4.3/4" Clem Caldwell Nebo Axe. Well Pictured in the 1980's in Clem Caldwell's Collection (Legends ofHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
5 3/8" Highly Developed 3/4 Grooved Axe. Ex Thompson, Ritter, BuetellTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
6 5/8" 3/4 Grooved Axe. Pike Co, IL. Pictured. Ex Roy Hathcock and Dale RectorTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Native American Trade Axe Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Nice 3/4 Slant Groove Axe Head Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
4 3/4" Finely Made 3/4 Groove Axe- Davis COA, Ex Knoblock found in Cole Co Missouri Ex Tommy ButellHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
4 5/8" 3/4 Grooved Axe. Buchanan Co, MO. Ex Ben ThompsonTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
4.3/4" DANISH HARDSTONE FAUCETED BOAT AXE, Denmark / Northern Europe.Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
4 7/8" Nebo Hill Axe. Ex Dave Young and Larry SwannTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
4" Full Groove Axe, Medina CO Ohio. Good Color and Nice Polish. This collection was the property ofHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldPrestige axe "kibiki" or "kasolwa" - D. R. Congo, Lubametal (copper alloy), wood, base H: 44 cm, H: 17,3 inch Provenance: Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, Germany Lit.: Zirngibl, Manfred A. & Alexander Kubetz, Panga na visu, Riedlhütte 2009, p. 215See Sold Price
Ceremonial ax "kibiki" or "kasolwa" - D. R. Congo, Lubawood, metal, base Beyond their role as prestige emblems, axes carry more profound messages in Luba royal ritual, playing a central role in the rites of "mbudye", the association responsible for inductSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. African Luba Ceremonial Figural AxeCentral Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Luba or Hemba peoples, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A prestige axe known as a kibiki or a kasolwa, with a forged-iron blade fitted into a thin sSee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, brass, copper, L: 35 cm, L: 13,8 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
Axe - D. R. Congo, Lubawood, brown patina, iron, metal tags, anthropomorphic head with cascade-like coiffure, the mortised blade emerging from the mouth, min. dam., slight traces of abrasion and corrosion, base; aside theirSee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Yakoma / Ngbandisteel, wood, copper, brass, H: 31 cm, H: 12,2 inch Provenance: Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, Germany Lit.: Lefebvre, Luc, Ngbandi, Yakoma, 2017, p. 88, ill. 184See Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, steel, copper (alloy), L: 39 cm, L: 15,4 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
Axe - D. R. Congo, Lubalight brown wood, partly dark brown patina, crowned by a human head, elaborate coiffure with decoration tags, the mortised blade emerging from the mouth, min. dam., traces of abrasion (esp. handle), sSee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, steel, metal, leather, thread, L: 43 cm, L: 16,9 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, copper (alloy), brass, leather / thread, L: 43 cm, L: 16,9 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, copper (alloy), L: 32 cm, L: 12,6 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, steel, copper (alloy), L: 39 cm, L: 15,4 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, steel, brass, leather / thread, L: 40 cm, L: 15,7 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
Prestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, copper (alloy), L: 37,5 cm, L: 14,8 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
Axe - D. R. Congo, Lubalight brown wood, partly dark brown patina, crowned by a human head, elaborate coiffure with decoration tags, the mortised blade emerging from the mouth, min. dam., traces of abrasion (esp. handle), sSee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, copper (alloy), L: 39,5 cm, L: 15,6 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
SoldPrestige axe - D. R. Congo, Songewood, steel, copper (alloy), L: 39 cm, L: 15,4 inchProvenance:Dieter Schaffner, Groß-Gerau, GermanySee Sold Price
SoldPrestige staff - D. R. Congo, Lubawood, shiny reddish brown patina, crowned by female janiform half figure, nearly identical bodies and facial features, drilled ear holes, min. dam., cracks, slight traces of usage H: 81,5 cm, H: 32,1See Sold Price
Prestige stool - D. R. Congo, Luba / Zelawood, rep. (base), crack (seat), rotating base This stool unusually features three caryatid figures (instead of two as usual) , a bearded male figure accompanied by two female figures (one with child)See Sold Price
Prestige axe "kilonda" or "kasuyu" - D. R. Congo, Songewood, copper sheet, steel, L: 35,5 cm (shaft); W: 17 cm (blade), L: 14,0 inch Provenance: Peter Willborg, Stockholm, SwedenSee Sold Price
Prestige axe "kilonda" or "kasuyu" - D. R. Congo, Songewood, copper sheet, steel, These axes were pure prestige objects, which only served to underline the dignity and reputation of their owner. As a characteristic feature the axe blades are connected toSee Sold Price
SoldLuba Ceremonial Axe, D. R. CongoWood axe handle with carving of seated female figure and embellished with copper strip and tacks, and with copper alloy axe head having incised geometric decoration. The wood with blackened surface. PSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. African Luba / Hemba Wood & Iron Prestige AxeCentral Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Luba or Hemba peoples, ca. early to mid-20th century CE. An attractive prestige axe with a forged-iron blade fitted into a thin slit atop a carved wooSee Sold Price
Staff of office "kibango" - D. R. Congo, Lubawood, copper sheet, base Staffs of office "kibango" were both prestige items and receptacles for sacral power. Sanctified by ritual specialists, fortified with metal and medicine, they took on supernaSee Sold Price
LUBA Shankadi Axe figure statue Congo African Tribal Art 1405Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ceremonial Axe - Metal, Copper, Wood - Kilonda - Songye - DR CongoJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024