price
Arts & Crafts silver pepper pot; together with a George V silver napkin ring. (2).Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Two George V silver bonbon dishes; plus four napkin rings & a pair of American silver mounted dwarfFellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
George V silver caster & cream jug; plus six modern pastry forks.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Two George V silver mounted mesh bags; plus a base metal coin purse. (3).Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024