Quarter Plate Daguerreotype, Father and Child
GROUPING of DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPES & TINTYPESFeb 24, 2024Early Tennessee DaguerreotypesMar 16, 2024[Daguerreotype] c. 1855 Militia OfficerMar 16, 2024[Daguerreotype] Soldier w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Tintype] Dashing CavalrymanMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] 3rd Tennessee KIAMar 16, 2024Mother Father Child Bronze SculptureFeb 29, 2024Vernet Carle (France 1758-1836) Mezzotint, Retour Du Chasseur Equestrian themeMar 03, 2024Mother Father Child Bronze SculptureFeb 29, 2024Group of Four Ninth Plate Photographs, 19th c., consisting of three tintypes of gentlemen withMar 01, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A Photo Album of CDVs, Including 14 P...Mar 07, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Quarter-plate tintype of a prairie “Ch...Mar 07, 2024Quarter Plate Daguerrotype Portrait of a Man and His Baby with...Mar 07, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Sixth plate daguerreotype of a lovely African American woman. Ca 1850s.Feb 27, 2024[EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. BALL, James Presley (1825-1904), photographer. Sixth plate daguerreotype of twoFeb 27, 2024THREE PORTRAIT LOCKETS.Mar 08, 2024Antique Daguerreotype PhotographMar 09, 2024AK KEISER NORI PETER Lot 2 Porcelain PlatesMar 13, 2024A Thornton Pickard Junior Special Ruby Quarter Plate SLR CameraFeb 29, 2024A Dallmeyer Tailboard Quarter Plate Mahogany & Brass Camera,Feb 29, 2024A Fallowfield Peritus No.1 Quarter Plate Mahogany & Brass Field Camera,Feb 29, 2024Half and Quarter Plate Double Dark Slide Mahogany Plate HoldersFeb 29, 2024Edna Hibel Collectors Plate Children Tribute WendyFeb 27, 2024(23) DAGUERREOTYPES, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDRENApr 12, 2024