SoldPtolomaeus Orbis antiqui Tabulae1730Ptolomaeus (Claudius) Orbis antiqui Tabulae Geographicae secundum,half-title, engraved additional pictorial title, printed title in red and black with engraved vignette, 28 engraved double-pagSee Sold Price
SoldCellarius, Christoph. Notitia Orbis AntiquiCellarius (Christoph) Notitia Orbis Antiqui,2 vol, engraved frontispiece, 33 double-page maps and 1 double-page diagram, contemporary calf, gilt decorated spines, upper hinge to vol. 1 crackedSee Sold Price
SoldKoehler Descriptio Orbis antiquiKoehler (Johann David) Descriptio Orbis antiqui in XLIV Tabulis Exhibita,engraved pictorial title, index f. and 44 hand-coloured maps and plans, including a world map and bird's-eye plans of ASee Sold Price
SoldChristoph Cellarius "Notitiae Orbis Antiqui" 1731Christoph Cellarius (1638-1707), "Notitia Orbis Antiqui, Sive Geographia Plenior, ab Ortu Rerumpublicarum ad Constantinorum tempora Orbis terrarum faciem declarans," Leipzig: Johann Friedrich GleditscSee Sold Price
SoldKohler, Johann.David - Descriptio orbis antiqui in XLIVNorimberga, eredi Homann, 1760. In 2°. Frontespizio architettonico allegorico inciso in rame, 44 tavole incise e colorate a mano che includono vedute di Roma, Atene e Gerusalemme, basetta di rSee Sold Price
SoldNotitia Orbis Antiqui Sive Geographia PleniorChristophorus Cellarius, two volumes, complete with maps, early 18th century. Please see inside page for details. Binding is rough however inside pages are very good considering the age. Two of two voSee Sold Price
Cellarius Notitia Orbis Antiqui 1703Cellarius (Christoph) Notitia Orbis Antiqui sive Geographia Plenior, 2 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece, title printed in red and black and with engraved vignette, engraved double-page plaSee Sold Price
Hemisphaerium Orbis Antiqui CumzonisCirculis et Situ Popularum Diverso by Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665), circa 1708, hand-colored map of the Eastern Hemisphere, with an elaborate border with fine scrollwork, cherubs and diagrams, 14-1/2See Sold Price
Hemisphaerium Orbis Antiqui, Cumzonis, Circulis etAndreas Cellarius (1596-1665) . From "Harmonia Macrocosmica". Engraving with Original Hand-Color in Full. Amsterdam: G. Valk & P. Schenk, 1708. 20 1/4 x 23 1/4 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldPtolemaeus (C) Orbis antiqui tabulae...Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Orbis antiqui tabulae geographicae...,half-title, engraved additional allegorical title by Vianen, title in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved head-piece by DSee Sold Price
Notitia orbis antiqui, sive geographia plenior. 3 TeileAtlanten Cellarius, Christoph Notitia orbis antiqui, sive geographia plenior. 3 Teile in 2 Bdn. Mit gest. Porträt, 4 gestoch. Vignetten, 1 Tab. u. 33 doppeblattgr. Kupferkarten. Leipzig, Gleditsch, 1See Sold Price
-. Menke (Th.) Orbis Antiqui Descriptio, An Atlas-. Menke (Th.) Orbis Antiqui Descriptio, An Atlas Illustrating Ancient History and Geography...,fourth edition, 18 double-page engraved maps hand-coloured in outline, some damp-staining, one oSee Sold Price
SoldCellarius, Christoph - Notitia orbis antiqui siveCambridge, J. Oweni, 1703 (vol.I), Amsterdam, C.Fritsch, 1706 (voll.II). In 4°. 2 voll. Ritratto a piena pagina dell’autore inciso in rame in antiporta al vol.I, frontespizi in rosso e neroSee Sold Price
SoldHemisphaerium Orbis Antiqui 28x42 Giclee on CanvasSeries: Celestial & Astrological ChartsArtist: Andreas CellariusPeriod: Source country: HollandSource Year: 1660Andreas Cellarius (1596 – 1665) was a Dutch-German cartographer. He is best known forSee Sold Price
SoldBonne (Rigobert) Orbis Antiqui Mappa NovaBonne (Rigobert) Orbis Antiqui Mappa Nova,the Ancient World in 6 sheets, 6 engraved map sheets with original hand-colouring, unjoined, each c.300 x 420mm., ornamental title cartouche, centralSee Sold Price
Cellarius, Christoph Notitia orbis antiqui, siveAtlanten Cellarius, Christoph Notitia orbis antiqui, sive geographia plenior. 3 Teile in 2 Bänden. Mit gestochenem Porträt, 4 gestoch. Vignetten, 1 Tabelle und 33 teilkolorierte doppelblattgSee Sold Price
SoldDelamarche, Felix 1829 Map of the Old World"Orbis Antiqui Mappa Nova" Copper Engraved Map Published 1829, Paris for "Atlas de La Geographie..." by Felix Delamarche. Contemporary outline hand colour. Centre fold as published. Paper Size: 18.5 xSee Sold Price
SoldDelamarche, Felix 1829 Pair of Maps. Roman Empire etc"Orbis Antiqui Mappa Nova" and "Imperii Romani Tabula" Copper Engraved Maps Published 1829, Paris for "Atlas de La Geographie..." by Felix Delamarche. Contemporary outline hand colour. Centre fold asSee Sold Price
SoldMap of the World. 1827.Print of steel engraving titled Orbis antiqui Mappa Nova“.Author Fellx Delamarche.Engraved by unknown.From Atlas de la Geographie ancienne du moyen age et moderne“ by Fellx Delamarche. Paris. 1829See Sold Price
Sold[ATLAS]. Johann Matthias Haas. Atlas Historic[ATLAS]. Johann Matthias Haas. Atlas Historicus Comprehendens Imperia Maxima Sev Monarchias Orbis Antiqui Historice, Chronologice Et Geographices Repraesentatas...Studio Joannis Matthaiae Hasii M.pp.See Sold Price
SoldPtolemaeus.Orbis antiqui tabulae geog.,1730Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Orbis antiqui tabulae geographicae...,half-title, engraved additional allegorical title by Vianen, title in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved head-piece by DSee Sold Price
Sold(CELESTIAL.) Cellarius, Andreas. Hemisphaerium Orbis(CELESTIAL.) Cellarius, Andreas. Hemisphaerium Orbis Antiqui Cumzonis, Circulis, et Situ Populorum Diverso. Double-page engraved chart of the eastern hemisphere laid over by climate zones. 19¾x24See Sold Price
Sold[World History & Geography] Cellarius, 1703-1706, 2 v.AN EARLY STANDARD WORK ON THE GEOGRAPHY OF CLASSICAL ANTIQUITYNO COPY OF THESE EDITIONS IN USA Cellarius, Christoph. [1.]: Notitia orbis antiqui, sive Geographia plenior, ab ortu Rerum publicarum ad CSee Sold Price
SoldKöhler's Atlas of the Old WorldKöhler, Johann David. Descriptio Orbis Antiqui in XLIV Tabulis Exhibita. Nuremberg: Christoph Wegel, ca 1720. Folio with 44 hand-colored maps plus illustrated title page and index. Pages untrimmed, dSee Sold Price
De Jode, Rare, pub. 1593 - Map of Africa (Africae Vera Forma, et Situs)Trillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024