SoldPropaganda Broadsides Issued by Etzel in Hebrew,* More than 60 propaganda broadsides issued by Etzel, [1940s]. Among the announcements: obituaries in memory of fighters who were killed; report about operations against British camps; small broadsideSee Sold Price
SoldEtzel Propaganda Broadsides - Displaced Persons CampsFour broadsides issued by Etzel, printed for people in Displaced Persons Camps in Europe. Austria and Italy, 1947. Yiddish. Lot of 4 items, size and condition varies, mostly in good condition. LibrarySee Sold Price
SoldEtzel - Newspapers and Broadsides, 1944-194835 newspapers and broadsides on behalf of Etzel (Irgun). Palestine, 1944-1948. Hebrew, English and French. * 13 broadsides and leaflets, among them: broadside issued by "Etzel Court" announcing the exSee Sold Price
SoldBroadside - Etzel - "Bagola" - Germany, 1946Af Al Pi". Broadside issued by Irgun Zeva'I Le'umi "Bagola" [Hebrew: In exile; Germany], 1946. Yiddish and Hebrew. Titles in Hebrew and Yiddish - "Af Al Pi" and "Galut - Shi'abud - Herut". AccompaniedSee Sold Price
SoldANTI-SEMITIC NSDAP PROPAGANDA POSTERSANTI-SEMITIC NSDAP PROPAGANDA POSTERS Collection of six weekly propaganda broadsides issued by "Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Munich" including two anti-Semitic, anti-Bolshevik posters reading "It was theSee Sold Price
SoldEtzel Propaganda Broadsides - "Kol Zion HaLochemet",Twenty-three broadsides of the Etzel radio broadcasting station "Kol Zion HaLochemet" [The Voice of Fighting Zion], 1946-1947. All of the broadsides include transcripts of broadcasts of the Irgun TzevSee Sold Price
SoldEtzel Propaganda Broadsides, 1938-1948Fifty-six Etzel propaganda broadsides, 1938-1948. Among the topics: obituaries in memory of fallen soldiers, reports about operations against British camps, small notices calling for enlistment (for sSee Sold Price
SoldPropaganda Proclamations - Lehi and Etzel - 1940-19481. 18 proclamations and propaganda documents issued by Etzel and Lehi organizations, 1940-1948. Reviews of Etzel and Lehi members' trials in British courts, anti-Britain street notices and notices aboSee Sold Price
Sold"Seven Days of Mourning" -Romanian Olim in Eretz Israel"Seven days of mourning for Olim from Romania" (Hebrew), broadside issued by the Association of Romanian Olim in Eretz Israel. Yitzchak Brocker printing press, Tel-Aviv, [January 1942]. "Seven days ofSee Sold Price
Propaganda Broadside from General Scott"Marcho con mi egército para Puebla y Mégico, no os lo oculto" Rare Propaganda Broadside in Spanish Issued by General Scott 182. [MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR]. UNITED STATES. ARMY. (WSee Sold Price
SoldSix Broadsides issued by the IrgunSix underground publications by the Irgun (Etzel), Palestine, 1940's. 10X11.5-47.5X23 cm. Very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldLehi Propaganda Broadsides and Booklets, 1946-1948Twenty-eight broadsides, newspapers and brochures issued by "Lochamei Herut Israel", 1946-1948. Varied collection of Lehi items, including issues of "HaMa'as - Iton Lochem", "Hazit HaNo'ar" (first issSee Sold Price
"Address of IDF Chief Rabbi" - Two Broadsides...Two broadsides issued by "Chief Military Rabbinate", with an address by Rabbi Shlomo Goren to the soldiers. Israel, June 1967. Hebrew. 1. Broadside dated June 2, 1967 encouraging the soldiers' spiritSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Broadsides and Posters - British MandateEleven broadsides and posters, issued by Tel-Aviv municipality, Haganah, Etzel and Lehi. Eretz Israel, 1945 through 1948. * Poster - Jabotinsky Memorial Day. * Poster of Herut Movement, "Sten's regimeSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Broadsides and Leaflets Published by theEight broadsides and propaganda leaflets by the Etzel (Irgun), 1945-1948. * "Af-Al-Pi", three leaflets. * "Kol Zion Ha-Lohemet", two broadsides with transcripts of radio broadcasts transmitted by theSee Sold Price
