SoldManner of Pu Ru: Scholar on CliffManner of Pu Ru (1896-1963): Scholar on Cliff Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk, inscribed, bearing a signature and seal. {19 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches (50.2 x 17.1 cm)}See Sold Price
SoldPu Ru (1896-1963): Scholar by the CliffPu Ru (1896-1963): Scholar by the Cliff, Ink on paper, framed and glazed, the upper right inscribed, signed 'Xinyu,' three seals. 21 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches (54.5 x 29 cm) Provenance:Tiburon private estatSee Sold Price
SoldAttributed to Pu Ru (1896-1963): Scholar by PineAttributed to Pu Ru (1896-1963): Scholar by Pine Tree, Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, the upper left inscribed, with a signature 'Pu Ru,' three seals. 51 3/4 x 13 inches (131.5 x 33 cm) ProveSee Sold Price
Attributed to Pu Ru (1896-1963): Scholar On TheAttributed to Pu Ru (1896-1963): scholar on the riverside, inscribed and signed as "xinyu" with three seals , dated 1946, ink and color on paper, scroll size 83"h x 10.5"w, image size 14"w x 31"hSee Sold Price
A CHINESE PAINTING OF SCHOLAR IN MOUNTAIN by Pu RuPu Ru (1896-1963) SCHOLAR IN MOUNTAIN ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll, dated 1936, with a dedication, signed PU RU and with one seal 64 x 27.8 cm ( 25 1/4 x 11 in ) RESERVE: HK$ 3,000 / RMB 2,See Sold Price
SoldChinese Scroll, Manner of Pu RuManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Scholar in Landscape, ink and color on paper, bearing signature and seals to the right, painting: 32"h × 13.5"w, overall (scroll): 63"h × 18.25"wSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Scroll, manner of Pu Ru, LandscapeManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Scholar in Landscape, ink and color on paper, the upper left with poetic colophon, bearing signature, and two seals, painting: 37.5"h x 13.25"w, overall (scroll):See Sold Price
SoldChinese Scrolls, Manner of Pu Ru, ScholarManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Scholar Fishing, ink and color on paper, with colophon to the upper right, bearing signature and seals Xinyu, painting: 39"h × 17.25"w, overall: 69"h × 22.75"wSee Sold Price
Chinese Paintings, Manner Pu Ru(lot of 4) Manner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Scholars in Landscapes, ink and color on paper, each with colophon to the upper right and bearing signature and sealed 'Pu Ru', painting: 31.5"h × 10.See Sold Price
PuRu (1896-1963) Red CliffPuRu (1896-1963) Red Cliff Ink and color on paper, hanging scroll, signed and seals. 93 x 33.5 cm. (36 1/2 x 13 1/8 in.) 溥儒(1896一1963) 赤壁泛舟ÞSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Scrolls, Manner of Puru , Scholars in Landscape(lot of 2) Manner of Puru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Scholars in Landscape, ink and color on paper: one of a figure in red robes reading under leafy trees; the other of a raft on a misty and poetic river;See Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Scroll Painting, after Pu Ru (1896-1963),A Chinese Scroll Painting, after Pu Ru (1896-1963), depicting three scholars seated in a pavilion set in a mountain landscape with a waterfall, having calligraphic inscription and one seal mark. HeighSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Scroll, Manner of Pu RuManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Pines and Scholar in Boat, color on paper, with colophon to the top, bearing signature Xinyu and seal Pu Ru, painting: 29"h × 12.5"w, overall: 44"h × 19.75"wSee Sold Price
Chinese Painting, Manner of Pu Ru, ApesManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Apes on Mountain Cliff Above River, ink and color on paper, the right bearing signature and seal, painting: 17.5"h x 12.75"w, overall (framed): 33.25"h x 24.75"wSee Sold Price
SoldScholar in Landscape, Pu Ru (1896-1963)Watercolor on paper of a landscape featuring a lone scholar by Pu Ru (1896-1963). It has 3 seals, a signature, and description. The painting is mounted on a silk backing with a wooden dowel. DimensionSee Sold Price
A Chinese Fan painting, ink and color on paperA Chinese Fan painting ink and color on paper depicting a scholar holding a wine cup under the willow tree attributed to Pu ru (1896-1963) and bearing seal Dia: 20" of the widestSee Sold Price
A Chinese Painting Of Scholar Gazing At The MountainPU XINYU (1896-1963) Scholar Gazing At The Mountain ink and colour on paper, mounted, signed PU RU, inscribed, with three seals of the artist. 59 x 29 cm.(~ 1.57 ft²) 溥心畬 See Sold Price
SoldThree Ink Paintings, 20th COne of two scholars under a tree signed and after Pu Ru (??, 1896-1963). One of a cat signed and after Xu Beihong (???, 1895–1953). A third signed and after Huang Binhong (???, 1865-1955). InkSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Scroll, Pu Ru(after), FiguresChinese hanging scroll, Scholars in Landscape, after Pu Ru (1896-1963), ink and color on paper, upper left inscribed with a pair of seven character couplets, bearing the signature 'Xinyu' followed bySee Sold Price
SoldPu Ru watercolor on rice paper depicting a scholarin a landscape. Signed and sealed. Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963.) Provenance: Private Portland Collection. 38.5"H x 13"W, Circa - 20th C.See Sold Price
SoldPAINTING ON SILK AFTER PU RUInk and color on silk scroll after Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963); showing two figures sailing on a river, below a steep wooded cliff; signed, with seal marks; 27" x 9" (approx.)See Sold Price
Chinese Scroll, Manner of Pu Ru, LandscapeManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Landscape, ink and color on silk, featuring villas by the cliff, backed by trees and mountains, bearing signature and three seals, painting: 16''h x 4.5''w, overaSee Sold Price
Chinese Scroll, Manner of Pu Ru, LandscapeManner of Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963), Landscape, ink and color on paper, of scholars sitting and talking in a pavilion amid leafy trees, with inscription, bearing signature and seals, painting: 46''hSee Sold Price
A Chinese 'landscape' painting, by Huang Junbi (Chinese, 1898-1991), inscription by Pu RuOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Chinese 'Tang'-style painting with poem by Du Fu, by Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
A Chinese 'landscape' painting, by Pu Ru (Chinese, 1896-1963)Oakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
EIGHT FRAMES OF LANDSCAPE BY PU RU (1896-1963)Castle Valley Art Gallery Inc. 4.3(20)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
EIGHT FRAMES OF LANDSCAPE BY PU RU (1896-1963)Castle Valley Art Gallery Inc. 4.3(20)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024