Soldputting game with dice, around 1900, original woodenputting game with dice, around 1900, original wooden box, with multicolored lithographed cover picture, Santa Claus with donkey and gifts, 36 cm wide, 48 cm tall, paper pattern are missing German DescSee Sold Price
Soldputting game with dice, around 1900, original woodenputting game with dice, around 1900, original wooden box with multicolored lithographed cover picture, 40 x 32 cm German Description Würfellegespiel, um 1900, Orig.-Holzkiste mit bunt lithogr. DeckbiSee Sold Price
game of dice, train, around 1900, original wooden box,game of dice, train, around 1900, original wooden box, pattern sheets on box, new drawn up, are add German Description Würfelspiel, Eisenbahn, um 1900, Orig.-Holzkiste, Vorlageblätter auf KaSee Sold Price
Solddie 3 small cats, putting game with dice, around 1900,die 3 small cats, putting game with dice, around 1900, good condition, in original box, 1 side strap at box is missing German Description die 3 kl. Kätzchen, Würfellegespiel, um 1900, guter Zust., iSee Sold Price
Sold"Die Schiffbrücke", pontoon bridge,"Die Schiffbrücke", pontoon bridge, German, around 1900, original, wooden box with 3 sheet metal boats, handpainted, with wooden parts, probably as far as possible complete, completenesSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot games and arithmetic book, "Die Schule", Salamixed lot games and arithmetic book, "Die Schule", Sala games, around 1900, original box, with little contents, nice lithographed cover picture, 1 stamping game, France, "Le petit imprimeur No. 120",See Sold Price
Soldputting game with dice, 51x39,5 cm, c. 1890, 5 patternsputting game with dice, 51x39,5 cm, c. 1890, 5 patterns, original wooden box with lithographed cover picture German Description Würfellegespiel, 51 cm x 39,5 cm, ca. 1890, 5 Farbbildvorlagen, Orig.-HSee Sold Price
Bingo Game, GermanBingo Game, German, around 1900, very rich, 'Neueste Bilder Lotterie' colorful lithographic sheets with various figurines, gaming pieces available, completeness not tested, in original wooden caseSee Sold Price
SoldBingo GameBingo Game, German, around 1900, very rich, 'Neueste Bilder Lotterie' colorful lithographic sheets with various figurines, gaming pieces available, completeness not tested, in original wooden caseSee Sold Price
Sold3 pieces, 1 x railways for game of dice, tin, around3 pieces, 1 x railways for game of dice, tin, around 1900, 75 mm, good condition, used, 1 x Prussian music, Besold, family, tin, around 1880, 75 mm, 63 x 170 x 125 mm, original-box made of chipboard,See Sold Price
Sold2 games, 1 x Jeu des Cantons, geographical game, in2 games, 1 x Jeu des Cantons, geographical game, in original box, with manual, in 2 languages, around 1900, 1 x Loto de vues Suisses, picture lotto, putting game, with French rhymes, around 1900, probSee Sold Price
2 games, 1 x Jeu des Cantons, geographical game, in2 games, 1 x Jeu des Cantons, geographical game, in original box, with manual, in 2 languages, around 1900, 1 x Loto de vues Suisses, picture lotto, putting game, with French rhymes, around 1900, probSee Sold Price
Die fliegende Hüte, a funny game, publishing house ofDie fliegende Hüte, a funny game, publishing house of Spehr u. Söhne Nuremberg, around 1900, original box with multicolored lithographed cover picture German Description Die fliegende Hüte, ein lusSee Sold Price
SoldThe Bombardement From The Sea set up game, c. 1820,The Bombardement From The Sea set up game, c. 1820, original wooden box, disassembled, glueed, multicolored lithographed cover picture, with picture plate, around 1900 German Description ,,The BombardSee Sold Price
SoldDurchgebrannt-Ein Lustiges Gesellschaftsspiel, by E.Durchgebrannt-Ein Lustiges Gesellschaftsspiel, by E. Meckendorfer, original box, with 5 wooden game parts, stake, 14 playing cards with game guidance, completeness wasn't checked, around 1900 German DSee Sold Price
wooden putting game, S.L. Hill & Son., "wooden putting game, S.L. Hill & Son., "ALPHABET", in original box, around 1890, with number cube, wood, stuck with multicolored lithographed paper, fabulous creatures, 5.5 x 5.5 cmSee Sold Price
Sold1x post game, putting game, around 1900, frames were1x post game, putting game, around 1900, frames were supplemented, 1x Mikado, around 1900, 1x putting game, print sheet, around 1900, 1x puzzle, Swiss cantons, 1920 - 1930, 1x puzzle, Bundesfeier on tSee Sold Price
Soldgeographical mosaic game, around 1900, original box,geographical mosaic game, around 1900, original box, with multicolored lithographed cover picture (Christmas scene) probably as far as possible complete, completeness wasn't checked German DescriptionSee Sold Price
SoldDer Fabrikbau - ein neues Beschäftigungs-Spiel, aroundDer Fabrikbau - ein neues Beschäftigungs-Spiel, around 1900, original wooden box with multicolored lithographed cover picture, cover 1x broken, probably as far as possible complete, completeness wasnSee Sold Price
SoldSwiss train game, for entertainment, for indoctrinationSwiss train game, for entertainment, for indoctrination of the youth, board game with game guidance, around 1900, original box, with multicolored lithographed cover picture, nice original condition, rSee Sold Price
Soldgame, around 1900, Plaatjes-vlechten, in original boxgame, around 1900, Plaatjes-vlechten, in original box German Description Spiel, um 1900, Plaatjes-vlechten, im Orig.-Kart.See Sold Price
SoldGame box, Holland around 1900, wooden box with brassGame box, Holland around 1900, wooden box with brass fittings, on the lid Carousel withengraving ''Van Ans 10-7-45'', inside four wooden boxes with the applied signs of the card game and numerous platSee Sold Price
Soldputting game with dice, Biedermeier, original packed,putting game with dice, Biedermeier, original packed, hinge in the back is missing, good condition German Description Biedermeier, Würfellegespiel, Orig.-verpackt, Scharnier hinten fehlt, guter ZSee Sold Price
Sold10 pieces, waiting games, France, around 1900, in10 pieces, waiting games, France, around 1900, in original box, partially multicolored lithographed cover pictures, 1 cover picture is missing, in a wood casket German Description 10-tlg., GeduldspielSee Sold Price
Historical Pictures from the Bible - 19th Century GameLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CHILDREN’S MAGIC TRICKS]. Large Group of Over 100 Modern B...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Wooden Die Keepsake Box W/ Wooden DiceThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
1892 The Game of Old Maid and Old Bachelor 1st EditionNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
Ute Catlinite Pipe (2 3/4") and Wooden Stem (12 1/8").Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Lionel Double Crossing Train Board GameRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Labyrinth Wood Carved Balance Board Org. BoxThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Vintage 1956 Original Yahtzee Dice GameRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Belgischer Maler um 1900, Wohl: Straße im LaternenscheinPeter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024