Sold"Israel Defence Forces, Bulletin No. 1" - 196..."Bulletin No. 1", broadside issued by "IDF Military Governor in the Area" [West Bank]. Israel, [1967]. Hebrew and Arabic. A printed broadside with the first order issued by IDF in the West Bank, uponSee Sold Price
Sold"Ezrach HaMoledet" - First Elections Broadside, 1949First elections broadside, issued by Herut movement which was founded by Etzel. A. Moses printing press, Tel-Aviv, [1949]. A broadside calling "Ezrach HaMoledet" (citizen of homeland) to register in tSee Sold Price
SoldAnti-Semetic - President Roosevelt PropagandaBroadside, 1p. quarto, issued by The Highland Post, relaying an editorial form the New York Times, pertaining to Howland Spencer 'friendly critic of President Roosevelt' and Roosevelt with whom he hasSee Sold Price
Communist Movement in Eretz Israel - Collection ofAbout 270 leaflets, posters, broadsides and various items issued by the communist movement in Eretz Israel. Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, 1917-1948. Hebrew, Yiddish and some Arabic. A diverse and ricSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN PROPAGANDA POSTER QUOTES KAISER WILHELMGERMAN PROPAGANDA POSTER QUOTES KAISER WILHELM A sobering printed broadside, 11 1/2" x 19", [n.p., n.d.], in French, a propaganda poster likely issued in France or Belgium meant to instill fear in theSee Sold Price
SoldISRAEL C.1961 REVISIONISTS ETZEL PRISONER AWARD MEDAL“Prisoners Award” Irgun Etzel medal for those held in British detention camps in East Africa during the Hebrew Revolt and Israeli War of Independence (1944-1948), issued circa 1961, ExtremSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Broadsides and Pamphlets Publis...45 broadsides and pamphlets published by the underground movements and Mapai. Palestine, [ca. 1945]. Hebrew, some English and some Arabic. Items include: * Twelve publications by Etzel (Irgun), includSee Sold Price
GERMAN PROPAGANDA POSTER QUOTES KAISER WILHELMGERMAN PROPAGANDA POSTER QUOTES KAISER WILHELM A sobering printed broadside, 11 1/2" x 19", [n.p., n.d.], in French, a propaganda poster likely issued in France or Belgium meant to instill fear in theSee Sold Price
WW2 Era Vintage US Military Propaganda Poster PresidentWashington, DC: US Government Printing Office / Office of War Information Poster No. 13, 1942. Folio photolithographed broadside (40 x 28"; 102 x 72 cm). Folded, as issued. Will be shipped folded. VerSee Sold Price
Weapon to Israel - Large Poster - Otte Wallish - 1950sLevy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Poster - Manifest - Balfour Declaration - Russia, 1917Levy Auction House4.3(11)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
18 Rare WW2 Poster and Propaganda Trading Cards/ASouth Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services Inc4.5(522)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
[BROADSIDES]. [THEATRE]. Group of 11 Broadsides for East Co...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[BROADSIDES]. [THEATRE]. Group of 10 Broadsides for Midwest...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[MORMONS]. [PORNOGRAPHIC ANTI-MORMON PROPAGANDA]. “The Morm...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[CIVIL RIGHTS]. Vote but Don't Vote in the Dark. N.p.: NAACP Voter Education Project, ca 1962-1963.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript record of clothing issued to soldiers of Co. A, 62nd United States ColoredFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[WORLD WAR I]. Soldier's tunic issued to a member of the 92nd US Infantry, "Buffalo Soldiers."Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chinese Propaganda and Anti-Imperialist Cartoon BooksChiswick Auctions4.3(86)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Yaakov Zim Israeli .935 Silver Commemorative MedalAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024