Pre-columbian Ica VesselIca Large Vessel, ca. 700 - 1000 A.D., Peru. Ovoid form with flared mouth, cream ground with polychrome design. Scattered mineral deposits. Dimensions: 11" H x 11" W; Weight: 8 lbs 14 oz (w/base). ProSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Ica VesselIca Large Vessel, ca. 700 - 1000 A.D., Peru. Ovoid form with flared mouth, cream ground with polychrome design. Scattered mineral deposits. Dimensions: 11" H x 11" W; Weight: 8 lbs. 14 oz. (w/base). PSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Ica Pottery Double-Lobed Vessel - Squash**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A delightful ceramic vessel in the form of two squash, joined at one side, with a broad strap handle betSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Ica Pottery Double-Lobed Vessel - SquashPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A delightful ceramic vessel in the form of two squash, joined at one side, with a broad strap handle between them and a short, flaringSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Ica Whistling Owl JarCentral coast of Peru, Ica culture, Ca 1100 to 1400 CE. An adorable pottery vessel in the form of a rotund owl, actually a human wearing an owl mask. Added paint highlights the top and rear tail of thSee Sold Price
A Pre-Columbian Ica Redware OllaFrom the central coast of Peru, Ica culture, ca 800 AD. Pottey vessel with what appears to be two dancing shamans painted in added ochre over reddish surface, negative-resist black bands below. 5-3/4"See Sold Price
SoldChancay / Ica Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Amphibian CreaturesPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay/Ica, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A beautiful bichrome terracotta vessel with two pairs of amphibian creatures - frogs and long tailed tadpoles - perched upon the vesSee Sold Price
SoldIca Polychrome Vessel w/ Applied FrogsPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. An attractive pottery vessel with a round but stable base, a spherical body with a sloped shoulder, and a wide spout with a flared lipSee Sold Price
SoldImportant Ica / Chancay Polychrome Figural VesselPre-Columbian, Central coast of Peru, Ica / Chancay transitional, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. Large, important and spectacular pottery olla in the form of a rotund human. Large rounded lower section painted iSee Sold Price
SoldParacas Polychrome Anthropomorphic Effigy VesselPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica Valley, Paracas culture, Callango style, ca. 6th to 4th century BCE. An intriguing hand-built terracotta effigy vessel depicting a stylized janiform human head asSee Sold Price
Ica Polychrome Jar w/ Handles & Nice Decorative ProgramPre-Columbian, south coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built pottery jar of a bulbous form with a rounded base, a spherical body with flattened front and back faces, a sloped shouldeSee Sold Price
Ica Polychrome Jar w/ Handles & Nice Decorative Program**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, south coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built pottery jar of a bulbous form with a rounded base, a spherical body with flattened front anSee Sold Price
Ica Polychrome Jar w/ Handles & Nice Decorative Program**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, south coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built pottery jar of a bulbous form with a rounded base, a spherical body with flattened front anSee Sold Price
SoldIca Pottery Polychrome Bowl - Ex-Harmer RookPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A large terracotta vessel with a rounded base, slight concave walls, a deep interior cavity, and a thin flared rim. The bowl displaysSee Sold Price
SoldIca Polychrome Human Effigy JarPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A handbuilt polychrome terracotta human effigy vessel presenting an endearing form with an ample rounded body, arms delineated in reliSee Sold Price
SoldIca Polychrome Human Effigy JarPre-Columbian, South Coast Peru, Ica culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A handbuilt polychrome terracotta human effigy vessel presenting an endearing form with an ample rounded body, arms delineated in reliSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Pre-Columbian Pre Inca Andean Peruvian Nazca IcAncient Pre-Columbian Pre Inca Andean Peruvian Nazca Ica Redware Stoneware Ceramic Pottery Burnished Key & Weaving Pattern Slip Painted Vessel Bowl From Chincha Province. The provenance of this item iSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Jar with Lizard Appliques + Chancay SpoutedPre-Columbian, Peru, Nazca-Huari culture and Ica / Chancay cultures, ca. 500-1000 CE and ca. 1000-1500 CE respectively. Striking pair of Peruvian vessels. Starting with an ovoid bottle of the Nazca/HuSee Sold Price
Sold4 vasesChancay, Maya, Ica, and an hominoid vase. Precolumbian time. 7 - 12,5 - 17,5 - 10cmSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 3) Pre Columbian vessels(lot of 3) Pre Columbian vessels, including a redware Cypriot vessel retaining museum accession numbers to underside, and a Nazca, Peru polychrome decorated bowl (A.D 100-600) having a flaring rim, thSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Pre-Columbian Vessels including a TlatilcoTwo Pre-Columbian Vessels including a Tlatilco vessel with a long neck and a Moche paSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Vessel Columbian/Ecuadorian 800-100 BCEPre-Columbian Vessel Columbian/Ecuadorian 800-100 BCESee Sold Price
SoldAntique Pre-Columbian VesselAntique Pre-Columbian vessel, old cracks, ht. 8 1/2, wd. 6 inches. Provenance: Bernheimer's Inc., Boston, MA. Original price $1100.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 8 - Pre Columbian Vessels and SculpturesLot of 8 pieces including Pre Columbian Vessels and Sculptures including one bowl with rim chips and crack from top rim to base 7-1/8" diam., Small round bottom vessel with painted geometric banSee Sold Price
Nicely Colored Pre Columbian Pottery Vessel 5 1/4" DiameterHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Jama Coaque Pre-Columbian Ocarina Vessel Flute Chorerra Woman Terra CottaHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Moche III Condor Bird Terra Cotta Pre-Columbian VesselHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre-Columbian Mochica Pottery Vessel, Possibly From 600 ADRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre-Columbian Vulture Pottery Vessel, Damaged And Repaired, Madden Lake 1974Rbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre Columbian vessel for oils, Moche style, depicts man sitting on another's head. ExcellentNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre Columbian moche spout vessel of an otter or beaver. Excellent condition. Measures 4" x 8" x 6".Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre-Columbian Pottery Figure & VesselOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024