SoldP.T. BARNUM CHECKPHINEAS T. BARNUM (1810-1891). American showman. Partially Printed The Pequannock National Bank Check Accomplished by and Signed, "P.T. Barnum." 7 1/4" x 2 3/4" Bridgeport, Connecticut. October 28, 18See Sold Price
P.t. Barnum CheckPHINEAS T. BARNUM (1810-1891). American showman. Partially Printed The Pequannock National Bank Check Accomplished by and Signed, "P.T. Barnum." 7 1/4" x 2 3/4" Bridgeport, Connecticut. October 28, 18See Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum 19th Century Freak PhotographsP.T. Barnum 19th Century Freak Photographs;; P.T. Barnum`s "Freak of The Century" Chang the Chinese Giant, signed cabinet card by Chang , with Barnum, Bailey and Hutchinson, 4" X 6" ;; Midget GeneralSee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum Letters on Personalized Letterhead(1) Addressed to R. V. Browning Natick, R.I. regarding a "negro" and a Harvey Buckley a concert manager, with coordinating P.T. Barnum cover. (1) P.T. Barnum signed letter on Barnum's American MuseumSee Sold Price
SoldOrig. Matthew Brady Negative of PT BarnumOriginal Glass Negative- PT Barnum by Matthew Brady Phineas Taylor “PT” Barnum (1810 – 1891) was an American showman, politician, and businessman, remembered best for founding the Barnum & BaileSee Sold Price
Sold1871 PT Barnum Autobiography Struggles & Triumphs1871 PT Barnum Autobiography Struggles & Triumphs Circus Illustrated Jenny Lind Phineas Taylor Barnum is remembered primarily for the founding of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, but he was also a writerSee Sold Price
Sold1870 PT Barnum Autobiography Struggles & Triumphs1870 PT Barnum Autobiography Struggles & Triumphs Circus Illustrated Jenny Lind Phineas Taylor Barnum is remembered primarily for the founding of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, but he was also a writerSee Sold Price
SoldSigned P.T. Barnum Cabinet Card.Barnum, Phineas Taylor. Signed P.T. Barnum Cabinet Card. New York: Chas. Eisenmann, 1885. Quarter-length studio portrait of the American showman as an old man. In ornate gilt vintage frame. FacsimileSee Sold Price
Sold1870 1ed History of American Stage Theater PT Barnum1870 1ed History of American Stage Theater PT Barnum John Wilkes Booth Lincoln Thomas Allston Brown was a 19th-century American theatre critic known for his book ‘History of the American Stage’. TSee Sold Price
1871 PT Barnum Autobiography Struggles & Triumphs1871 PT Barnum Autobiography Struggles & Triumphs Circus Illustrated Jenny Lind Phineas Taylor Barnum is remembered primarily for the founding of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, but he was also a writerSee Sold Price
SoldPair of PT Barnum CDV'sPair of PT Barnum CDV's Duke & Sons, Bostwick & Bancker, NY 1870 - 1890 2 3/8" x 4 1/8" and 2 1/2" x 4 1/8" Unusual pair of Barnum images. One being issued by Duke & Sons Tobacco, with a older image oSee Sold Price
Sold1855 1ed Life of PT Barnum & Bailey Circus1855 1ed Life of PT Barnum & Bailey Circus Autobiography Jenny Lind Tom Thumb Phineas Taylor Barnum is remembered primarily for the founding of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, but he was also a writer,See Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum Greatest Show on Earth Courier. Buffalo:P.T. Barnum Greatest Show on Earth Courier. Buffalo: The Courier Co., ca. 1880s. Eight-page courier, folio (23 x 16”), with many engravings including Jumbo’s skeleton, a “congress ofSee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum Autograph, CDV, and Pinbacks.Barnum, Phineas Taylor. P.T. Barnum Autograph, CDV, and Pinbacks. Five pieces total, including an autograph card signed by Barnum, dated and located in his hand (1885), 2 ½ x 4"; a CDV bust portrait;See Sold Price
SoldPT Barnum signaturePT Barnum signature, circus owner, author of There is a Sucker Born Every Minute on circus museum broadsideSee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum ALS with Possible Jenny Lind U.S.A. TourDescription: Barnum Phineas P.T. Barnum ALS with Possible Jenny Lind U.S.A. Tour Association 1p ALS inscribed overall and signed by American showman Phineas T. Barnum (1810-1891) as "P.T. Barnum" at lSee Sold Price
Sold1872 PT Barnum Autobiography Circus Struggles & Triumph1872 PT Barnum Autobiography Circus Struggles & Triumphs Illustrated Jenny Lind Phineas Taylor Barnum is remembered primarily for the founding of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, but he was also a writerSee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum AQS Re: Happiness, PSA Slabbed & Graded NMBarnum Phineas P.T. Barnum AQS Regarding Happiness, PSA Slabbed & Graded NM 7 An autograph quotation signed by American showman Phineas T. Barnum (1810-1891) as "P.T. Barnum" at center. Also fullySee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum ALS on God and Religion - OutstandingP.T. Barnum ALS on God and Religion - Outstanding 2pp autograph letter signed by American entertainer Phineas T. Barnum (1810-1891) as "P.T. Barnum" on the inner page. On bifold paper stamped "P.T. BaSee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum ALS, Written Days after American MuseumBarnum Phineas P.T. Barnum ALS, Written Days after American Museum Fire, Addressed to Rival & Subject of Imminent Real Estate Scandal 1p ALS inscribed overall and signed by American showman Phineas T.See Sold Price
SoldP.T. BARNUM AUTOGRAPH W TOM THUMB DISPLAYAutograph, 1862 advertising and copy print of General Tom Thumb, contained in 8 by 11 frame. Deemed authentic according to terms.See Sold Price
SoldStruggles and Triumphs, P.T. BarnumThree different editions of the famous Circus Promoter's Autobiography. Struggles and Triumphs or Forty Years Recollections The first: a fine Authors Edition 1874, 3/4 Leather bound edition Signed bySee Sold Price
SoldP.T. Barnum and Barnum & Bailey broadsides. CircaP.T. Barnum and Barnum & Bailey broadsides. Circa 1877/1897. 22 x 9 ¾” and 20 x 7”. P. T. Barnum’s Greatest Show on Earth, on the road at Keokuk, Iowa. Wide ranging program includes menagerie,See Sold Price
1860's PT Barnum Circus CDV, Mrs General Tom Thumb, BabyConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BARNUM, P.T. (1810 – 91). Struggles and Triumphs or, Sixty ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BARNUM, P.T. (1810 – 91). Barnum and Money Making. London: ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil Quart Can (White Dino)Check the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pure Drive Safely License Plate Topper SignCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Tydol License Plate Topper Sign (Yellow)Check the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1930's Bennett 810 Service Station Equipment Visible Gas PumpCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Eco Model 15 Service Station Pedestal Air MeterCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Graphic Long Life 1 Gallon Motor Oil CanCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Graphic Richlube Racecar 1 Gallon Motor Oil CanCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
WOOD DUCK DRAKE, BARNEGAT BAY DECOY CO.Frank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024