SoldPRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE Harry Truman Typed Letter Signed. One page, 8"x10", Independence, Missouri. December 8, 1959. Truman writes to The Veterans Administration of Miami about their excellent work on the 18th anniversary oSee Sold Price
Signed autograph Photo President Harry TrumanPresident Harry S. Truman signed and inscribed photo. Image, which measures 7.5" x 9.5", comes mounted on approximately 10.5" x 13.5" illustration board. Signature reads: "To Paul A. Dowell with warmSee Sold Price
SoldSigned Autograph Photo President Harry TrumanPresident Harry S. Truman signed and inscribed photo. Image, which measures 7.5'' x 9.5'', comes mounted on approximately 10.5'' x 13.5'' illustration board. Signature reads: ''To Paul A. Dowell withSee Sold Price
Signed autograph Photo President Harry TrumanPresident Harry S. Truman signed and inscribed photo. Image, which measures 7.5" x 9.5", comes mounted on approximately 10.5" x 13.5" illustration board. Signature reads: "To Paul A. Dowell with warmSee Sold Price
SoldHARRY TRUMAN SIGNED FIRST DAY COVERHarry Truman President 1945-1953, autograph dates to 1957, is on first day cover celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Turkish American Mutual Aid Document, signature is strong and bold. Size: EnveSee Sold Price
Sold1952 HARRY TRUMAN AUTOGRAPHBold signature of President Truman on program for 1952 'Honors Night' Dinner for Association of Military Surgeons in Washington D.C. Some light aging and program folds affect ends of 'T' and 'n' of siSee Sold Price
SoldFRAMED PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN SIGNED PORTRAIT PRINTPhotolitho print from the official Presidential portrait of Harry Truman with the Capitol Building in the background, having a white printed signature AND an actual brown ink autograph inscribed "To HSee Sold Price
FRAMED PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN SIGNED PORTRAIT PRINTPhotolitho print from the official Presidential portrait of Harry Truman with the Capitol Building in the background, having a white printed signature AND an actual brown ink autograph inscribed "To HSee Sold Price
Sold1940s-90s FIVE FAMOUS 20th CENTURY AUTOGRAPHS(1) Cut signatures of President Harry Truman & First Lady Bess Truman, matted & framed along with 7"x7½" black & white photo of his swearing-in ceremony. (2) Signature on card, matted & framed alongSee Sold Price
Presidential Autograph, Harry S TrumanPresidential Autograph, Harry S Truman: Signed White House Signature Card of 33rd President. "Harry S. Truman" 2 1/4" x 4" Card. with 10" x 8" Black and White Photograph of President Truman. (300-400)See Sold Price
SoldPresident HARRY S TRUMAN - Check SignedHarry S. Truman (1994-1972) 33rd President. 8" x 3 ½" check signed, Treasurer Jackson County, Missouri, April 4, 1934. Cancellation holes surround but do not touch the signature.See Sold Price
SoldTRUMAN, Harry S. (1884-1972) - LOUIS SAINT-LAURENTSignature autograph of President of the United States of America Harry S. Truman (1884-1972), bearing the inscription “To the right honorable L. S. St-Laurent with highest esteem, best wishes. OttSee Sold Price
Sold(ALBUM.) Autograph album containing over 80 si(ALBUM.) Autograph album containing over 80 signatures of Senators of the 75th Congress, plus Herbert Hoover, includes Vice President John Garner, 2 by Harry Truman, Hugo Black, Henry Cabot Lodge andSee Sold Price
SoldAutograph 33rd President of the United States HarrAutograph 33rd President of the United States Harry TRUMAN. Black ink signature to plain white card. 5.5x9cmSee Sold Price
SoldTRUMAN HARRY S.: (1884-1972) American President 19TRUMAN HARRY S.: (1884-1972) American President 1945-53. Dark fountain pen ink signature and inscription, 'To Hon. John W. Snyder, with best wishes, Harry S Truman', as President, on a slim oblong 12mSee Sold Price
SoldPresidents HOOVER & TRUMAN - Cut SignaturesHerbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman. Cut signatures. Hoover 3 ½" x 1" and Truman, closely cut 3" x ¾".See Sold Price
SoldPresident Harry Truman AutographPresident Harry Truman Autograph on heavy paper stock. All autographs & signed ephemera presented here is from the Cordelia Platt autograph collection. Highly regarded in the autograph industry, CordeSee Sold Price
President Harry Truman AutographPresident Harry Truman Autograph on heavy paper stock. All autographs & signed ephemera presented here is from the Cordelia Platt autograph collection. Highly regarded in the autograph industry, CordeSee Sold Price
President Harry Truman SignaturePresident Harry Truman signature on a White House document honoring Frank L. Munson for his service in the Armed Forces during WW2. Documents reads in part "...To you who answered the call of your couSee Sold Price
SoldRare HARRY S. TRUMAN Autograph Letter SignedAutographs President Harry Truman Autograph Letter Signed to Bess! HARRY S. TRUMAN (1884-1972). Thirty-Third President of the United States, who Authorized Dropping of the First Atomic Bomb on Japan tSee Sold Price
SoldPresident Harry S. Truman Autographportrait from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing inscribed "To William T. Barry, From Harry S. Truman." DOA 13 x 10 in.See Sold Price
PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED33rd President. ANS "To a grand person and a great Collector Harry S. Truman" on 4.25x2.5 card with embossed Presidential Seal FLAG and name "Mr. Schoeneman" in calligraphy In excellent condition, minSee Sold Price
SoldPresident HARRY S TRUMAN Autograph Signed SpeechAutographs President Harry Truman's 1949 State of the Union Address HARRY S. TRUMAN (1884-1972). Thirty-Third President of the United States, who Authorized Dropping of the First Atomic Bomb on JapanSee Sold Price
SoldPresident HARRY S TRUMAN Autograph Signed SpeechAutographs President Harry Truman's 1949 State of the Union Address HARRY S. TRUMAN (1884-1972). Thirty-Third President of the United States, who Authorized Dropping of the First Atomic Bomb on JapanSee Sold Price
HARRY POTTER CAST SIGNATURES - FELTON, BRADLEY, GRINTOmnia Auctions4.7(324)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
[U.S. POLITICIANS]. Album of autographed letters and photog...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
President Harry Truman Ty Cobb Jimmie Foxx Tris Speaker Signed Baseball PSA DNAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Stunning President Ronald Reagan Single Signed National League Baseball JSA COAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Harry Taylor Signed Autographed NL Baseball (Coleman) Brooklyn Dodgers BeckettMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Billy Crystal & Meg Ryan Signed When Harry Met Sally Framed Display Beckett COAMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
President JIMMY CARTER 39th POTUS signed cut signature PSA 84450061Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
[First and only Soviet president]. Mikhail Gorbachev [autograph] and Ronald Reagan. The summitARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[First and only Soviet president]. Mikhail Gorbachev [autograph] during the Nobel speech. Oslo. JuneARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
A signed copy of Truman Speaks by Harry TrumanWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Presidential Ephemera: Harry Truman Autographed Postcard Custom FramedDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Autographs of Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman and Margaret TrumanAlderfer Auction4.6(710)$100221 Lots Away