SoldPre-Columbian Jar, Highland RegionOrange with applique painted red small bowl. The lower half has broad stripes in red and the appliqued decorations are painted a purplish red. It has geometric and lineal incisions and loop type suppoSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Zoomorphic Pottery JarPre-Columbian Zoomorphic Pottery Jar , Costa Rica, Highland Region, depicting alligator, god and jaguar, h. 6 1/2 in. note: detached legSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian VesselSmall highland region polychrome vessel. It has the shape of a jar with a wide orange band around the middle and wide purplish red lines below that level. It has 4 nubbins appliqued on the creamy coloSee Sold Price
Narino Polychrome Footed Jar w/ Geometric MotifPre-Columbian, Colombia, Highland Narino region, Tuza cultural complex, Narino culture, ca. 1250 to 1500 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery jar with a flared foot, a piriform body, a tapereSee Sold Price
SoldNarino Negative Resist Pottery Jar w/ Frog**Originally Listed At $200** Pre-Columbian, Colombia to Ecuador regions, Narino Highlands, Narino-Carchi, ca. 800 to 1500 CE. A very fine and intricately decorated pottery vessel of a rounded form wiSee Sold Price
Rare Pair of Tihuanaco Pottery Figural Jars w/ TLPre-Columbian, Bolivia, South Andean highlands, Lake Titikaka region, Tihuanaco / Tiwanaku ca. 400 to 800 CE. A very unusual pair of polychrome terracotta head vessels presenting matching visages compSee Sold Price
SoldPair Tihuanaco Pottery Figural Jars w/ TLPre-Columbian, Bolivia, South Andean highlands, Lake Titikaka region, Tihuanaco / Tiwanaku ca. 400 to 800 CE. A very unusual pair of polychrome terracotta head vessels presenting matching visages compSee Sold Price
100: Pre-Columbian Tripod, Highland RegionSmall orange thick leg tripod with blunt toe legs, flat rim and applique motif on the outer side of the legs. Highland Region. Shows wear. Approx. size: 3 3/4" x 2 1/2".See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Tripod, Highland RegionSmall orange thick leg tripod with blunt toe legs, flat rim and applique motif on the outer side of the legs. Highland Region. Shows wear. Approx. size: 3 3/4" x 2 1/2".See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Bowl, Highland RegionPainted lineal style tripod. Bowl shaped, dark red and black lines in semicircular designs between the legs as well as lines, black and horizontally drawn, on the legs. The legs are painted and have cSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Bowl, Highland RegionPainted lineal style tripod. Bowl shaped, dark red and black lines in semicircular designs between the legs as well as lines, black and horizontally drawn, on the legs. The legs are painted and have cSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jar, Nicoya RegionDark brown vessel. It is large, monochrome without any other decorations and shaped like a chicha jar. It is thick and heavy and has no legs. It comes from the Nicoya Region. Shows wear. Chips aroundSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jar, Nicoya RegionDark brown vessel. It is large, monochrome without any other decorations and shaped like a chicha jar. It is thick and heavy and has no legs. It comes from the Nicoya Region. Shows wear. Chips aroundSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Jar + Bowl, Nayarit RegionNayarit, W. Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. First, medium-sized bowl in buff with red rim. 7-3/8" D. Next, orangeware jar with bulbous base and flared rim. 4-1/4" H. Provenance: Ex-Lynn Langdon collectiSee Sold Price
Tall Colombian Tuza Decorated Terracotta UrnPre-Columbian, Colombia, Highland Narino region, Tuza cultural complex, ca. 1250 to 1500 CE. A tall, fine, ceramic urn, with black-on-cream decoration on the buff surface. The body is conical and sitsSee Sold Price
Tall Colombian Tuza Decorated Terracotta UrnPre-Columbian, Colombia, Highland Narino region, Tuza cultural complex, ca. 1250 to 1500 CE. A tall, fine, ceramic urn, with black-on-cream decoration on the buff surface. The body is conical and sitsSee Sold Price
Tall Colombian Tuza Decorated Terracotta UrnPre-Columbian, Colombia, Highland Narino region, Tuza cultural complex, ca. 1250 to 1500 CE. A tall, fine, ceramic urn, with black-on-cream decoration on the buff surface. The body is conical and sitsSee Sold Price
Rare Cajamarca Polychrome Olla w/ 3 Figures (Chicha)Pre-Columbian, Peru, Highlands, Cajamarca region, Late Intermediate Period, ca. 1000 CE. A rare, large, hand-built ceramic olla supported by three standing human figures. Each figure is nearly identicSee Sold Price
Rare Cajamarca Polychrome Olla, 3 Figures (Chicha) TL'dPre-Columbian, Peru, Highlands, Cajamarca region, Late Intermediate Period, ca. 1000 CE. A rare, large, hand-built ceramic olla supported by three standing human figures. Each figure is nearly identicSee Sold Price
Rare Cajamarca Polychrome Olla w/ 3 Figures (Chicha)Pre-Columbian, Peru, Highlands, Cajamarca region, Late Intermediate Period, ca. 1000 CE. A rare, large, hand-built ceramic olla supported by three standing human figures. Each figure is nearly identicSee Sold Price
Narino Pottery Wax-Resist Footed PlatePre-Columbian, Colombian, Southern Highlands region, Narino Complex, ca. 1250 CE. A footed ceramic plate, of a quasi chalice form, with an annular base topped by a rounded bowl, from Colombia's HighlaSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Pre-Columbian Jar + Bowl from Nayarit RegionNayarit, West Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. The red-rimmed bowl is 4 5/8" wide, while the incised and geometrically decorated red jar is 3 1/4" wide. Provenance: Ex-Lynn Langdon collection acquired inSee Sold Price
SoldImportant Tihuanaco Stone Kero w/ Stoetzer ReportPre-Columbian, Bolivian highlands, Lake Titikaka region, Tihuanaco / Tiwanaku ca. 400 to 900 CE. A very large kero form vessel, carved from a stone of deep chocolate brown-black hues, with a projectinSee Sold Price
SoldTiahuanaco Polychrome Vase w/ Geometric MotifsPre-Columbian, Bolivian highlands, Lake Titicaca region, Tiahuanaco / Tiwanaku, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built pottery vase with a flat base, a globular body with a tapered shoulder, a tall cylindricSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian, Recuay polychrome figural jarToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Narino Pottery Square Pedestal Dish w/ Negative ResistArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Superb Mezcala Guererro Stone Temple Model CarvingArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Bead Necklace w/ Face PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024