Pre-Columbian Figural Bowl and Orange JarColima and Nayarit, W. Mexico, CA 300 BCE to 300 CE. The Colima figural bowl, glued together from 3 pieces, is 5" wide. The orange Nayarit jar with the striped bottom is 5 1/2" wide. Provenance: Ex-LySee Sold Price
SoldLot of 5 Pre-Columbian Bowls and JarsWest Coast Mexico, 300 BCE to 1300 CE. Included in this group: 7 1/4" orange bowl with shallow pedestal; 5 3/8" tall, flat-based orange jar with striped bottom & manganese bloom; a 3/4" tall black onSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Bowls and JarsNayarit, W. Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. This lot includes a 5" wide restored bichrome bowl, a 5" wide intact orange bowl, a 4 1/4" tall orange jar, and a 5 5/8" wide orange bowl with rough base. ProSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Bowl and JarNayarit, W. Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. The orange bowl with red rim is 5" wide, and the skirted orange jar is 4 3/4" tall. Provenance: Ex-Lynn Langdon collection acquired in the 1950's. All items lSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Ceramic Figural BowlDESCRIPTION: A Pre-columbian bowl features two faces on either side of the bowl in an orange ground color. ORIGIN: Central or South America DIMENSIONS: H: 2 7/8" Diameter: 5 3/4" CONDITION: fair condiSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Pre-Columbian Grater Bowl + JarColima, West Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. The fairly large grater bowl with a ringed base measures 8-5/8" in width while the orange jar is 4-1/2" tall. Provenance: Ex-Lynn Langdon collection acquiredSee Sold Price
Sold3 Pre-Columbian Nayarit Bowls Plus JarNayarit, Mexico, Ca 300 BCE/CE. Three interesting bowls, one in orangeware with red rim, one in near white slip, other redware. 5-3/8" D for largest. Along with finely decorated jar in orange slip witSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Nayarit Pottery Items - Bowl and Figural Jar**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Nayarit, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A lovely pair of terracotta items from the Nayarit shaft-tomb culture. First is a tripod bowl with three nubbiSee Sold Price
Pair of Nayarit Pottery Items - Bowl and Figural Jar**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Nayarit, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A lovely pair of terracotta items from the Nayarit shaft-tomb culture. First is a tripod bowl with three nubbiSee Sold Price
Pair of Nayarit Pottery Items - Bowl and Figural Jar**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Nayarit, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A lovely pair of terracotta items from the Nayarit shaft-tomb culture. First is a tripod bowl with three nubbiSee Sold Price
SoldSix Pre-Columbian Pottery Items Including Aztec Dish.Six Pre-Columbian Pottery Items Including Aztec Dish. Aztec dish with black geometric motif on a orange ground; bowl on a figural base; tripod rattle-foot bowl; tripod bowl with red and black decoratiSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN STYLE/TRIBALSeven-piece group: two bowls with decorated interiors, figural footed bowl, two funerary figures, olive oil jar, and mounted tribal figure Ceramic, painted wood All unmarked Wider bowl: 3 1/4" x 9" diSee Sold Price
Rare Pre-Columbian Polychrome Figural JarNayarit , W. Mexico, ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. Rare and quite cool! Pottery jar in the form of a standing human, arms to "her" waist, painted in orange, black and white with rounded spout on head and niceSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jar and Bichrome BowlNayarit, W. Mexico, CA 300 BCE to 300 CE. The jar in this lot is 3 1/4" tall, and the somewhat flattened orange bowl is 5 " wide. Provenance: Ex-Lynn Langdon collection acquired in the 1950's. All iteSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jar and BowlColima and Nayarit, W. Mexico, Ca 300 BCE to 300 CE. The white-on-red jar is 3 1/2" tall, and the orange bowl with red rim is 4 5/8" wide and has a heavy manganese bloom. Provenance: Ex-Lynn Langdon cSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Pre-Columbian Vessels - Colima & NayaritWest Mexico, Ca 300 BCE/CE. First, Colima squat blackware jar. Beautiful glossy surface. 3-3/8" tall. Next, Nayarit pottery bowl in light orange with red rim, burnished design on base. 3-7/8" D. ProveSee Sold Price
SoldColima Pottery Jar in Form of HunchbackPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A seated figural vessel, painted a glossy burnt-orange and black, in the shape of a hunchbacked person, seated with arms resting on knees, wiSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jar, Highland RegionOrange with applique painted red small bowl. The lower half has broad stripes in red and the appliqued decorations are painted a purplish red. It has geometric and lineal incisions and loop type suppoSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Pre-Columbian Pottery VesselsNayarit and Colima, West Mexico, Ca 300 BCE/CE. Two pottery jars, one in ivory, other light orange with added red and black stripes. 2-3/4" and 3-1/2" tall. Along with orangeware bowl with wonderful bSee Sold Price
Nayarit Pottery Figural Tripod JarPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Nayarit, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A striking ceramic figural jar standing on three short legs. The body of the bowl is wide around the middle and smooth. Its neck has two necSee Sold Price
Nayarit Pottery Figural Tripod Jar**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Nayarit, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A striking ceramic figural jar standing on three short legs. The body of the bowl is wide around the middle anSee Sold Price
SoldFive Pre-Columbian Style Vessels and BowlAn assembled collection of five pieces total to include 1) Colima Dog figural water jar, 7.5" h. x 9.25". 2) Face effigy pot, 6.25" h. x 8.25". 3) Colima style squirrel water jar, 8.5" h. x 7.5". 4) ISee Sold Price
SoldThree Pre-Columbian Vessels - West MexicoColima and Nayarit Mexico, Ca 300 BCE/CE. First, cute pottery dog in light orange slip. 5 1/2" long. Next, redware jar with burnished stripes. 3-3/4" H. Finally, orangeware bowl with red rim and burniSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Figural Jar + Roller + Odd ThingPre-Columbian, West Coast, Ca 300 BCE/CE. Okay, we've seen a lot of really strange and amazing examples of Pre-Columbian art, but one of these pieces is WAY over the top. Red and tan "device" that I dSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Bahia Culture Figural Ceremonial Terracotta Ocarina Vessel Flute Ecuador 500BCE-500CEHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre Columbian Style Male Carved Stone SculptureHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pre Columbian Pottery Bowl, with nine pre-Columbian pottery figural fragments, and threeCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Pre-Columbian, Recuay polychrome figural jarToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(2) Pre-Columbian Pottery Figural WhistlesWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024